Author Topic: Changsha Love Bridge Agency  (Read 37851 times)

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Offline Philip

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2009, 07:01:41 pm »
I visited agency P216 in April. They are a scam. The translator I met was in on it too. You can read my experiences in 'Long distance journey...' in My Trip to China. I visited the premises and they certainly have webcams. I am in the process of getting 51 EMFs back from Chnlove - this may happen. The many young women are mostly eye-candy in my opinion, aimed at getting you to China to then offer you other women when you get there. I was fortunate enough to visit P218, which is a good agency. Think very carefully before visiting a lady from P216. Complain to Chnlove.

Offline David E

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2009, 07:10:13 pm »
Quote from: 'alex' pid='14940' dateline='1251673301'

I visited agency P216 in April. They are a scam. The translator I met was in on it too. You can read my experiences in 'Long distance journey...' in My Trip to China. I visited the premises and they certainly have webcams. I am in the process of getting 51 EMFs back from Chnlove - this may happen. The many young women are mostly eye-candy in my opinion, aimed at getting you to China to then offer you other women when you get there. I was fortunate enough to visit P218, which is a good agency. Think very carefully before visiting a lady from P216. Complain to Chnlove.

Thank you Alex

You have answered my question I will have a good go at them and CHNLove


Offline Martin

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2009, 07:12:26 pm »
David...the other agency I listed before in Changsha is a good agency.  As well, there are other agencies throughout China that are reputable (in my opinion).  I used an agency in Shenzhen, and chat regularly with my translator there..even though I have not used their services since March.


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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2009, 07:18:41 pm »

They say P218 is a good agency and I will accept that but if you should find a girl whose translator is Melody ask for another translator immediately.  She must have got her training at P216.


Offline David E

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2009, 07:26:40 pm »

216 is very "iffy", Shaun says Melody from 218 is "iffy"

I think I will steer clear of Changsha as a "target" City :):)


Offline Philip

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2009, 08:09:50 pm »
don't discount Changsha. It's a lovely city. I had the time of my life (after the initial disappointment with the one bad agency). P218 is a good agency. Peter recently got married to a lady from there. I am going there in October. I met some of the translators and they were very nice and genuine. Don't know about this 'Melody'. If you see anyone you like, I think it would be worth writing to her. You will notice that most of the ladies are in their 30s, 40s and 50s, unlike P216, where they are mostly in their 20s.

Offline Martin

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2009, 08:23:52 pm »
Nik also married someone from Changsha.  personally, I think Hunan...and Changsha are great places.  The food is pretty spicy there, and the people are fantastic!


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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2009, 08:46:33 pm »
There sure a lot of beautiful women in Changsha.  I hear P218 is very good.  My problem could be an isolated incident. For now I am assuming that is the one translator.  David5o said that he thinks he either remembers her or heard of her and the thing he remembers is that there is some kind of (family) relations there. (with the ownership I think)

David, don't discount Changsha and P218 based on my situation because the rest of the agency may be good.  When I first came to the brotherhood there was a person there who was having serious issues with P216. He was there and saw the woman he came to see the first night.  The next morning he found outr she didn't want to see him again.  P216 dropped the ball.  It seems he was there for 2 weeks with no woman to visit and nothing to do.  He called P218 and they sent someone over and took him to the agency. They kept him entertained with several women to choose from and he left there quite happy.  I can't remember who it was but I do remember how P218 reached out to him and turned things around.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 08:47:13 pm by shaun »

Offline Philip

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2009, 05:28:20 am »
Shaun, that person was me. I spent a few days at the P218 agency, using their computers, getting to know the translators, some of the women on their books, going on a few dates, and singing karaoke! Now have four sisters (translators and ladies from the agency) We are on regular QQ contact. Nothing is 100% guaranteed, but I don't think you will have problems with this agency


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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2009, 06:11:07 am »
Yes there are beautiful ladies in Changsha, so don't write off a whole city!

I have just chatted to my lady on MSN and she gave me her company URL which had a picture of her on it. So I now know my girl is genuine, even if her agency might not be!

Offline David E

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2009, 07:13:19 am »
I am sure there are lovely Ladies in every City in China...and I wouldnt write off any place.

But my quest is not to see a lot of China...I've been there 13 times in 4 many different Cities and seen lots of stuff !!!....loved every minute of China in all respects...hated every minute I was being screwed by Agencies that were not ethical.

I am only interested in finding a decent, honest woman....unpolluted by "Agency flavour and photo shopped appearance"...dont really give a hoot what City she comes from !!!

I am just trying to eliminate any Agency that has a bad rep. Changsha Love Bridge, or the woman I am writing to, or both, have told me a lie about web-cam/ why would I even dream of continuing with this Agency or this Woman ??? continue would just be playing their game again and soaking up EMF's.

What the Brotherhood has taught me is....communicate outside EMF's...or move on if they wont do it !!!


Vince G

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2009, 12:33:11 pm »
Here we go!

Looking through the ladies photos like I always do. One of these new ones, as soon as I opened the profile I knew it was a fake one. Just by the first photo. Then seeing where it came from. So I strolled through the photos and then at number 6 was a complete halt. There's no way nobody didn't notice this?

Profile ID: P216546  from Changsha/HuNan  6th picture

I hope this isn't anyones girl? Your writing to the translators.

Offline Manuel

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2009, 02:51:55 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='16276' dateline='1252686791'

Here we go!

Looking through the ladies photos like I always do. One of these new ones, as soon as I opened the profile I knew it was a fake one. Just by the first photo. Then seeing where it came from. So I strolled through the photos and then at number 6 was a complete halt. There's no way nobody didn't notice this?

Profile ID: P216546  from Changsha/HuNan  6th picture

I hope this isn't anyones girl? Your writing to the translators.

Hi Vince, not sure if I catched what you mean. I checked and could see the 10 photos. Or do yo mean photos 1-6 are from one lady and 7-10 from other???

Offline MLM

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2009, 03:14:11 pm »
Vince, I went and seen what your talking about, photo number 6 is showing a "money shot ", and after reading what is said I believe it is a translator also, I really hope this is not someones GF.

Offline Philip

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #29 on: September 11, 2009, 03:41:24 pm »
At the risk of repeating myself, no-one should consider ANY women from this agency. The rot extends higher than the translators. It goes right to the top. And translators writing letters is only part of the scam. They are quite adept and sly at covering their traces. After five months of complaining to Chnlove about my experience in the most diplomatic way, they have finally refused to give me a refund of 45 credits. I feel I got close, but no cigar. (They had earlier refunded 6 credits as a goodwill gesture!) Chnlove knew it was a scam, but P216 agency are very clever at their Chinese sting. I was bitten and survived.
I would advise guys not even to look at the pretty pictures.  If I want a cheap thrill, I would be reading that the Changsha Love Bridge Agency staff are all in jail for fraud.