here is another idea from what i posted. when i go on to Amazon i do a search for whatever i am looking for at the time
and when it pulls up titles i read the listing on it and see how it is rated. when i find something i go to the main bookstore
here in Guangzhou that is like 7 floors. on the 4th floor is the english books and i ask them if they have this title. they look for me
and if not i ask do you carry it and a few times they said they do so i just call or go there periodically to see if it came in.
not sure were your at but it might be an option for you also. but the main idea was for you to do a search and then read the
reviews and see if its a book you might want. that was the purpose of the original post i made. but when i buy the book here it
is a little more but still cheaper than if i ordered it and they mailed it here.
i think i know why your doing this so i will give you a title that the ladies might like to read ; the books title is
A FREE LIFE by Ha Jin and it follows a mother and father and sons journey as they immigrate to the USA
it is a really excellent told tale of the struggles and ultimate success they had when they left China and went
to the USA
Also A GOOD FALL by Ha Jin is also a very good book as it details immigration to a new land. I found both books to be
as they say Exquisite and Resonant