Author Topic: Shaun's Web Cam thread  (Read 4438 times)

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2009, 10:30:32 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='14784' dateline='1251593835'


Your going to still need the translation services of the agency, but you won't be using the EMF's, you now use the ''email address for Pinky''. Once your on regular webcam meetings, the translator can't falsify or embellish the mails between you then, because you can check between you, what you have said in your letters, and the translator will know that too.... To be honest, i don't think she will even try now, she's already been found out.  

Webcam is good for your personal needs, but it's not that good for discussing things clearly, when the language barrier is still there. Trying to translate emails with on-line translation add-ons like goggle translate etc, will get you into a heap of trouble, they are just not that good or capable. They are good only for one off simple sentences, if you try adding sentences together you stand a good chance of the meanings being totally lost, ...if not worse!!



I've used google translate before and yes it can be volatile. I have had some success when I was with a service different from chnlove.  I used a lengthy process of write - translate - translate back  - read - rewrite - repeat the process. Even with this process there are issues.

We have a few Chinese in our community and I may try to hire one to translate and teach me Chinese.  Most of them do not need the money because we have 3 nuclear facilities here and most of them work there and are extremely well paid.  I am trying to get on there, if I make it my pay will be 6 times more than my normal income.

If worse come to worse I will hire one to sit in on the web-chats so that I can find out what is being said.  I am thinking of doing that next time just to keep Melody off balance.

Pinky does not have a computer so a web cam is out of the question at home for now.  I will take care of that as soon as I can, more than likely when I get to China.


Offline Martin

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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2009, 10:35:01 pm »
Pinky does not have a computer so a web cam is out of the question at home for now. I will take care of that as soon as I can, more than likely when I get to China.

Everywhere I went in China, there were web cafe's everywhere.  Even in my wife's hometown of 300 000, there was a web bar there (owned by her cousin).  They all seemed like decent places, and all the computers had a web camera.  It might be something to suggest.  At the web cafe in Changsha I was at, I would pay 10 RMB for 2 computers for a couple hours if i recal.  This is under $2 USD, so it is not too expensive.


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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2009, 10:46:49 pm »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='14796' dateline='1251599701'

Pinky does not have a computer so a web cam is out of the question at home for now. I will take care of that as soon as I can, more than likely when I get to China.

Everywhere I went in China, there were web cafe's everywhere.  Even in my wife's hometown of 300 000, there was a web bar there (owned by her cousin).  They all seemed like decent places, and all the computers had a web camera.  It might be something to suggest.  At the web cafe in Changsha I was at, I would pay 10 RMB for 2 computers for a couple hours if i recal.  This is under $2 USD, so it is not too expensive.


You just reminded me of another thing Melody might have done. Pinky said she was afraid to go into a web-cafe there.  I would bet money, and I do not bet, that those were Melody's words.

Thanks for mentioning that.



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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2009, 08:02:48 am »

I did mean to bring that up in my posts, but it always slipped my mind. So yes, you can make them ''Private'', by changing the email address password to one of your own, how many of the ladies actually do that, is another matter. All they need to do then, is redirect the email the guy sends, the translators email address and everything works as normal if you still need letters translated, in both directions...



What IM did you eventually use in the end to webcam Pinky??

I don't know if many of you use the MSN IM, but i've used that messenger quite often in the past. It does have the added feature of ''Tbot'' which is a translation add-on that works directly within the IM. The usefulness is around the kin to google translate, good mainly for simple one off sentances, but without the need to go outside of the IM. The system is improving though, so keep an eye on it, may just get better than the other systems that are presently available...

« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 08:05:03 am by David5o »

Offline Martin

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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2009, 11:17:25 am »
TBot...this is an MSN addon?  Is it fairly stable...meaning, does it interfere with other conversations when yuo are trying to chat in English?


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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2009, 12:19:24 pm »

Yes , it's a MSN add-on and sits in your MSN contact list. you click on the Tbot contact to activate in the IM
No, it doesn't interfere with English  conversation, well it didn't, i have just noticed that they have up-rated it to Tbot 2 Alpha. I haven't used that version as yet!! If you go into MSN add-ons you'll find it there, you can also fake test run it from the add-on site.... give it a try and see what you think!!
Yes it's stable , it does not interfere with other conversations when Tbot is not active

« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 12:24:52 pm by David5o »


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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2009, 06:36:08 pm »

The agency uses yahoo messenger and the translation software there is babelfish I think.  It is not very good but would used it occassionally when google just could not get it right.  I've got to take all of this slow with Pinky.  She tells me she does not like computers even though they have one in their store for the business only and cannot afford internet. Of course this could be Melody writing things in so that we depend on her only.

Because I do not know what is Pinky and what is Melody I will make changes slowly and methodically at first.  The next bother I find that is going to Changsha I may ask him to take a letter for me to deliver to Pinky that will describe what is going on.  JimB and I are talking a little through email and I will set her up an email account before I send the letter.

There are other issues at play here in my personal life too and I may talk more about them later.  Just want to see what develops first.



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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2009, 05:08:34 am »
Guy's, I do believe things have changes.  I believe we have unleashed a love monster. :icon_cheesygrin:

I got an emf this morning, the fastest reply I think I have ever received from her. I didn't get one yesterday because the agency was closed.  It is like she is ad different woman, she wrote me a poem, and NO I won't share it here, not yet anyway.  Though I would be nice to set it to music in Mandarin.  So if there is someone out there that can take a poem in English and translate it to Mandarin and spell it phonetically with letters then I could put it to music and sing it for her at one of our web-chat meetings.

She told me that she knows I love her now even though I will not say it because we have not met face to face.  Here is how she know;

1.  I cause quite a fuss while she was gone with Melody. :icon_cheesygrin:
2.  I waited for her to come back not knowing when she would be back.
3.  I asked about her mother's condition very early in the web-chat visit.
4.  I'll fill this one in later, I can't remember what she said.

So, guy's she has been set on fire and I am loving it.  I am looking for a job with an oil company there since like kind of sucks here right now.  So far the closest jobs I have found are in England and France.  I'd really like to be in China since the pay would be great and the Chinese economy is so low.  I could save a lot of money.

Any Just wanted to let you all know how things are progressing and wanted to thanks those of you who helped me through this issue.

Offline ahkiwi

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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2009, 05:53:38 am »
Nice one mate! :icon_biggrin:
World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago.

Ali (???)
QQ: 860848209


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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2009, 07:25:56 am »

You certainly sound a lot more ''Chipper'' since your webcam meeting with Pinky, and i guess you've had time to reflect over all that has happened in the last 3weeks or so.

I was just wondering, maybe it might be a good idea if you wrote (via Pinky's email address) to Melody, offering an olive branch so to speak, and saying that you both draw a line from what's happened in the past, and start afresh. But that you would insist that she no longer embellishes, any correspondence from Pinky or yourself, and that she encourages Pinky to take the necessary steps to move your relationship forward. You might even gain a valuable asset in her, by taking this route.

Sure is simpler,  ....than trying to catch her out, and all that energy could be redirected back to your relationship with Pinky, ....which is after all why your here in the first place!! ...Right??  Worth thinking about Shaun at the very least....



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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2009, 07:30:40 am »
David my thoughts exactly mate....


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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2009, 05:13:41 pm »
Well here is my Web-cam story . Bought two Microsoft 5000's for yahoo and msn and try'd to hook one of them to my PC . Put the CD in to download the thing and it did that fine , but after that ( before I could hook the Cam up to the USB ) your not hooked up to the Internet or try again later . What the heck ? I'm looking right at my Home page of the internet . I try's for two day's and even had my neighbor's son come over and he went through all the technical support stuff and could not do it .
Then... he looked at the Box it came in and holy cow ... this is made to be used only in the US and Canada . So one goes back for a refund and the other I don't know why it will not allow me to get it going ?
I can live with buying one in China for Qing's parent's there , but I still need it to work here . Why can't these thing be as easy as it say's on the Box ????

Vince G

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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2009, 05:59:52 pm »
So Arnold, We may have to take this off into a PM? But let me ask first, What was the disk (program?) you installed? With the cam plugged in if you go to your IM (Yahoo, QQ?) there is a setup for the webcam? setup what's there and give it a try?


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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2009, 06:54:34 pm »
When mpo Mike helped me we never even used the disk.  It was all done in Yahoo.

Since I loaded QQ my computer has slowed down and has acted a little strange. (Don't even think it!) I tried to uninstall it but it is still there.  Anyone got any clues?


Vince G

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RE: Shaun's Web Cam thread
« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2009, 07:02:43 pm »
Do a Defrag (Systems) it might clean out the mess that happens from downloading.
I'll send a PM. Could be the size of the program or the amount of memory it uses?

Quote from: 'shaun' pid='15059' dateline='1251759274'

When mpo Mike helped me we never even used the disk.  It was all done in Yahoo.

Since I loaded QQ my computer has slowed down and has acted a little strange. (Don't even think it!) I tried to uninstall it but it is still there.  Anyone got any clues?
