To Brian and Robert,
First a note of caution, I was hooked into a "relationship" with an interperter so to speak. thought I was writing to an angel, and the agency was putting me on for months. they even sent phoney pictures, all airbrushed of course to me. I recieved one letter with an actual photo of her and it looked nothing like her. She quit writing after 6 months of buying emf's and the agency said she never came in anymore, and no one seemed to know anything about it...hummm - at one time, I was going to send her a cowboy hat, but found out that the cost of sending anything was so expensive, for a few dollars more I could buy a plane ticket for myself! What the heck...
As to the chinese to english and back agian, I also would like to know the name of that program !!! You might also try a free program on the internet called "bable fish" you can write your letter in pin yang or old chinese and it will translate to chinese, then copy it to say, yahoo mail and send it. you can do the reverse also with her letters. Works pretty good.
Just a few thoughts.....hope it helps...never send money go there yourself and then buy it....:fi_lone_ranger:
I for one would like to know more about that free e-mail vince that is offered by the agency in there contracts, and do they have webcam also ??