Author Topic: Changsha Love Bridge Agency  (Read 37857 times)

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #90 on: November 14, 2009, 01:21:07 pm »
Pah! Get this ugly woman off the site.

Seriously, when I was in my chnlove newbie week I was like a kid in a candy store, and obviously I found myself EMFing a few girls from Changsha Love Bridge. Remember talking to two sweeties - Cassie and Tina. I've heard rumours that Cassie is the name of one of the translators, so perhaps she was a scammer. Tina was lovely and I think she is genuine although I never got to see any real photos and after she told me she went out drifting with her friends (?) I never contacted her again.

I could well believe that there are some seriously good looking women in Changsha, that would be down to the Sichuan influence that was so apparent in nearby Yichang :fi_lone_ranger:.


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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #91 on: November 14, 2009, 01:41:54 pm »
Pah, perhaps I've been scammed? Or perhaps Cassie 2 wanted an English name and liked the sound of 1.

Is your wife from Changsha? If so she might have Sichuan ancestry. If the Changsha dialect sounds like Swedish (lots of strong "r's" ) then that will be down to a form of the Sichuan dialect. People of Sichuan origin like the spicy food, so I feel sorry for your butt. All this is from my lady, so forgive me if it's total rubbish :icon_cheesygrin:.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2009, 01:43:07 pm by brett »

Vince G

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #92 on: November 19, 2009, 12:23:11 am »
"The lady has received quite a few Cupid Notes from other gentlemen for the last 48 hours. A cupid note is only a short message for you to find out whether the lady is interested in you, but a personalized message will give the lady a much more terrific impression. For better chances to receive a positive response, we suggest you:" GET IN A LINE. Dreamers on the right, Suckers on the left.

Offline David E

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #93 on: November 19, 2009, 12:58:36 am »
"and the EMF's keep rollin'  in...rollin'  in...rollin in'  "

Maybe some "stud" should write a letter and say.."stuff the EMF's...lets cut to the much for a quickie " !!!!!!!:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

But Guys, lets be fair here...probably she is a sweet, wholesome, delectable, intelligent, sensitive, attractive and serious woman who is very lonely and who looks for a genuine Man to have a serious relationship, get married and live happily ever after....whaddya think ??

« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 01:05:31 am by David E »

Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #94 on: November 19, 2009, 01:20:44 pm »
I'll be in Changsha, to meet my dream girl, or maybe I'm just dreaming, on nov 21st. in case what I've been reading about P216 is true, the song and dance about (the woman I'm suppose to meet has an emergency and have to leave town but we have a ton of other woman I may want to meet) blah blah blah, i'll tell them I want to meet her and a few hotties from that agency. I'll check it out for you guys.
Mr annoyomous.


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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #95 on: November 26, 2009, 04:07:00 pm »
Quote from: 'abigbutt' pid='16347' dateline='1252722950'

Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='16276' dateline='1252686791'

Here we go!

Looking through the ladies photos like I always do. One of these new ones, as soon as I opened the profile I knew it was a fake one. Just by the first photo. Then seeing where it came from. So I strolled through the photos and then at number 6 was a complete halt. There's no way nobody didn't notice this?

Profile ID: P216546  from Changsha/HuNan  6th picture

I hope this isn't anyones girl? Your writing to the translators.

Hey Vince...did you notice this ladies first name? this a sign of stink? Maybe something fishy around there! :icon_cheesygrin: Does anybody have a direct link to this agencies own website? I know the Wuhan agency(509) is curious guys!

thank you very much, mate, the website is useful, I think I might go for them, because I understand Chinese...haha.
Quote from: 'alex' pid='16633' dateline='1252964184'

Hi Robin,

the girl I was writing to was a translator called Irene. She wrote the most beautiful and poetic letters. She always answered my questions, and when she described the dream she had about us, I was blown away. We discussed in detail what we would do when I was there, the attitude of her family, Chinese customs, the whole shebang. I was given no reason to be suspicious over 51 EMFs, except a slight impression that it was too good to be true. I really believe she could have a career as a romantic novelist. But instead, she writes letters to earn money for her agency and lures unlucky suckers like me to China.
On arrival, the whole affair collapsed almost immediately. The lady I thought I had been writing to could not answer any of my questions, obviously knew nothing about the content of the letters, was too busy to spend any time with me apart from two meals, and came up with the farce of an excuse for us not working about her sister being worried that because I am bald that we would create bald children. This after she had categorically asserted that all of her family had seen my photos months before and were happy to meet me. Then Irene and the agency boss produced their obviously well-practised spiel that they had plenty of other ladies I might like to meet and would I like to sign this form to say I was happy with the translation service.
My biggest mistake was not pressing enough for direct contact, webcam, QQ, etc. All I had was one real photo. So, I escaped, not too damaged, but wiser and I found a good agency and lady.
I am not the only one to have been through a similar experience with this agency. If you do go ahead with it, go for direct contact, don't sign anything when you go, take a good luck charm, keep your eyes open and have a plan B if it doesn't work out.
All the best, Alex

Mate, it was a story in hell...I surely understand your strangled feeling.
Quote from: 'David E' pid='16637' dateline='1252966945'

Quote from: 'David5o' pid='16634' dateline='1252964977'

(Saturday, September 12th, 2009 02:40 AM)David E Wrote:  
However, if you are in could be a different never know what is under the black undies !!!!!!


Hans Wrote
Usually something beautiful and shaved I would say.


If you think a Guy's meat and two veg is ''something beautiful and shaved'' ... I think your on the wrong Forum Mate!!  .....hahaha!!


I'll drink to that !!!!....hahaha


Quote from: 'alex' pid='16633' dateline='1252964184'

Hi Robin,

the girl I was writing to was a translator called Irene. She wrote the most beautiful and poetic letters. She always answered my questions, and when she described the dream she had about us, I was blown away.

My experience with this Agency was an EXACT copy of the one described by Alex...only the translator was named Sara. and the Lady "had been called out of town for sick relative" !!!!!!

I had 20 minutes in private with the Agency boss...and he learned many, many new Australian profanities !!!! My huge temptation was to give him a real walloping...but I didn't want to end up in a Chinese Prison for 20 years :s:s

I wrote numerous complaint letters to CHNLove, Interpol, The Aus Immigration Dept. and everyone I could think of...but nobody interested of course.

BE VERY CAREFUL...but dont give up :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


I feel that I am damn wise and lucky reading your guys notes, what a blow! I am lucky that I have only started communicating with 'a lady' or two, thank god, I think I will shut the mom fuck flooding gate!
Quote from: 'rhoodtsao' pid='16720' dateline='1253044770'

Thank you gentlemen for sharing you experience and thought on this agency, and ideas. Again when I say she it could be my girl (I hope) and or translator, ......

Prepare you pocket before you go, mate!:icon_cheesygrin:
Quote from: 'abigbutt' pid='22623' dateline='1257968774'

I found this interesting post on a forum from, travelchinaguide. Here is link:   I post this here because we all know about this agency and their tactics! Anyways, there is a post here that reads:

Yes, chinese marriage agency to meet foreigners charge the women a lot of money for their services 10000 to 50000 RMB and most women don't pay all the money up front. That's the way it works here in China guys... The marriage agency that introduces Chinese to Chinese also charges money. And if a woman is beautiful, and she meets a rich husband, she may have to pay more... a lot more! Marriage is important here, it may be more important than love, there are over 1.3 billion people and Chinese men and women are willing to pay to find the best and highest quality spouse they can. That being said, there are a lot of unscrupulous people Men and Women also marriage agencies. ChnLove is not good at keeping check over the agencies in their circle of influence. They also let many women on their site that are just there looking for a foreigner with a deep wallet! I was told by an ex translator for Changsha Love Bridge Company that the owner there teaches the women how to extort as much money as possible from the foreign men they are introduced to. I meet and married a girl Pei Xiaoying in Changsha, China from that agency, and once I told her she was spending too much money it was over between us... she divorced me that same week! She is back on ChnLove her profile # P216020 She has new and even sexier pictures. Guys if the woman's pictures are really sexy she is fishing hard for a man with money... a good Chinese girl would never have pictures of her breast half exposed and her underpants showing. If the picture says sex they also say money! Before warned ! ! !

I looked the profile up and she is currently on chnlove! I only post this, because I hate to see anyone spending money on a scam! Yes, she looks very sexy! hahaha!!! Hey DavidE you might like her looks!  LOL just kidding, bro!


P.S. This could be one of those...scam, scam, scam complainers from other sites like phishy...who knows!

Profile # P216020 has been removed from the site, mate, do you mean someone else?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 04:35:39 pm by danfarmers »

Offline jeffm

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #96 on: December 03, 2009, 03:22:54 pm »
Quote from: 'sameldrum1' pid='16632' dateline='1252964148'


This agency has a bad reputation, but that doesn't meant your lady is a scam.  I would recommend the following to get some relief and eventually find out one way or another...

(1) I hope you have already requested real, natural pictures by now, and not only gotten professional ones.  That's a must, and make sure they are ordinary pictures, and not too nice looking. Sometimes they say they are natural and are not.  You have to be the judge of that.

(2) Next, you need to get off of EMF letters if you're still on them.  From reading other guy's posts here for quite a while, I have learned that you need to develop a relationship with the translator, and you can do that in two ways...either through your EMF letters directly, or by writing a note to the translator when you rate the EMF letter your lady sends you...that is how I do it, and I talk to them very politely and compliment them as much as possible, and then give them my email address, and ask them to send me a note so I can write back if I have a question.  I just started doing this, and a couple so far have responded, and now I have a way to directly communicate with the translator.  From there, you can ask the translator to use the personal email account that each lady has with the agency, and not use EMF letters any more...if you have done as many as you say, the translator should easily give you this benefit by this time. Then it doesn't cost you any more money, but the agency is still doing the translating.

(3) Now, you need to talk about calling her on the phone. This isn't a guarantee you'll talk to the lady you're writing, but after talking you may be able to tell based on things said. If she's no good at English yet, just ask for a short call, to hear voices, and maybe say a few words in English and Chinese, taking turns.  If they are not willing to do it after the time you have spent writing, that would be a red danger sign to me.  It is also possible that she is not allowed direct contact yet, as some agencies require separate fees for levels of service. They will give you any excuse in the book except tell you the truth, if that's the case. I would give them a month to give her phone number, after several polite requests...

(4) Ask the lady herself for an email address. Again, this might not be doable if her English is terrible, or she is not willing to write you in Chinese and then you can use a computer translator program to convert.  They aren't that great, and there's a lot of bad translation potential, though.

(5) Ask the translator and/or the lady to do a webcam, either at the agency and you are willing to pay, usually 2 EMF credits is your cost for an hour, with a translator there to help, or she can do it someplace else that has the ability, such as an Internet Cafe, many in China, or if she has a computer or a friend of hers does...QQ is a very popular program in China and you can install it very easily...I did and it's similar to Skype and the other. You've been talking for two months, and I would estimate if you start asking and she resists, give it one more month of gentle prodding and requests.  Don't buy the answer that the agency doesn't have fact, head that one off the first time you request it by saying that YOU KNOW FROM ANOTHER MAN WHO WAS AT THE AGENCY THAT THEY HAVE THIS was posted on this thread earlier, if you read it, I believe.  Don't let them use an easy excuse.

If you get negative responses from all of the above, I think they wasted your time. However, if she is genuine, you should be able to get off of EMF's (absolutely!!!) and make a phone call and web cam chat in the next month or so...

Here's hoping you have a genuine one!!!  

(I'd still hate to have to visit that agency, though, and would be very careful of the people that work there).  I don't have any personal experience with them, just going by other posts in the past few months.


Scott this is really good stuff.
Watch what people do not what they say

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #97 on: December 03, 2009, 04:22:20 pm »

Vince G

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #98 on: December 09, 2009, 11:26:29 pm »
I have to say looking at the newest woman photos coming from the Changsha Love Bridge Co? These women seem to look more like puttana's (Italian) then anything else. What are they doing signing up the local red light district?

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #99 on: February 12, 2010, 11:57:26 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='16276' dateline='1252686791'

Here we go!

Looking through the ladies photos like I always do. One of these new ones, as soon as I opened the profile I knew it was a fake one. Just by the first photo. Then seeing where it came from. So I strolled through the photos and then at number 6 was a complete halt. There's no way nobody didn't notice this?

Profile ID: P216546  from Changsha/HuNan  6th picture

I hope this isn't anyones girl? Your writing to the translators.


Just as an aside, I DID WRITE to this cutie, knowing full well the reputation of this agency, and that the photos are photoshopped to death. I got a direct email address and apparently 2 genuine untampered photos from the gal. No, she looks nowhere nearly as hot, but for real. I have not yet written direct to her, but just to set the record straight. I still think the agency is scammy, but this girl, I think she is genuine, I suspect the "money shot" is not even her, just a cut & paste. I will write her after I come back from Chinese new year holidays.
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='16304' dateline='1252703998'

I really have trouble not understanding why men of a older age group then the girls can't get it through their head there's always a reason? If some 20 yr old writes a 50 + yr old? 99.9999999999999 percent your going to get ripped off.

Vince, it is a sad but true fact that when we older men see pics like that, we get it through our head....the wrong head ! lool :icon_cheesygrin:
Quote from: 'brett' pid='16373' dateline='1252743554'

Something fishy? Well there is a girl called Fish on chnlove (and a very beautiful one she is too!).

When I was a chnlove newbie I spoke to Cassie and Tina at changsha love bridge. Both are lovely, but Tina said she went drifting with her friends, so I went right off her after that. Cassie was lovely but she looked a bit of a maneater in one of her photos so I couldn't be sure about her.

Haha Brett, you like swimming with the piranhas eh?:icon_cheesygrin:
Quote from: 'Hans' pid='16371' dateline='1252738954'

Quote from: 'David E' pid='16326' dateline='1252712413'

However, if you are in could be a different never know what is under the black undies !!!!!!


Usually something beautiful and shaved I would say. :icon_biggrin:

Nope it's DICK Tracy, but then you really don't wanna know :icon_cheesygrin:
Quote from: 'alex' pid='16633' dateline='1252964184'

 and came up with the farce of an excuse for us not working about her sister being worried that because I am bald that we would create bald children.

Geez... they ALL come out bald !
« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 12:15:43 am by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #100 on: February 13, 2010, 04:44:01 am »
007 so you're getting out of town just in time too
Watch what people do not what they say

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #101 on: February 13, 2010, 04:59:25 am »
Quote from: 'jeffm' pid='31556' dateline='1266054241'

007 so you're getting out of town just in time too

Oh jeff, the usual, am getting back to my little island hometown, but will give the crowd a miss & do it Monday instead. I actually miss the food more than the gals, looolz. So meanwhile I will spend the early part of it here in Singapore.
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #102 on: February 13, 2010, 07:45:34 am »

You don't miss all the visiting and eating and eating and eating? :icon_cheesygrin: You'll miss your fill of "yee sang" (fish salad) and pohpiah (Type of Singaporean burrito) and "ngor-hiong" (can't even describe this one) and hokkien mee (noodles) and "hae mee" (more noodles) and laksa (noodles in a sauce) and steamboat and so on and so forth? :icon_cheesygrin:

I would think staying out of Chinatown should be enough...Any hideaway you could flee to would be full of people... :huh:
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #103 on: February 13, 2010, 09:04:28 am »
Quote from: 'mustfocus' pid='31561' dateline='1266065134'


You don't miss all the visiting and eating and eating and eating? :icon_cheesygrin: You'll miss your fill of "yee sang" (fish salad) and pohpiah (Type of Singaporean burrito) and "ngor-hiong" (can't even describe this one) and hokkien mee (noodles) and "hae mee" (more noodles) and laksa (noodles in a sauce) and steamboat and so on and so forth? :icon_cheesygrin:

I would think staying out of Chinatown should be enough...Any hideaway you could flee to would be full of people... :huh:

Haha, u MUST be Singaporean or Malaysian right? No, I don't miss all that stuff, I get all that anytime 365days xcept the 3 days of CNY. And they're likely overpriced this time of year or most chinese eating places will be closed. So I might as well subsist on non-Chinese food for 2 days before going back home. At least here I have plenty of those, without the gouging. If only you knew the delights of Penang food ahhh :heart: I meant the travelling crowd. Anyway let's face it, most shoppers are FEMALE, so if push comes to shove, I get squashed between some boobs & bums, does it hurt?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 09:06:28 am by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

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RE: Changsha Love Bridge Agency
« Reply #104 on: February 13, 2010, 10:29:17 am »
Have relatives in Singapore and gone through the whole routine. :icon_biggrin:

Never actually been to Penang...want to visit, but I'm worried how much I'd be eating there.  So you're going back for 8th night?
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