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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2009, 04:24:15 pm »
Your dead right Jim, The medicines that you mentioned plus any others that suites you are a real ''must have'' on your trip to China.  If your relatively careful in what you eat or drink, you probably won't need them. Throw caution to the wind and the chances are, you WILL need them!!

The main culprits for knocking you down are ''Water'',  any ''Fresh fruit or veg'', street vendors selling ''Fresh Juices'' etc, The main reason for these and other food items, is that they can all be using contaminated water to wash, mix with, or made into ice.

Always use bottled water to drink and wash food with, brush your teeth etc, or water that has been boiled for at least 3 minutes (electric kettles ''CAN'T'' boil for 3 minutes) Some of the better Hotel's will have there own water treatment plant and this will be safe to drink, but always ''ASK'' to confirm before drinking or using to wash fruit etc.....


Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2009, 04:28:30 pm »
Greetings guys,

Well Jimb did the hotel booking thing a a request since the online only does one room, so I included a note that I need two rooms one with twin beds for the ladies.  Well they confirmed the one room for me and forgot about the one for the ladies.  I sent them an update and told them that there were 3 of us and I need the second room so hopefully they will reply and confirm so that it will be done.

If they still dont understand i have given Zhen the hotel info and will get her to book her room on the same reservation as mine.

Just waiting to hear back from the hotel.  Guess this just shows how difficult it can be to deal with these things when everyone uses different languages and cultures.

Also I went and bought the presents to take with me.  Man its hard buying women stuff as a guy, lol never ever liked buying perfume and make up etc.  So I got watches for the kids, and went to the Body Shoppe for the womens stuff.  The lady at the store knew exactly what to do as they have a regular customer who does the same thing, except he lives in CHina, comes back here a couple times a year to see his family and takes back about 35 gift packs each time.

Apparently they love the Body Shoppe products so i hope she is right.

So it seems I am aboutset to go except I a waffling about the netbook.  If I buy it here and leave it for Zhen she may have difficulty with the english keybord.  If I wait and buy one there I for sure will have difficulty with the keyboard. so I not sure which way to go.  The netbook here is an hp and costs around $380.
Or I could go for a normal laptop for $450.  Guess I will sleep on it and go get one or not tomorrow.

So anyway three days and a wakey to go then of to the land of happiness and dreams.

Regards all and I will try to post regularly.  Just remember if teh typing is even worse than this its probably Zhen doing it hehe.



Offline Norb Smith

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #32 on: September 01, 2009, 04:43:05 pm »
Brian..Have you even considered looking for the notebook/laptop on eBay, they have some good refurbished ones there and they are a lot cheaper then buying a new one and some have some pretty good warranties, I know I got my laptop off line thru ebay and it cost me 297 bucks USD and is covered for at least 90 days, and I was also talking to Ed. W and he tells me that you need not worry about the keyboard as I was wondering about that myself and he informed me that they can use the keyboard but they learn to use pingyin when they use it, so that covers just about all I needed to know, I am however going to get another laptop like this one its a Dell Latitude D600, that way can teah her how to use hers and at the same time have mine to keep the updates flowing, Just giving you what I found out hope this might help you a little bit

oops gave you the wrong price 279 USD
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 04:43:45 pm by Norb Smith »
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Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #33 on: September 01, 2009, 10:47:11 pm »
Greetings Guys,

David thanks for the advice on the water.  I did remember about that but like you say cant be too carefull so thanks for putting it fresh in my mind.  

Norb, never ever bought anything from Ebay and I leave in three days so porbably not a good idea to start with this one. Thanks for the heads up though  I might give it a go for my next trip if I need any more toys lol.

Come to think of it one of my sisters has a boyfriend who makes his living off Ebay, hmm coulda asked him a while back, oh well live and hopefully learn.



Offline Bob

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #34 on: September 02, 2009, 01:05:29 am »
Brian, have yourself a great time in China, this is a trip of a lifetime, wish you all the best and hope everything goes well for you and your lady.

Personally I would buy the notebook in China, the ones I have seen at a shop when I was over there all had the basic software pre-loaded in Chinese and the keypad is standard English keys, (as far as I know their is no Chinese character key keypad/keyboard available) also the power supply will be 220-volts for China.  My wife purchased a tablet with pen, and she writes in Chinese using the tablet. it is really easy for her to write using the tablet and send me what she wrote. We use MSN Messenger with web cam and I also use Google translate, I simply copy and paste into Google translate what she has written in Chinese, click on the TRANSLATE button and vola!  Then I write in English and again hit the TRANSLATE button and send her what I wrote in Chinese. Very easy and simple once you get the hang of it, works very well for us. Perhaps this can be an easy option for you and your lady to communicate with each other once you return home to Canada.  

I actually have 2 monitors going at the same time, my notebook screen I use for writing back and forth to each other (Google translate screen), the second monitor I have her video image set up so we can see each other live. The second monitor is hooked up to my HP notebook computer, I have it mounted/sitting just above my notebook screen. (most modern notebooks will have an screen output jack for connecting a second screen)

Please send us some pictures and keep us updated when you have the chance.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 01:32:02 am by Bob »

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #35 on: September 02, 2009, 02:47:25 am »
Quote from: 'Bob' pid='15252' dateline='1251867929'

Brian, have yourself a great time in China, this is a trip of a lifetime, wish you all the best and hope everything goes well for you and your lady.

Personally I would buy the notebook in China, the ones I have seen at a shop when I was over there all had the basic software pre-loaded in Chinese and the keypad is standard English keys, (as far as I know their is no Chinese character key keypad/keyboard available) also the power supply will be 220-volts for China.  My wife purchased a tablet with pen, and she writes in Chinese using the tablet. it is really easy for her to write using the tablet and send me what she wrote. We use MSN Messenger with web cam and I also use Google translate, I simply copy and paste into Google translate what she has written in Chinese, click on the TRANSLATE button and vola!  Then I write in English and again hit the TRANSLATE button and send her what I wrote in Chinese. Very easy and simple once you get the hang of it, works very well for us. Perhaps this can be an easy option for you and your lady to communicate with each other once you return home to Canada.  

I actually have 2 monitors going at the same time, my notebook screen I use for writing back and forth to each other (Google translate screen), the second monitor I have her video image set up so we can see each other live. The second monitor is hooked up to my HP notebook computer, I have it mounted/sitting just above my notebook screen. (most modern notebooks will have an screen output jack for connecting a second screen)

Please send us some pictures and keep us updated when you have the chance.

Bob thanks for the kind words and the advice.  Thats a mighty fine idea with the multiple computers and monitors.  It so happens I have two computers set up myself so thats a great idea I never thought of.  As for the notebook, yea the power supply thing would be easier to deal with .  She is not computer literate at all so anything that makes it easier for her is better for us.

As for the pics and updates I will definitely do the updates and will also try to include some pics also.

3 days and a wakey to go then I am off heheh getting even more excited.



Offline JimB

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #36 on: September 02, 2009, 02:51:56 am »
Bob is right about the keyboard, but the programs are in Chinese.  It would be very difficult for her to operate anything that wasnt in Chinese.  If you turn it around you will see what I mean.  i cannot use hers unless I remember where things are.  So it would be twice as difficult for her, firstly not knowing english then not knowing a computer very well. I know it is an added expense to buy two, but why not get yourself a mini or an inexpensive laptop.  Then here we can shop around to see what we can get here or maybe she knows of a place where she is from to get one.  Not knowing the translator unless she is a friend of your ladies, I would take anything she says about buying things with a grain of salt. She would probably steer you to a friends store where she gets a kickback.  No problem if she gets you a good deal anyway, but just a heads up.  I am not saying be upset about it because that is a way of life here. Especially if she is in the tourist type of business.  We might do the same thing in her shoes.  Oh, and here where i bought my wifes, they installed the complete version of Office at no charge plus a number of other programs.  (No licensing agreement apparently)  

The smog is so bad here today that I can only see about 4 blocks then it whites out.  No smell though.  Unless I have gotten used to it.
Anyway if you need anything else just holler.

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Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #37 on: September 02, 2009, 11:21:06 am »
Quote from: 'JimB' pid='15255' dateline='1251874316'

Bob is right about the keyboard, but the programs are in Chinese.  It would be very difficult for her to operate anything that wasnt in Chinese.  If you turn it around you will see what I mean.  i cannot use hers unless I remember where things are.  So it would be twice as difficult for her, firstly not knowing english then not knowing a computer very well. I know it is an added expense to buy two, but why not get yourself a mini or an inexpensive laptop.  Then here we can shop around to see what we can get here or maybe she knows of a place where she is from to get one.  Not knowing the translator unless she is a friend of your ladies, I would take anything she says about buying things with a grain of salt. She would probably steer you to a friends store where she gets a kickback.  No problem if she gets you a good deal anyway, but just a heads up.  I am not saying be upset about it because that is a way of life here. Especially if she is in the tourist type of business.  We might do the same thing in her shoes.  Oh, and here where i bought my wifes, they installed the complete version of Office at no charge plus a number of other programs.  (No licensing agreement apparently)  

The smog is so bad here today that I can only see about 4 blocks then it whites out.  No smell though.  Unless I have gotten used to it.
Anyway if you need anything else just holler.


Hiya Jim,
With regards to the translator I am not quite sure if its an agency translator or an outside one recommended by the agency.  Either way I am sure she will have some sort of agenda.  However we are only keeping her for 2 days so her effect will be minimal.  Day one on the ground there I think is to get the electronic translator so we are ready when the real one leaves.  Then from there we can decide on the rest.  I agree with you about the computer.  It would be best to buy one for her there.  Plus the hotel has an internet room so hopefully I can send email and update my trip here from that facility.

Once we are certain that we are where we think we are in our relationship then I will do the computer thing.  Also if things are the way we think they are then our dinner together may well end up being an engagement dinner hehe.

I asked Zhen how much money I should plan on for this adventure and she replied that people at the agency said somewhere around 20000rmb.  I am not sure if this is high or not but I sure seem to be spending money like its going out of style and I havent even arrived there yet.  Still it is after all only money and if it leads to everlasting happiness then its money well spent.

If I were dating here in Canada I am sure in these past months I would have spent a fair chunk also so I think it balances out.  The biggest difference is the airfair, but even there I get the trip of a lifetime regardless of the outcome.

Also I just confirmed with the hotel and both rooms are now booked, so that is a load off the mind.  Now Zhen and friend can go to the hotel as soon as they arrive in Beijing and drop their luggage and rest before coming to the airport.

Well time to chat with my bank about stuff so back again later.



Offline Bob

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #38 on: September 02, 2009, 05:05:38 pm »
Brian, I am only using one computer with a extra screen attached to it. You do not need to use 2 computers to do what I am doing. Most notebooks will allow you to connect a second monitor to it, then you simply go into the video card parameter settings and activate the second monitor, after you can "split" the screen. I have Nvidia video processor and chipset onboard in my HP notebook, and you can also do this with the ATI . It is actually very easy to do, I drag the MSN window to the top screen(that would be my second screen,Viewsonic 18" that is pluged to my HP notebook) and open Google Translate window on my main screen of the notebook.  So on the top (second) screen I can see my wife live via web cam, and type what I want to say to her on the main screen of the notebook, then I click on the TRANSLATE button, then highlight the translated phrase and click on copy  then Paste to the MSN window, that's it, she will receive my sentence in Chinese(manderin) , then she will read what I have written, then write something back to me and I simple copy and past it into the Google translator and click on Translate (to English),

This may sound complicated, but it actually is very easy for anyone to do, once you get the hang for it, it goes pretty fast.


1)Type your English message in Google translate
2)Then click on the TRANSLATE button,then highlight the translated text
3)right click on mouse, pick COPY,,
4)then go to the MSN screen (that would be the second screen,just drag the mouse over to it) and right click on mouse over the MSN screen where you type messeges and PASTE.
and hit the ENTER button.
Do the reverse when your lady sends you text in Chinese.

My wife did not know anything about computers, and she learned how to do this very quickly, took her only 2-3 days to get the hang of it. Now we can sent each other messages instantly while using the web cam. As the weeks past she was getting faster and faster in sending her messages, (less then a minute for her to write and send most text)  

If we can do it, then anyone can do it. We said good-bye to the EMF's a very long time ago, no more agency involvement. We have been talking via internet (text and video web cam) almost everyday for the past year now.

Well, I am very happy to announce that this long distance internet stuff will very soon be over for my wife and I, she will be receiving her Permanent Residency card and Visa to enter Canada any day now. She has PASSED the interview in Beijing and FINALLY after all this time we will be together :icon_biggrin:  

This is a very exciting time for my wife and I, and I hope for all the brothers here that are going through the process that you will also have great success and will soon be reunited with your lady.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 05:28:03 pm by Bob »


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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #39 on: September 02, 2009, 05:46:04 pm »
Bob thanks for the information that your supplying here...

I am so pleased to hear about your wife passing her interview..CONGRATS to you BOTH mate:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #40 on: September 02, 2009, 06:26:38 pm »
Greetings guys,  

Yes add my congrats as well, and thanks for the walkthrough on the setup, sounds like a great idea to me.  Get off emf's hmmm yea I love that idea  heheh.

Speaking of visas and such, how tough is it to bring our lady here on a holiday?  Is the visa process still so tough.  I mean we can get a visa to visit there really easily can they get one for here so maybe I could bring Zhen over for christmas?  Any thoughts or insights on this?



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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #41 on: September 02, 2009, 11:58:41 pm »
Hello again,
 Thank you all for the nice comments,

Brian,  I never tried to get a visa for my wife to visit Canada prior to us getting married. I would think it would be easy enough, perhaps another brother here could answer that question, however getting a visa for your lady to come and visit you in Canada after you are married is completely a different ball game. I wanted to bring my wife here to Canada to visit me, I was told by my immigration lawyers "good luck"!!! apparently Canada will not grant her a visa to enter the country once you are married.  So I never tried to get her here during the time we where married, and especially since we where also going through the immigration process at the time, I did not want to jeopardize anything with that. This is what I was told, I am not saying it is fact, but it would make sense that they would not grant the visa under such circumstances. Canada does not want these ladies in the country during the immigration process, if ever the application was refused, they know that some of these women will most likely hide in the country, and that is obviously illegal and not what they want, they do not want to have to hunt these women down and export them back to China, time consuming and costly.  You however are free to go and visit her in China as often as you like during the immigration process.

My wife and I got married in China last September 2008, I do not know how that would work if you where to marry here in Canada first, I think she would still have to leave Canada right after the marriage and remain in her country until the immigration process is completed. To the other experienced brothers here, please jump in and correct me if I am wrong.

I will soon be posting my personal experience regarding the whole immigration process and what is involved in the "Visa and Immigration" section of this forum. (Canadian process) part 2.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2009, 12:07:34 am by Bob »

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #42 on: September 03, 2009, 12:49:26 am »
I think my first trip to see Gina=Mrs. Burk, i spent about $4000 usd.  But we travelled to Xi'an and stayed there for about 3 days.  (By the way if you go there, I will give you my tourist guide, she was great) I did not want to give up my room in Beijing so i actually paid for two hotels for those 3 days. I bought her a computer, the translator and 2 meals a day for 3 and 4 people, gifts for people back home all of the attractions in Xi'an and I cant think of anything else.  My hotel was expensive though.  I wanted to stay near her so I could only find one that was $100 usd a night.
So, Yea I think $3,000 usd (20,000 rmb/yuan) plus your bank card will be enough    As you say It cold be a once in a lifetime trip or the trip of your life.  Have a safe trip and see you when you get here.

Smog is very bad again today. We need rain.
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Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #43 on: September 03, 2009, 01:11:29 am »
Hi Guys,

thanks again for teh great advice.  I kinda thought it must be tough to bring our ladies here even before getting married since I have not seen any posts that said anyone had done it.  Doesnt seem fair.  Same with the immigration people.  They deport hardworking Philipino nannies and such and allow hardened criminals to stay.  Boggles the mind.  Also in todays society any immigrant family can divorce once they get here whats the big deal about bringing your wife back.  Again little to no logic.  Yes she may just be after a trip to Canada then divorce but that can happen to any marriage.

I would just like here to get a small taste of life here.  Would certainly make it easier to decide where to live after getting married.  I have decided that if we do go all teh way, tehn I willnot live apart from her.  I will gosweep streets or pick up garbage if thats all I can find but I will not leave her if we marry.

Thanks for the heads up on the costs Jim  I think around 20k is good then.  Plus as you say there is always teh credit card in a pinch.

We both look forward to meeting you and the missus hehe.  Speak with you both soon

Bob,   I think when I get back I will investigate this further.  I would really like to bring her here for a visit just to show her what life here is really like, and so we can make decent decisions on where to live.

Mike, its the same as always with governments logic plays no role in it hehe, but if I find out anything I will post it so we all know.

Take care guys,  2 days and a wakey til I fly to her loving arms.


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RE: Brian's trip to China...
« Reply #44 on: September 03, 2009, 03:35:20 am »
Dont kow a lot about the Canadian Immigration rules for a foreign wife, but here in Aus we have 2 categories for the lady to come here...

1) A spouse visa

This is where you get married overseas and want to bring your new wife to Aus. This takes about 9 months minimum (so I'm told)...and they dont really want you to do this !!!, because they prefer the "cooling off" period offered withn the Fiancee visa below:

2) A fiancee visa.

This visa is the preferred option from the Immigration Dept point of view. Your fiancee can come here to live freely and you must be married here within 9 months of her arrival. If you dont marry for any reason...then she must return back home. The "incentive" for this visa is that immediately you make the application, the Immig. Dept will grant your intended Lady a 3 month Tourist visa so she can come and be with you and check it all out before the Fiancee visa is processed.

But she must return to her home to accept the fiancee visa.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for a single, unnattached woman to get a Tourist visa...they are scared of overstays, same as USA and Canada.

Just wondered if there is similar Fiancee visa in Canada ??
