Hi Frank,
Depends on what your business is, maybe you can keep on top of if via the internet.
You said somewhere you were made in Germany, maybe... but i reckon your a Brit, and your parents were probably in the forces, or maybe one of your parents are German! haha!!.. but i'm just guessing now!! haha!! Just that your English, and i mean in the way you use your English, tells me your not German!! lol!!
The more knowledge you have about the agency and the woman the better. All the ladies on chnlove are different and go about things differently, some will see it as possible scamming others will see it in other ways, it's basically down to you to weed out the chuff from the honest/good one's....
David, Lol no way! Me a Brit?
Weisst Du, dass ich Gutes Englisch spreche liegt eher an meiner englisch-sprechenden ex-Frau, und ich habe ein Paar Jahre in den Vereinigten Staaten gewohnt und gearbeitet. Auch später habe ich hauptsächlich auf Englisch in Süd-Europa gearbeitet, daher mein Englischniveau. Und falls mein Deutsch etwas mittelmässig ist liegt das daran das es zumindest schrifltich selten benutzt wird!
Mais j'habite bien en France et j'ai toujours mon passeport allemand! Et je compte bien apprendre le Mandarin aussi! Et je ne suis certainement pas un rosbeef!
Google translate me that
, I wrote it so I don't know if Google can churn it into something understandable, maybe you'll believe me, maybe not, but I am German and live in France!
I tested the agency in January, got the girl whose reality I questioned on regular QQ with webcam, we were just not made for each other in the end :angel: That doesn't mean a scam is impossible of course.
Hmm... still wondering why the only paragraph she skipped was my coming over ...
Ooops, my business is online retail + wholesale, so I have to stall the retail 24 hours before leaving and can turn it on a few days before getting back. The wholesale can keep going to some extent except I can't ship anything, thus the employees planned in January. Right now I need to generate cash quickly to expand product offering and revenue potential, employees would slow me down and I can sort of handle it alone for the moment, although the work load is humongous. But I'm not complaining, in the general economic context I was pessimistic and it turns out I'm exceeding initial expectations by 120% in the first 6 weeks, I had to put prices up in order to be able to handle all the orders ...:icon_cheesygrin: So I'm not complaining.