Author Topic: My chnlove experience so far... different flow?  (Read 2845 times)

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Offline Mikael_Shim

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My chnlove experience so far... different flow?
« on: September 07, 2010, 08:02:42 am »
Well, out of boredom, being in bed with a cold i have read almost all the old forum 6 months back and now most recent here. Hehe, it has been
giving to say the least.

Im currently talking to 1 particular girl and thought i would share the experience so far, because i havent seen any other post about a similar
flow, but rather the complete opposite.

I ended up on chnlove´s homepage by accidentally clicking on a google ad-word ad when i was checking mail. Funny since China has always been
a dream going too when i have the time.. and well. Asian women or nothing for me anyway. I simply dont like western girls in general.

But you cant see much what the site is about unless you register. So ok.. did that too.  made a short but true to fact info and 1 natual profile pic.
I think i got caught up in something else, so i didnt even get to the part of looking at the profiles so i had no idea yet what the majority looks like.

The following day i did, and i just initially thought nice P-shopping and light settings. And yes i know Chinese woman are beautiful. Within 2 days
i had 20+ and they all looked like perfect models. All but 2 who only had natural pics in their profile. Reading the admirer mail , since i work with
sniffing where theres scamm amongst others it felt extremely generic and "bulk", but thats ok. I didnt expect any admirers at all, let alone  going
to China right now.

So i didnt intend to reply to any of them... but one particular girl was striking. Coz she had such a beautiful smile and feeling in her eyes. So i thought
i´d reply to see what happens. She was 24, and thats 10 years diff and maximum i would do. All admirer letters where from aged 20-31. She looked
perfect though. Problem #1

I got a reply fairly quick from someone who had to clear her eyes again and again to believe it. Hehe... The tranlator fluff was obvious here and there and
it still is. But she actually asked questions, good normal ones. Which i answered and gave her a bunch.  She answered almost all , felt like some questions
she probably never got. She started asking about my family etc etc Just like normal dating "home" would be like. She said she knows a little
english, not good but wants to learn more. But she have no pc or laptop at home. But shes planning to get.

After 3 days i ask for natural pic

And i get it immediately,  and i didnt have any expectations. Oh boy , shes actually that adorable outside the studio too. She has since only sent natural pics.
She answers most of the question everytime, pretty quick at getting back. She works as a clerk in Wuhan, and she lives alone there. Her parents are
retired. She tells me she showed my pics to her friends and they all say im very handsome. She has a little brother and a bigger sister too.

She asks alot about my ex what happened, my family what they do and so on. Ok daredevil ask for physical adress right there, i might wanna send something
small. And she just gives it to me in the mail. Only concern she has is if its something she must be home to sign  or if she needs pay tax.

I Ask bluntly, how a beautiful girl like her would still be looking. And that she must have many admirers. She explains she signed up 2 years ago, but at her job before
couldnt find time so hide her profile. Then made new pics in may and refreshed it coz she have more time now. I had barely used the site and didnt even know u could hide ur profile , so i said im hiding mine then coz im not looking for something. I never asked her to hide hers. Yet its hidden now from what i can say.

She asked if theres many writing to me, and i said yes, but only replied to her. Well she knows tons about me. On Mid-autumn her lil brother has birthday
and her elder sister will get married (to chinese guy) at her parents place. She will take pics for me from there.

Aside from her being gorgeous cant see anything suspicious. Then one day she says train but it was about a bus. So i add a note to the translator
and asks if it was lost in translation or if we are playing funny games?

In the next response letter she have added a polite comment, stating her name and that shes a friend and only want whats best for the lady and wish us a good future.
My girl says the translator told her i was asking. And she said it was her that mixed up bus and train. She also said it was the translator who had told her to stay with me  because i was "good" guy.  hehe i explained about not everyone having so happy experiences. hehe, she said she will go read the open forum to see.

1 week, i ask if she know what QQ is, (ok im dumb, every chinese would know) she says ofcourse she does and asks my number. And says maybe we can do webcam too. She can go to cafe now and then.

I cant see the translator trying to slow anything down to be honest. When i ask what she expect from a marriage she has no expectations, she never been married. But she wants to be happy with someone whos responsible and caring.

I was gonna send a cd, but she had no cd player ... yes they are about antiques soon. But says she will go buy one if then.

Asked if her parents know she wants to find a foreign man. She says ofcourse, she asked and told them before joining the site.

I ask why she wants to meet a westerner. And she says one of her best friends mother remarried and lives in USA now, and she always call her daughter and says how happy she is and that western men treat ladys with care and respect..

I explain i have quite alot of tattoos, in Korea the oldstyle generation would label me as mafia/yakuza/bad guy immediately, whilst the new generation are much more westernized. She says, some elder might but doesnt matter as long as she knows im a good guy.

Her parents? Hehe.. they will like me alot she says

I should be good at sensing when something is smelly, seems to easy.. im just being served hehe
 but right now i dont. And i dont sense the translator does much more then add the fluff either. I added a note  to the translator also that i will continue using their services as long as genuine.

Next thing i will ask cell. But i dont feel like im not gonna get it. So will wait a bit , so its not me who appears to hasty.

Theres just one big oddity hehe, this doesnt seem anything like any experiences i´ve read on the old board or here. Especially not when it comes to a 24 gem.

Says she never ever argues or fights.

I ask if shes ready to leave family and friends and move abroad, big step. She says, will be difficult. But she will have me, and new friends later. Doesnt matter where we live. Where theres love , there is home.

the Agency seems to have a good rep.  Anyways, i will keep my heart in play until i meet her in real.

The surprise comes with the 50mill RMB contract later lol.

If anyone think theres something obvious for reason to doubt then input is appreciated.  Except a little too easy, too good ...  i dunno.. i will proceed in good faith and follow my heart regardless of what anyone will say. But still appreciated so we can all laugh at me afterwards.. or not. ;)

the Agency is Wuhan Oriental Love Consulting Company  Agency ID: P509
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"


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Re: My chnlove experience so far... different flow?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2010, 09:37:42 am »
Sometimes a guy will get lucky right off the bat and find a good one. And after a few years some guys are still looking. Personally it seems like you are handling it all just perfect.  Hope all goes well for you.
Jimmy Henson

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: My chnlove experience so far... different flow?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2010, 10:24:17 am »
Thanks Jimmy.

Well i havent been all that lucky prior so ... maybe im getting som karma my way hehe.  It all comes down to see her in real in the end... and a bill somewhere.
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"


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Re: My chnlove experience so far... different flow?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 12:46:49 pm »
I am quite cautious in the internet as well. I also found this site somehow accidentally on some add.
I thought sure I can register. Added my pic and some info. I never used my real last name when registering. I'm still wondering if that will bring me some troubles. But the rest went quite a lot like your story.

But just stay cautious and don't lie. Keep writing more. And you'll know yourself later on if she feels like the right one.

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: My chnlove experience so far... different flow?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2010, 02:58:39 pm »
Yes a very good point. Dont lie.

Personally i never do , i know too well the drama that will enfold after you have freely exploited your unlimited powers online to become  who you wish you were, Buck Roger, He-man or whatever. Its all good up until the point when you will meet her.

Worst possible way ever to start off an relation is by a lie. Its doomed
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"


Offline maxx

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Re: My chnlove experience so far... different flow?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 07:28:53 pm »
Mikael you are off to a good start.And Yes sometimes it does happen Just like you posted.I wrote to one lady.Starting in March of 2006.Went to China in May of 2006.Went back to China in Aug of 2006.And had the wedding party.In March of 2007 my wife came to the states.And in April of 2007.I married her again  just to make it legal in the states.We are still married.And have 2 boys the oldest one will be three in December.And the youngest will be one in January.

The biggest killer of a cross culture relationship.Is over thinking the situation.People get inside thiere heads.Start thinking to much.Then they start over thinking it.Then one bad thought piles on top of another bad thought.And then before they know it the relationship is bad the woman is bad.The agency is bad.Do you see what I'm trying to tell you.

Thiere is nothing wrong.With being careful and cautious.When you start on this little journey.But you cannot let it run into paranoia.Like so many people do.

# 1 different country different customs.The first time you meet your lady.She is going to do some things that you think are strange.And different from.The way you would do them.Don't get wrapped up in the little things.As long as it is not dangerous.Don't worry about it.

# 2 MAXX'S 24 HOUR RULE LIVE IT LOVE IT LEARN IT. The 24 hour rule says no matter what crazy thing your lady says to you.You do not comment on it for 24 hours.You post what ever it is here.Let the members discuss it amongst themselves.24 hours gives you time to slow down and think about what the lady was trying to tell you.It also gives the other members a chance to discuss it and come up with the correct response.9 out of 10 times you and the lady had a miss communication.Or it is a difference in customs and culture.The 24 hour rule is a valuable tool.But only if you remember to use it.

#3 keep your head up and you eyes wide open.

If you can remember these rules.All of this will be allot easier for you and the lady.The other thing I would if you serious about this.Do not wate more then 4 months.To go see the lady.If you wate longer then 4 months.The relationship becomes stale.And then all you have gained is a expensive pen pall.

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: My chnlove experience so far... different flow?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2010, 08:41:55 pm »
Mike, Maxx .... thanks. Encouraging alot and i will value the importance in your advices.  i already picked up the 24H Rule hehe ;)
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"
