Author Topic: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded  (Read 27509 times)

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #45 on: November 06, 2009, 01:03:24 pm »
NOW you know in your heart mate.  That's the key to all this online dating experience. Well that's my view:icon_biggrin:

The minute you mentioned about Ling not wanting to be seen with you, :@ I figured there and then.  For F...s sake you went all the way there and she would get embaressed to be seen with you!!!.  

« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 01:04:06 pm by Scottish_Rob »

Offline heckerd

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2009, 01:06:18 pm »
I had the same experience with my wife telling me not to hold her hands when we got near her apartment when I first meet her. Her friends will ask her all sort of questions if seen and will ask some more if they don't see me with her when I leave China. That I can understand why Ling told you not to walk her back to the office.   Was easy for Yamaha to introduce you to her work colleges since she was married and work at a multinational company so she didn't have to explain much. Good thing you decided to see Sunny as I said in my earlier post that you should see the other lady since you were undecided. Sounds like you have much more in common with Sunny and communication with her is alot better. I agree with you to let Ling go and concentrate on Sunny.

On behalf of the members I'm requesting pictures of Sunny and Yamaha.

Offline Irishman

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2009, 02:50:07 pm »
Thanks guys, I just had long conversation with Ling 2 over msn , we still chat as friends, i am not a monster and we both still enjoy a old heart to heart as friends.. She says that if Ling liked me truly she would be happy to introduce me to her colleagues not embarrassed, and i am sure she is right.

Yamaha introduced me to her boss, Ling reckons that Yamaha is happy to have me as a friend and to introduce me to the people that matter to her as a result. Yamaha knows her American husband awaits her and is comfortable as a result having laowai friends, her husband Jon is from Portland MI (Maine???) she proudly showed me pics of her American visa application and of course of them together in the traditional Chinese wedding gear haahah (i didnt laugh!!!)l told her to give Jon our address as there are many other guys like him from America waiting on their sweethearts to get their visa also.

I'm moving on tomorrow, time here is too precious to waste, if it is slow time with Sunny then thats fine, but it is Sunny time :)

I'm dreading and anticipating the dawn, its gonna be a big day.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 02:54:07 pm by Irishman »
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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2009, 03:18:04 pm »
Ummm ... Irish Brother ... I have FIRST DIBS on the name "Sunny" on this Forum as I met my "Sunny" on July 9th. So you have to call your Sunny ... Sunny2 / Sunny II / Sunny from GZ / Sunny 'that can speak English' better than the original Sunny.

Glad to hear things are going well with your Sunny. You gave Ling another chance and she blew it. Time to move forward. Hope she doesn't blow a gasket.


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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2009, 06:22:29 pm »
Wow, Irishman that's a great story. You really know how to tell them. There is a real flow to them. There's a good balance between description and commentary. You're a real storyteller. Sometimes, for pleasure, I read through one of your threads from the beginning, and it always is so interesting, and leaves me envious about your wit, charm and abilities.

I think you're doing the right thing. I think if it's not perfect, then it's not good enough. You can tell when someone loves you and when they don't. Someone who loves you makes a big effort to make you happy. Of course it isn't just a one way street, I make a big effort for the woman I love. And it isn't that I sit down each day and weigh up who has done more or less, but after a while, you know what's going on.

It's a bit like a game of see-saw, and there's some back and forth, but if someone doesn't want to play, and just wants to receive and never give, then plainly it just doesn't work.

I don't like to show off my good fortune or anything, but I was really touched last night. I had a really hard day and I was not sure when I was getting home. So my darling YaYa said to me, that she wanted to cheer me up by having a conversation with me on Skype. I said I wasn't sure when I was back. So she told me that she would wait at home until I got back. I told her that I felt bad that she had just sat about at home, waiting for me to get back. She said she was honoured to wait for me, and it was just really lovely to find her there at the end of the day. I even got some kisses through the web cam. I don't know if anyone has received air kisses through a web cam, but it just made me laugh and laugh.

Which is all a long way around to say that if she does not glow with happiness when she sees you, then it seems to me, it hasn't happened yet for her, or might never. It doesn't sound like Ling glows with happiness when she sees you, or talks to you, and so maybe it is indeed time for a sunny girl.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 06:29:08 pm by Danny »

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #50 on: November 06, 2009, 07:56:35 pm »
Like all his countrymen the Irishman has a way with words and it is great following his time in Guangzhou with him.

I am with you Danny - when you find the one that is right for you then you will know.  If you have to put up questions or make excuse for someone then sorry it is not so firm as you may have thought.     I have no doubts that I have found the right one at last.  Oh yes I have had many beauties here but this one has shown over the past two months just how well she will look after me.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 07:57:46 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline maxx

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2009, 08:03:07 pm »
Good luck with all of this.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2009, 08:20:26 pm »
The 1 thing everyone is forgetting , until you have been to China , it is like pissing into the wind , China  is not like any other country and indeed Chinese women are , not like any in  other country , so pick a city and maybe a lady and go see , and get rid of the theory , that is the one message that comes through the thousands of postings on this forum , your love of your life might not be right for you the first time , but you will not be alone for more than 24 hours , if you use your brains , regards Ying and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
For electronics and books etc , check out ,

Offline Irishman

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2009, 09:06:18 pm »
Thanks guys, well Ling didnt take it well at all, she blew a fuse to be precise, apparently she hates me now.
Am glad thats over with, it is the right thing to do I had to see her face to face to know it wasnt right between us even if it was probably obvious to the older brothers her that have read my ramblings from the start here!

Maxxinator are you biting your tongue :P ?

Thanks brothers for your support, even the jerks amongst the brotherhood, like me, appreciate that we can screw up and have friends to pick us up, my sincere thanks for that.

Today is day one of my new journey with Sunny, the Lings, Jings, Qings and every other 'ing in China can breath a sigh of relief !!!
« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 09:07:23 pm by Irishman »
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Martin

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #54 on: November 06, 2009, 10:31:31 pm »
the Lings, Jings, Qings and every other 'ing in China can breath a sigh of relief !!!

And those of us that aren't covered by that list?:huh:

Offline Danny

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2009, 11:52:27 pm »
Quote from: 'Irishman' pid='22192' dateline='1257559578'

well Ling didnt take it well at all, she blew a fuse to be precise, apparently she hates me now.
Am glad thats over with


To have reached the end of the road, when it's unmistakeable, an ending to all the doubts and worries and hopes and dreams you have about a relationship, this is sometimes the best possible thing that you can receive from a woman.

Talking as someone who has loved a woman a great deal more than she loved me for more than a year, I wish I had known it wasn't going to work out, earlier rather than later. But at least I know now. I was told to my face. And that's what you've recieved. It's a good thing.

I think the worst possible would be for it to just drag along for months and months, making yourself and your woman as miserable as can be.

I know you will not feel this right now, but it's sometimes a real good thing what you've received.

You can't go back now, you've burnt your bridges and you're free indeed. So good luck. It'll be just fine.

Offline maxx

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #56 on: November 07, 2009, 12:21:33 am »
What do you want me to say?I told you a year ago to finish this thing with Ling.But you wouldn't.I think you like self abuse. I'm glad to hear that you have finnaly moved past Ling 1 and Ling 2 I really do hope this one is the one for you.

Best of luck

Offline Irishman

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #57 on: November 07, 2009, 11:43:24 am »
During coffee in Starbucks this morning I chatted to Sunny on QQ and agreed to meet her after work (she works a half day on Saturdays). So took the metro to Panyue Square where she works close by and had another coffee in a nice restaurant and waited fro her to join me. As ever she looked lovely and we had a nice lunch there and then went to visit Shamian Island where she hadn't actually visited herself before.
What a strange place!!
Old European style building and ladies everywhere  getting photographed , it was surreal, models and brides every where, its clearly very different to the rest of the city.
There are loads of small museums/antique stores and we visited a few, in one of they places they had pictures made from donkey skins and then painted, weird !! We spent a very pleasant couple of hours there and then had some fruit drinks at a riverside place (Pearl River). She also thought me how to do Tai Chi..its involves a watermelon story haha, you would have to see it to get it haha.There were people swimming in the Pearl river and old guys doing the Tai Chi and as usual in China, where ever there is a green area people just dont loaf around they do stuff.
 There as old ladies singing in the old Chinese style while old folk shuffled around dancing to it, there was people playing tennis, there were men fishing in the river, there was boats going up and down. It was pretty romantic I suppose.
When ever I look at Sunny she breaks out into a big smile as do I, so there is the beginnings of something there I think.
After that we took the metro to meet up with Yamaha (my friend that introduced me to her).
The dinner party turned out to be a private room in an gigantic restaurant, it must have been about 5 storeys high with hundreds of private rooms and massive open plan dining areas. Stunningly beautiful girls in traditional clothing shouted out greetings and waiters literally ran around ferrying food around the place, i can only imagine what the kitchen was like. There were other coordinators with earpieces and mikes that constantly talked coordinating the frenetic activity, I've never seen anything quite like it, there must have been around 1000 if not more people dining there at any one time.

So anyhow, Sunny knew which room was booked and we were directed there by the army of fresh faced , traditionally clothed, did i mention stunningly beautiful?!, girls.
In the room was Yamaha and two men from her company, one spoke pretty good English so its was very interesting. I was clearly the important guest as as the array of foods arrived I was always the first one they wanted to try the food. The food was served onto a rotating glass table so it was easy to swing a dish you liked right around to you. My chopstick skills no longer make Chinese laugh haha, they were very impressed!
One of the dishes in particular they got very excited about when it came. There was a hushed silence and they all stared at me to see would i eat it. It was a brown circular thing, it tasted kinda fatty but like pork, quite nice.
I asked Sunny why they all looked at me eating it  and they all burst into conspirational laughter. They wouldn't tell me what it is, and apparently they wont tell me what it is until I'm going home haha. I'm guess its pig intestine or something i wouldn't normally touch with a bargepole, but when in Rome do as ... I didnt recognise anything on the table, noodles were apparently actually mushrooms and it went on like that, i have given up even trying to guess, i just shove it in my gob and see if I like the taste. After eating snails out of their shells (they give you a glove to hold the shell and a wooden steak to stab into the flesh and pull from the shell, you then bite of the brown end and leave behind the white gooey bit) last night there is no going back at this stage!

So dinner was very enjoyable and Yamaha kept talking to Sunny looking of at me and the two of them would then burst out laughing and glance at me every so often, haha.
Yamaha's two male colleagues from work paid for the dinner and we all then went to "foot massage" (Sunny said I should pay for the foot massage which seemed fair enough).
Again this place is hard to describe, multiple floors with dimply lit spotless rooms , water fountains, stone sculptures and girls with microphones and earpieces coordinating it all. need to experience this to believe it.
All five of us went into our room , and took a chair each and watched a huge plasma screen with some ping pong. It was China versus Japan and China was winning and the men were loving it, cheering every point China won!!
Then spot on the turn of the hour, five gorgeous girls came into the room in a kind of parade armed with towels and other bits and bobs, one to a man or woman.
So, my beauty enthusiastically washed my feet, rolled up my trousers to the knees and then rubbed moisturiser in and then basically tortured the soles of my feet hahh. However once that was done she did my neck shoulders and back and then told me to sit in front of her and she then pulled me back down unto her chest and massaged my eyebrows, rubbed my earlobes, and rubbed my forehead and face and scalp for a while, fellas, this as not the most unpleasant experience I ever had let me tell you!!

She then did the upper part of my lgs and all I kept doing was a Homer Simpson "think unsexy thoughts,think unsexy thoughts,think unsexy thoughts etc" was touch and good but my modesty was preserved just about haha.

After all that (about an hour) they raped scalding hot towels around our feet for a few minutes and then washed them again. Interestingly my masseuse told Sunny that i had a tender spot in my right foot that corresponds to my kidney, i heard her say "bu hao" (not good) and she then jabbed the point to demonstrate to Sunny and I of course jumped much to Sunny and her amusement. Sunny takes this stuff seriously and said I should have my doctor check my kidneys for problems. I'm not sure i believe it but I will mention to my doc and see what she says, i am due cholesterol tests anyhow so they can test the blood for a bunch of other stuf at the same time.
After the foot massage I paid for it and it only came to 275 RMB for all five of us, great value, I would normally spend around that on dinner just for me and one lady

The men their ways after that and as it was now about 22:30 the ladies took the train in one direction and I the other.

Sunny is going to help me check into a new hotel that she says is better value and nicer rooms tomorrow morning. We are going to do the Pearl river cruise tomorrow evening and I'm going to see if a bit of hand holding can be initiated there :) After moving hotel i'm not sure what we will do but it will be together so it will be fine. I find Sunny very interesting and intellectual, which really appeals to me, she can hold a conversation thats interesting and I dont constantly have to be the one starting the conversation as was the case with Ling 2. She doesnt mind at all the slight touches i make now and again to see if she flinches, in the metro she sat right beside me leg to leg shoulder to shoulder.
Yamaha has told me not not to force it with Sunny - she is thoughtful and wont be rushed into anything.
 To be honest thats perfectly fine with me, i've learned from the past that sometimes you have to walk even when you want to run. On the Pearl river cruise is going for hand hold time I think, kissing, if it happens, might be about a week i think if even then. Sunny doesn't have a chnlove profile but knows all about chnlove, I'll expand more on that later, now isnt the time.

Ling left some documents in my bag and texted  that she wants them back, i know that meeting isnt going to be pleasant, I know where she works so might just ask Yamaha to give them to the front desk there as she works near the building, there's no point in me trying to do this as there are many companies in the sky scraper Ling works in and only one front reception not used to dealing with laowai.

So I wont be getting engaged this trip, but i will hopefully have made a new friend and the beginning of something great, I've also finally broken with Ling 1 and now know that it was the right thing to do so no regrets.
I've two weeks left to get to know Sunny well, its started off great, hopefully there will be tears on the way home :)
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #58 on: November 07, 2009, 12:00:49 pm »
My wife lives near Shamian Island.  I was quite intrigued with the place.  Your details brought a lot of memories, expecially the part of walking along the Pearl.

Great trip update Irishman.  Good to see things are going along well for you, and you are developing a nice friendship with Sunny.

Hey Chong, did Sunny tell you that she was going to Guanzghou this week to meet some Irish guy?  Oh wait...she told me to tell you...I might have forgotten to tell you earlier.

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RE: My trip to Guangzhou - reloaded
« Reply #59 on: November 07, 2009, 12:05:53 pm »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='22210' dateline='1257571293'

I'm glad to hear that you have finnaly moved past Ling 1 and Ling 2 I really do hope this one is the one for you.

Best of luck

... and LING LING The Panda Bear who Irish had a tremendous crush on !!! :icon_cool:
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='22237' dateline='1257613249'

Hey Chong, did Sunny tell you that she was going to Guanzghou this week to meet some Irish guy?  Oh wait...she told me to tell you...I might have forgotten to tell you earlier.

Sunny's not into bald 'Uncle Fester' type guys. Lord knows YOU tried.  :icon_cool:

Irish ... are you sure that masseuse didn't refer to your LIVER ... hahaha
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 12:15:09 pm by Chong »