Author Topic: Changsha Love Bridge Agency  (Read 37858 times)

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #75 on: September 16, 2009, 01:26:12 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='16840' dateline='1253120526'

Isn't he though. Just when I though he was a friend. lol

The scene from Mrs. Doubtfire where she aka Robin Williams says, "you wicked wicked boy," just came to mind.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 01:28:44 pm by shaun »

Offline David E

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #76 on: September 16, 2009, 05:03:29 pm »
AWWWW...c'mon Guys...all this heavy stuff, chasing true love and eternal bliss in China is all need a bit of light relief with a nice Lady Boy....its all so much easier and hassle free...thought I was doing you a favour:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


Offline MLM

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #77 on: September 16, 2009, 06:36:31 pm »
Its just a Mad, mad,mad, mad, mad world out there, Rob and Shaun cuddling with two pretty Lady......boys.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 06:36:51 pm by MLM »


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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #78 on: September 16, 2009, 06:45:58 pm » bad    lol:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Offline David K

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #79 on: September 18, 2009, 08:15:35 pm »
Heres my 02C worth.
A while back I was talking to a very attractive lady on AsiaEuro -(attractive until I learned about the amazing powers of photoshop - and I've posted about that:icon_biggrin:).
She discovered I had a house and instantly was making arrangements about our wedding. In further conversation I discovered she lived on floor 17 of a tower block in a rented apartment, and in further investigation found her simultaneously advertising herself as single and available on another website. Figured she must have been one of those 'highest bidder/bedder' girls, and so backed out. But Lo and behold, she appeared on CHnLove about a year later. I wrote a post on the matter to the ChnLove forums, but this was blocked. ( Thought it might help a brother some unneccessary anguish :idea:). Finally I have heard back from her via her old EMAIL. She is married to someone in USA - he loves her, she loves him. My deduction is that either ChnLove or the agency (P566159) - more likely the latter - is posting her profile AND sending out admirer letters, in the hope of more EMF income, without reference to her

Further to that, two ladies I have corresponded via EMF have supplied EMAIL addressess so I can talk to them directly - quite within ChnLove rules. However EMAILS I have sent there vanished into Black Holes, and one of the ladies claims she has received nothing.
I am wondering if the agency or its translator sets up a dummy account on GMAIL or whatever, and intercepts the EMAILS, just to generate more EMF income.

But its not all bad news - I have found a lady who seems sincere, visited her and passed the family scrutiny test, and now am having the mother of all battles with Immigration NZ to get her a 2 months visitors visa, so she can see how she likes NZ and how she likes me :-)

David K in Auckland
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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #80 on: September 18, 2009, 10:17:53 pm »
Quote from: 'David K' pid='17110' dateline='1253319335'

Heres my 02C worth.
A while back I was talking to a very attractive lady on AsiaEuro -(attractive until I learned about the amazing powers of photoshop - and I've posted about that:icon_biggrin:).
She discovered I had a house and instantly was making arrangements about our wedding. In further conversation I discovered she lived on floor 17 of a tower block in a rented apartment, and in further investigation found her simultaneously advertising herself as single and available on another website. Figured she must have been one of those 'highest bidder/bedder' girls, and so backed out. But Lo and behold, she appeared on CHnLove about a year later. I wrote a post on the matter to the ChnLove forums, but this was blocked. ( Thought it might help a brother some unneccessary anguish :idea:). Finally I have heard back from her via her old EMAIL. She is married to someone in USA - he loves her, she loves him. My deduction is that either ChnLove or the agency (P566159) - more likely the latter - is posting her profile AND sending out admirer letters, in the hope of more EMF income, without reference to her

Further to that, two ladies I have corresponded via EMF have supplied EMAIL addressess so I can talk to them directly - quite within ChnLove rules. However EMAILS I have sent there vanished into Black Holes, and one of the ladies claims she has received nothing.
I am wondering if the agency or its translator sets up a dummy account on GMAIL or whatever, and intercepts the EMAILS, just to generate more EMF income.

But its not all bad news - I have found a lady who seems sincere, visited her and passed the family scrutiny test, and now am having the mother of all battles with Immigration NZ to get her a 2 months visitors visa, so she can see how she likes NZ and how she likes me :-)

David K in Auckland

HI David

Seems that P566159 has been pulled off the site. Could well be that your query made CHNLove go and check it all probalilities are that they pulled the profile and it was likely the Agency was the problem, ?

We have some evidence here that certain Agencies sail very close to the wind with truth about Ladies, correspondence, EMF's etc !

As for private email addresses, I think you will find through some of the postings here, they are usually not truly private, they still track through the Agencies...its just one small step past CHNLove and of course, the next step should be personal contact through QQ or similar. At that stage, a great deal of the uncertainty gets removed !!

Happy to know you have found a likely Lady...not all Ladies on CHNLove are out to scam us...There are many, many lovelies fact I would be sure in my mind, that scammers and crook Agencies are in a minority...but then again............ ??????????????

I dont know how your Immigration Laws compare to ours, but here we would have ZERO chance of getting a Tourist Visa for a single, unattached lady from anywhere !!!

However, if we make an application for a fiance visa, than a 3 month Tourist Visa is immediately granted, even before the visa is processed.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 10:20:39 pm by David E »

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #81 on: September 19, 2009, 12:24:30 am »
Hi David E
The agency is P566, and apparently still there.
As to Immigration laws, NZs would have to be a strict as anywhere, but with good underlying reason - we are a small country of a bit over 4 million people, and in fact facing a deluge of would be immigrants who want to stay - approx 17,000 overstayers at present. There have been all sorts of scams by absolutely determined people - offers of arranged marriage for $20K @ Auckland airport for example. But having said that, dealing with overseas offices of the Immigration department is a horror story.... if you are from China you are basically treated as a potential criminal no matter what. However, things are looking better now that I have the famliy lawyer on the case :-)  I'll keep you posted  David K
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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #82 on: September 19, 2009, 02:11:10 am »
I'd be very interested in how things turn out Dave ... I may even have to borrow your lawyer if he does well :P
World Famous in New Zealand since ages ago.

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #83 on: September 19, 2009, 08:00:28 am »
David K,

This lady sounds like one I was chatting with on another site when I first started looking for a Chinese woman.  She was, I hate so say the word but, crazy.  I told her to stop and that she was not the woman for me. The her true craziness came out so I blocked her.  It is a shame they pulled the person off this site before I got a chance to see her.  I thought for sure this was the same one.


Offline MLM

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #84 on: September 19, 2009, 09:21:44 am »
I think we have all at one time or another have run into a few crazies, Thank God those days are over for me.


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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #85 on: September 19, 2009, 10:08:31 am »
have they mate...???    

Go on make my day !!!:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::angel:

Vince G

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #86 on: November 11, 2009, 04:25:02 pm »
Quote from: 'abigbutt' pid='22623' dateline='1257968774'

This could be one of those...scam, scam, scam complainers from other sites like phishy...who knows!

Jim, I know. :icon_biggrin:  I know the guy and he was here as well, and had been banned. Every time I read the story it changes. He leaves or adds things in so I believe none of it ever happen. And yes he is a Pfishy.

Offline David E

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #87 on: November 11, 2009, 05:14:39 pm »
Quote from: 'abigbutt' pid='22623' dateline='1257968774'

 Hey DavidE you might like her looks!  LOL just kidding, bro!


Naaah !!...not my style...I prefer them younger...about 25 must be the Ferrari and the 60 ft Sundancer...gets them in every time !!!



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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #88 on: November 12, 2009, 04:04:42 am »
My lady took us to a posh restaurant called KFC, that's why I know I am unlikely to get scammed by her!

On the other hand she did order 3 main courses and polished off the lot :huh:.

It is difficult to know if these agency complaints are genuine though, there is some terrible mudslinging between the different Asian dating sites and I guess if they were UK companies then there would be some serious libel lawsuits flying around.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 04:06:19 am by brett »

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #89 on: November 12, 2009, 04:54:01 am »
Quote from: 'abigbutt' pid='22623' dateline='1257968774'

I meet and married a girl Pei Xiaoying in Changsha, China from that agency.... She is back on ChnLove her profile # P216020 She has new and even sexier pictures....

I am as shallow as the next guy . . . but I cannot imagine anyone writing to someone who has pictures like that on their profile. Surely when you see a picture like that, it's like she's Roxanne and she's turned on her red light. Or am I missing something? If anyone wrote to this person you'd just have to wonder what's going on upstairs  . . . *laughs*