My guess is the US doesn't want people to know that it has more laws and restrictions then China.
I have told some people about my reaction when I read the post and other resources that said what the income tax rate in China is and how it's MUCH lower then those in the US. Their response was something like; "Well they have so many more people!" I said that is a small factor, but the reality is that in any given population there will be the same PERCENTAGE of truly needy people who can't work or need government assistance. That they have more people means they have more people who need help. The other thing is that it seems to me the Chinese culture has a VERY strong aversion to "free loading". They have a much stronger work ethic and here in the US you have people who are on the public dole who are cranking out babies, or just sitting home and collecting assistance checks because they make more off the government then they do working at McDonalds. The American, (and by american I mean US citizens), people seem to need a good swift kick in the britches and wake up to the fact that they are falling behind in the world economic picture.
I've told people, in a semi-joking/semi-serious tone, one day we're going to wake up and find that overnight the Native Americans (Indians) have gathered all the money we spend in their casinos, gone into a partnership with China and BOUGHT the US out from under us. China would now have four new provinces in North America, the Navajo Province, the Sioux Province, ... Well I'm sure you get the picture.
The other thing when people tell me. "BUY AMERICAN" I say; "I do, this was made in Mexico, this was made in Chili, this was made in El Salvidor, those are all in South
America. They look at me with this "We are not amused" look.