... Even if you do not hit it off with her so what. you will be in a country that you have never been in with people here and there that will help you along. All you need to do is go. Everything else will work out one way or the other. I know it is scary. I had doubts my first trip also. ... I did not meet the lady that I was supposed to. ... So you have nothing to lose by going and have an adventure. You might meet the lady of your dreams or just have a great time.
That is exactly the same way I feel, everyone should go with this intention!!!:icon_biggrin:
Although I have other arrangements made (in theory), I intend going with having an adventure and good time. Even if it blasts up in my face with Keren, I have something else to focus my attention on, and then 'ladies of China...LOOK OUT':blush::angel::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
I too am like you. I'm communicating through Emf's, but every now and again I get emails from her which are few and far between,(I know they are from her because of the language and spellings etc), plus they are only about three lines long hehehe. :huh:
I was angry, mad, sad, felt rejected that my lady only wanted to use the chnlove system, and not go outside it,:@ however I have 'HER' phone number and spoke a couple of times (even though her English is not good), we have email address's,:icon_biggrin: BUT we still use Emf's, as Jim said for the real important stuff, and mate I've been that way since November. The thing that makes it different for me is 'trust', i have trust in my 'own' gut feeling, I trust her and the translator..if it fails, I have no one to blame except my self...:icon_cool:
Oh and BTW..I am bloody Petrified... BUT, I also the knowledge that there is a place that I can go to for help if I need it, this place is called