Author Topic: Brian's trip to China...  (Read 12381 times)

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Offline Brian Mc

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Brian's trip to China...
« on: August 29, 2009, 01:34:26 am »
Greetings guys,

Well this is exciting I have to say hehe.  My lady has asked me to come to china for her vacation, so I am leaving Canada sept 5 and returning sept 20.  She has some out of town business to take care of after the 20th and I had to grovel at work to get the time.

Yes its really short notice but also really exciting hehe.  So the plan is a few days in Beijing, then off to Handan to meet her friends and family and her son.  Both her parents are passed so its her brother and sister and their families to meet.

So its all very sudden, we had originally planned for me to go in October for her birthday but someone else at work has already booked the time off from Oct and Nov and both of us cannot be gone at once. So the plan changed to end sept.  However my lady told me she has her vacation from end Aug to sept 20 so off I go .  

I leave Edmonton at 8:30 am on Sat the 5th travel to Calgary then San Fransisco, then off to Beijing, arriving at 6pm on Sunday the 6th.  My birthday is Monday the 7th so its gonna be the best birthday for me to have her beside me.

I think I am going to buy a netbook before I go so that I can keep everyone here posted as to how things go and also to store all my pictures on.  My plan is to leave the netbook there with her so that we can webcam whenever we wish instead of her going to the agency.

Can anyone recommend a decent electronic translator to buy?  We will have a translator from the agency for the first two days at 300 rmb per day but after that we will need an electronic one.  Also if anyone can recommend a few things to see in Beijing and area for a few days that would be great.

Before I can go I have to drive to Calgary to the chinese consulate their to get the visa.  Apparently they can rush it same day if I apply before11 am so that is my plan.  Go and stand in front of them until they give it to me hehe.

As for our relationship, well we have sent emf's daily back and forward sometimes two per day both ways!!  We also have spoken on the phone and webcam.  We know many things about  each other and both of us feel very comfortable with the other.  It seems we even think the same, like the same things same movies, same music etc.  We even like the same breeds of dogs hehe.

So as for the relationship, well I think we are both at the ready to commit stage, the only thing we are waiting for is the sparks from a face to face, if that goes well then I am sure by the time the trip is over there will be another brother and his lady engaged.

Oh and for all you dumpling lovers once we reach Handan its of to sisters to make dumplings heheh, I will be sure to let you know how they taste.  I have also spoken to the son on the phone although very briefly but apparently he wants to meet me too, so a positive sign there.

Her English is as bad as my mandarin, but with an interpreter for two days and the electronic translator I think we will be fine.

So my brothers any advice you feel you wish to give please do so,  I already have the 24 hr rule implanted in my brain, so no worries there.  I do not know how to blog or facebook (banned anyway right?), so I will try to follow the excellent examples by the other recent journals and give long detailed reports of happenings in the east.

Oh also she knows about my divorce status and she has said she will wait as long as it takes for me to be free.  The plan is for me to go teach there until her son is finished in school and then we can come to Canada. The govt types here should have less issue of maybe she is a visa hunter if we have lived there for several years first.

Anyway  seven days and a wakey and of I go.



Offline Chong

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2009, 01:59:43 am »
Have a great trip Brian,

1) Why the detour to San Fran, wouldn't it be easier to fly via Vancouver ? How much is your fare ? Flying with AC ?

2) I brought the BESTA 9200 Mini for 2,190 HK dollars or roughy $ 360 Cdn ... in Hong Kong. It's totally in Chinese characters. I brought it for my fiancee to use to learn English. It has a penpad function for her to write Chinese characters that translate into English and vice-versa. I would buy it in Beijing.

3) If you download "Ultrasurf" in Canada, you can bypass the Internet ban.

4) I brought the ACER netbook in Toronto but you'll have to download Chinese software for her if you leave it there. Alternatively, you can buy it there. My Dad, JimB, knows where to buy in Beijing.

All The Best.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 02:01:57 am by Chong »

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2009, 02:14:53 am »
Quote from: 'Chong' pid='14661' dateline='1251525583'

Have a great trip Brian,

1) Why the detour to San Fran, wouldn't it be easier to fly via Vancouver ? How much is your fare ? Flying with AC ?

2) I brought the BESTA 9200 Mini for 2,190 HK dollars or roughy $ 360 Cdn ... in Hong Kong. It's totally in Chinese characters. I brought it for my fiancee to use to learn English. It has a penpad function for her to write Chinese characters that translate into English and vice-versa. I would buy it in Beijing.

3) If you download "Ultrasurf" in Canada, you can bypass the Internet ban.

4) I brought the ACER netbook in Toronto but you'll have to download Chinese software for her if you leave it there. Alternatively, you can buy it there. My Dad, JimB, knows where to buy in Beijing.

All The Best.

Hiya Chong,

Why the detour to San Fran?, well when I booked the flights I was looking for a combination of price and shortness of duration.  I could have gone cheaper but with longer layovers and delays, Also I didnt want to get more expensive as I am not rich heheh, so this one was the best compromise.  The airline is Westjet to calgary then united all teh way to Beijing and the cost return with travel, health ins was $1430 US.  I checked Expedia and cheapo air and went with cheapo air.

As for the translator, thanks for the advice, I think buying it and the netbook there is probably best especially if I leave them there for her to use.  That way we can webcam whenever the urge strikes instead of her going to the agency all the time.

Thanks for the advice and kind words and hopefully I can keep you guys posted on how things go



Offline JimB

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2009, 02:34:02 am »
Brian, when you get settled in Beijing, I will give you my cell number here, so call me.  we can get things set up from there.  Like my son says, I can show you where to buy the laptop here.  But the translator you can buy anywhere even off of E-Bay.  Stay with the Besta Brand with the OCR.  We have the Super 5000 and it is perfect for here.  There are upper scale ones that will allow you to use connected to the PC to translate there.  i have not seen it yet, but that would be the one I think I would get depending on how much more it is.  we paid about 1900 yuan for ours.  You are going to pay around 6000 yuan for a notebook.  Which is a little more expensive than in the west but, as sonny boy said, you will have to reinstall all the chinese characters so to me it was not worth the hassles.  By the way where I go you will have to pay in cash, they do not accept any foreign credit card.  
In Beijing there are 100 things to see and do.  just depends on what you like.  The major attractions are of course, the Wall, Forbidden City, tiannemon (sp)
Square, Beijing Zoo for the Panda's., hall of good harvests.  For presents to give back home, there is the silk factory.  Incredible place.  If you want a guide i can set you up with one.  And I think Arnold has a guy that is a driver also.  So you have your pick.  Our driver I call Reliable Ron, no matter where we are she calls him and he comes to get us and takes us wherever we want to go for a really reasonable rate, but he speaks no English.  he also will carry your luggage or whatever to your place.  When we go grocery shopping he will take our groceries right to our door, with the luggage to the airport, he carries it all the way to the check in all for no additional.  Of course we tip him.  Not because we have to but because we want to.   Today he absolutely refused the tip. He is a smart business man, he know s that the next time we will tip him bigger.
 Where are you going to stay in Beijing?  have you picked out your hotel?  Just let me know what you need and I will try to help.

« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 02:41:28 am by JimB »
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2009, 03:50:10 am »
Quote from: 'JimB' pid='14664' dateline='1251527642'

Brian, when you get settled in Beijing, I will give you my cell number here, so call me.  we can get things set up from there.  Like my son says, I can show you where to buy the laptop here.  But the translator you can buy anywhere even off of E-Bay.  Stay with the Besta Brand with the OCR.  We have the Super 5000 and it is perfect for here.  There are upper scale ones that will allow you to use connected to the PC to translate there.  i have not seen it yet, but that would be the one I think I would get depending on how much more it is.  we paid about 1900 yuan for ours.  You are going to pay around 6000 yuan for a notebook.  Which is a little more expensive than in the west but, as sonny boy said, you will have to reinstall all the chinese characters so to me it was not worth the hassles.  By the way where I go you will have to pay in cash, they do not accept any foreign credit card.  
In Beijing there are 100 things to see and do.  just depends on what you like.  The major attractions are of course, the Wall, Forbidden City, tiannemon (sp)
Square, Beijing Zoo for the Panda's., hall of good harvests.  For presents to give back home, there is the silk factory.  Incredible place.  If you want a guide i can set you up with one.  And I think Arnold has a guy that is a driver also.  So you have your pick.  Our driver I call Reliable Ron, no matter where we are she calls him and he comes to get us and takes us wherever we want to go for a really reasonable rate, but he speaks no English.  he also will carry your luggage or whatever to your place.  When we go grocery shopping he will take our groceries right to our door, with the luggage to the airport, he carries it all the way to the check in all for no additional.  Of course we tip him.  Not because we have to but because we want to.   Today he absolutely refused the tip. He is a smart business man, he know s that the next time we will tip him bigger.
 Where are you going to stay in Beijing?  have you picked out your hotel?  Just let me know what you need and I will try to help.


Hiya Jim,

Thanks for the great advice.  I am not sure exactly how long we will be in Beijing as we need to go to Handan also.  As for the hotel I have asked my lady to arrange that.  I dont want to make any assumptions about how many rooms, or beds etc.  So I figure she can set it up the way she is comfortable and I will pick up the tab hehe.

As for the rest for sure I will pm you here when I get settled and we can go from there.  I really appreciate the offer to help thanks much.  As soon as I hear from herself as to which hotel I will let you know.

If the flights are on time I will be in country at 6pm local on Sunday the 6th.  Which is great since my birthday is the 7th  Wow!! what a birthday present.

Thanks again Jim


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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2009, 04:10:11 am »
Yes Brian

Way to go...wish you "good hunting"...lucky sod !!! :):)


Offline daghoi

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2009, 04:13:13 am »
Sure you alreday know, but no tipping in China, everything is included.

Off course ask the girl to do the "haggeling" for you. You will still have to pay premium since they see that she is with a foreign person, but less than if you do it by yourself.

When i was in Beijing recently, the woman i was with sent away the "rickshaw" driver because he wanted 15 rmb, obivously since i was there, normallay she pay 10 rmb for the same ride.

Good luck and enjoy the trip.


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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2009, 07:14:29 am »
Good luck Brian...

Offline MLM

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2009, 07:49:03 am »
Brian, now all you have to do is relax and enjoy, Congrats bro, best wishes and good luck

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2009, 09:38:44 am »
Good luck Brian

We both have Besta 3000  - cost off the shelve 1800 yuan but with a bit of haggling got them down to 1380.  Good bit of kit.  Cut the interpretors hours.  When I met the girl I am now with wshe had no English other than counting to ten and I had maybe 40 wordss of Mandarin - and she speaks most cantonese!!!

But 7 week later we are still together and the Besta has seen us through.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2009, 10:29:53 am »
Greetings Brothers,

Thanks for all the advice and kind words, really appreciated.

MM relax huh?  Are you kidding me?  I am so excited I cant sleep and neither can she.  I couldnt relax if I tried, but I will try.

Daghoi, thanks for the tip on the no tipping!  nice to know, seems I read that on the forums too but nice to have it brought back into mind.

Willy great advice as usual, I will now have a guide as to how much to haggle off the price of whichever one we decide on.  My lady is not computer literate and types slowly so hopefully we can find one that she likes.

All you other brothers thanks for the words.  I think I will do as Scottish said he was gonna do and reread all the pertinent threads here about what to do advice threads etc and also everyone elses trip thread.  Get as much info jammed into my head as I can before I go and hopefully we can make this work the first time.

We are both as sure as we can be that we have found the person we are looking for and only need the face to face to confirm and grow the bond stronger.

Jimb can you advise on a hotel in Beijing?  Something decent prefer with internet and western toilets and of course coffee.  Cant go without coffee. My lady is going to bring the translator with her so I assume we will need two rooms.  Something comfortable and such but not really expensive.perhaps in $50 to $75 per night range?  She will book the hotel but has asked which one I would like so any advice is good.  We will be in Beijing for a few days to take in the sights.  I will of course take pictures but I doubt they will be as good as Irish's pics.  He sure has skill with a camera.

Thanks for all teh advice and kind words and tehy are appreciated.



No worries brother I understood what you were saying an how you meant it.  Keep the head on straight and use it heheh.

As for David5o's posts yes I agree he gives a lot of good advice.  He and I are opposites of course he is level headed I am a true romantic but at least we understand each other right David?


« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 10:33:24 am by Brian Mc »


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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2009, 11:46:19 am »
Quote from: 'Brian Mc' pid='14714' dateline='1251556193'

... I think I will do as Scottish said he was gonna do and reread all the pertinent threads here about what to do advice threads etc

...and of course coffee.  Cant go without coffee.

...She will book the hotel but has asked which one I would like so any advice is good.  

Brian, what I also have done is, write the tips down in a small notebook, just to keep myself in the 'know' so to speak...

God another one with an affair with coffee,  I wonder IS SHE THAT NICE

Just put your trust in your lady to book the room, she probably knows the best places, reputation  And I'm assuming she knows your financial position, that is what I done with Keren...

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2009, 12:20:02 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='14720' dateline='1251560779'

Quote from: 'Brian Mc' pid='14714' dateline='1251556193'

... I think I will do as Scottish said he was gonna do and reread all the pertinent threads here about what to do advice threads etc

...and of course coffee.  Cant go without coffee.

...She will book the hotel but has asked which one I would like so any advice is good.  

Brian, what I also have done is, write the tips down in a small notebook, just to keep myself in the 'know' so to speak...

God another one with an affair with coffee,  I wonder IS SHE THAT NICE

Just put your trust in your lady to book the room, she probably knows the best places, reputation  And I'm assuming she knows your financial position, that is what I done with Keren...

Hiya Rob,

Yes I admit I have a thing for coffee, but as for my lady is she that nice looking?  Well let me say this.  To my eyes she is the most beautiful woman in the world and I would give up my coffee and tea and anything else that I have to be with her forever.

As for her knowing teh best places I thin she is unsure of where in Beijing to book.  In Handan she has no doubt  but Beijing may be new to her also.  So I think if any of the brothers had a good experience with a specific hotel in Beijing then I will recommend that one at least for the first night.  She said she would book the hotel for one night and see if we like it and move next day if we dont.

As for my finances, no we have not discussed this yet.  She knows I work and my salary is enough to cover my bills with a little left over but that is as far as we have discussed it so far.  I thougth about it several times, going into more detail but I figure lets do face to face and know we are the one for the other before going into such topics.  

We have discussed many things like religion or lack thereof, where we would live etc etc but as for talking money no that has not happened yet.  She is a most practical lady so I do not think we will have issues with spending.  At least I hope not.  I am just waiting for the proceeds of my seperation to come through which should be less than 2 weeks so if we overspend a little this trip I do not mind much.  Obviously if things start to get out of control then we will have the money talk hehe.

As previously said we have talked about many things and are so comfortable with each other that we sometimes finish each others thoughts before we say them.  We both feel strongly that we are the one for the other so I do not envision any issues, I know her voice her true appearance and her manner, well at least what you can from webcam visits.  So all in all we both are feeling very confident.  Plus we will have the agency translator for the first couple days to help smooth the initial shyness and get us closer.

Anyway as you have probably noticed I can talk about her all day long hehe.

Regards, Brian


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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2009, 12:37:14 pm »
He he mate I  was asking if COFFEE was that nice

Brian YOU are just like any other brother on here mate, I bet 'we' could all talk about our ladies all

Good luck mate...

Offline Buzz

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2009, 12:41:12 pm »
Brian best wishes.  As far as the hotel goes, Nic gave us a name a while back in one of his notes.  I contacted this person and he was able to pick out a hotel within three blocks of where I needed to be.  I have enclosed his address.  He is also very fast with the information.  Have fun:  zhaoWinser (