Okay, well here is what we do, my wife has been calling her friends and family once a day and she can see them on the webcam also, we go home twice a year, once is for the whole family to go for 2 to 4 weeks and the second time my wife goes alone for 4 weeks, this keeps her very happy and when Zhou is happy we are all happy :icon_biggrin:, Zhou has been here for 5 years and there are times that she is so very home sick still, that is when I know it's time for her to go home and see every one, she sometimes gets there and after 2 weeks will ask me to bring here family to her, she will start missing us, this is when I tell her that she is there for her to spend time with her friends and her brother and Father and she agrees.
This is the best way for her and I, you Agarn my friend will have to find out what it will take to make her happy, they are all different women right.
Good luck and best wishes