Heres my 02C worth.
A while back I was talking to a very attractive lady on AsiaEuro -(attractive until I learned about the amazing powers of photoshop - and I've posted about that:icon_biggrin:).
She discovered I had a house and instantly was making arrangements about our wedding. In further conversation I discovered she lived on floor 17 of a tower block in a rented apartment, and in further investigation found her simultaneously advertising herself as single and available on another website. Figured she must have been one of those 'highest bidder/bedder' girls, and so backed out. But Lo and behold, she appeared on CHnLove about a year later. I wrote a post on the matter to the ChnLove forums, but this was blocked. ( Thought it might help a brother some unneccessary anguish :idea:). Finally I have heard back from her via her old EMAIL. She is married to someone in USA - he loves her, she loves him. My deduction is that either ChnLove or the agency (P566159) - more likely the latter - is posting her profile AND sending out admirer letters, in the hope of more EMF income, without reference to her
Further to that, two ladies I have corresponded via EMF have supplied EMAIL addressess so I can talk to them directly - quite within ChnLove rules. However EMAILS I have sent there vanished into Black Holes, and one of the ladies claims she has received nothing.
I am wondering if the agency or its translator sets up a dummy account on GMAIL or whatever, and intercepts the EMAILS, just to generate more EMF income.
But its not all bad news - I have found a lady who seems sincere, visited her and passed the family scrutiny test, and now am having the mother of all battles with Immigration NZ to get her a 2 months visitors visa, so she can see how she likes NZ and how she likes me :-)
David K in Auckland
HI David
Seems that P566159 has been pulled off the site. Could well be that your query made CHNLove go and check it all probalilities are that they pulled the profile and it was likely the Agency was the problem, ?
We have some evidence here that certain Agencies sail very close to the wind with truth about Ladies, correspondence, EMF's etc !
As for private email addresses, I think you will find through some of the postings here, they are usually not truly private, they still track through the Agencies...its just one small step past CHNLove and of course, the next step should be personal contact through QQ or similar. At that stage, a great deal of the uncertainty gets removed !!
Happy to know you have found a likely Lady...not all Ladies on CHNLove are out to scam us...There are many, many lovelies fact I would be sure in my mind, that scammers and crook Agencies are in a minority...but then again............

I dont know how your Immigration Laws compare to ours, but here we would have ZERO chance of getting a Tourist Visa for a single, unattached lady from anywhere !!!
However, if we make an application for a fiance visa, than a 3 month Tourist Visa is immediately granted, even before the visa is processed.