Author Topic: A new life  (Read 41109 times)

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Offline JimB

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RE: A new life
« Reply #120 on: November 24, 2009, 10:00:01 am »
Sorry Rob.  I guess everything happens for a reason.  We sometimes do not understand at the time.  But, it will work out for you.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: A new life
« Reply #121 on: November 24, 2009, 10:21:29 am »
Just popped up to get changed going to her house:icon_cheesygrin:

Just a little update, I asked her if she would marry me, after I calmed her down about leaving. (will fill in the details later)....SHE SAID YES, with tears in her eyes...

She is taking me to the airport tomorrow...So NOT looking forward to that:huh:

Right gotta go...
« Last Edit: November 24, 2009, 10:22:12 am by Scottish_Rob »

Vince G

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RE: A new life
« Reply #122 on: November 24, 2009, 10:21:51 am »
?? Rob, I thought you had other meetings and demo classes to do? Did you do them all? Now I'm all confused? You were moving there but now you were going only for 2 weeks? You just contradicted everything you wrote before?

As for the class, you didn't say what you talked about. I think the first thing I would have done was to see what the level of english they knew? And take it from there.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2009, 10:23:19 am by Vince G »


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RE: A new life
« Reply #123 on: November 24, 2009, 10:24:50 am »
sorry to hear this news Rob. god luck with everything and
 i really hope it works out well for the both of you


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RE: A new life
« Reply #124 on: November 24, 2009, 10:33:09 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='23889' dateline='1259076111'

?? Rob, I thought you had other meetings and demo classes to do? Did you do them all? Now I'm all confused? You were moving there but now you were going only for 2 weeks? You just contradicted everything you wrote before?

As for the class, you didn't say what you talked about. I think the first thing I would have done was to see what the level of english they knew? And take it from there.

Hi I will need to write this quick mate...

My original plan was a two week holiday...As you know because of K...

My back up plan was Moving here..

But could only do that If I got a full time job, with a Visa...

As My Speech is a big problem, I have to reconsider at the moment.  And unfortunetly, my booked tomorrow which I couldn't change, for some reason...

Sorry for the confusion...


I had another couple of demo classes to do this Thursday and Saturday...If I was to stay and not get work from them.  Then I fu....ed.  No job, No money, No flight...

You will not get a  working Visa or Perks when only doing part time.

These two jobs should I have gotten them (from Demo) would only have brought in 300 rmb a week...  A flat cost minimum 1200 per month...
If I have no other jobs, then I cannot feed myself...
« Last Edit: November 24, 2009, 03:27:18 pm by Scottish_Rob »


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RE: A new life
« Reply #125 on: November 24, 2009, 10:52:23 am »
what about sending out your c/v to schools while your back
home? maybe that would help land something???

Offline Irishman

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RE: A new life
« Reply #126 on: November 24, 2009, 01:28:56 pm »
Sorry to hear that Rob.
You should try to do a TEFL cert of some kind when you get back, it really will open doors for you I am sure.
Your story reads like a true romance mate, dont give up on Anne , she will wait for you if you are a good man for her and i am sure you would be if you can get work there.
I know the flight home will suck, I just went though that and i cried like a baby and i dont care, it is natural and if there one things the Chinese understand its love. You see it everywhere, from the respect of the elderly and the young, the old folk signing and dancing in the parks. I cried like a baby leaving GZ and i didn't get any funny looks at all, no look at the laowai doing something strange looks at all (which older folk do generally give with any cuddling or kissing in public), all i got was gentle kindness as the tears flowed as Sunny looked on from a distance as they checked my bags and scanned me for metallic objects.

I hope you can arrange work there mate, the love of a good woman like Anne is priceless.
We are all here behind you as you know, no matter what.
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: A new life
« Reply #127 on: November 24, 2009, 03:13:28 pm »
Something I don't "really understand", in fact.
"She said YES, she is going to take me to the airport tomorrow".
Did she really understand the sentence said by Rob or did she say "YES", without understanding and trying to guess what Rob asked to her?

On the other hand, if she really understood, then, she will have to wait, so will you too, Rob.
Well. Anyway you won something during your journey in China, first country you are visiting outside U.K, right? :)
So, go on ;)
As says Irishman', we're all behind you ;)
- Let's Rock -


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RE: A new life
« Reply #128 on: November 24, 2009, 03:20:18 pm »
Ok where do I start...Where do I start????

I suppose the best place would be me coming back from Rizhao.   Oh Vince before I forget, the things I talked about in the demo, was and I will just make a list.  That way it may help others who want to go down this road.  Although they didn't work for me !!! It was my Scottish Language that failed me, not the subject matter...

My name...Including Chinese Name...
Where Born...
Where Living...
Using Uk singular and as a whole, explaining how there are 4 Countries in GB...
Explaining Cetificates and showing them all including any Degree's you may have...USE PROPS
Work History...
May have to explain certain work to them...
Likes and Dislikes...
and the most Important one...WHY you come to China to live...

Other topics can include

types of food...
Countries (That you have experienced in going to...
The list can be endless...

So as you can see, there is no shortage of things to talk about...

Now back to Script.
Today while in Rizhao, Anne must have phoned me about 6 times to check on me.  On the first call, I asked straight away how Fanyung was doing and if he was ok.  The answer was 'Yes, he is ok".  But she did share a few deletives concerning her uncle and his pooch, of course I am only summising this as it was in Chinese.  I dare say HE will get a good telling off of when she sees him next...

Anyway I come back and gets ready to go and see her, I pick her up from her address, which I had written down, and then got someone in the hotel to scrib into proper Chinese for me and the taxi driver:icon_biggrin:

As we set off I phoned her to tell her "I was on my way", so she said "wait in the car I will be downstairs"

She comes down and there is a happy smile on her face and I think to myself 'Oh Shit, that will soon be gone':s We get to the restaurant the first one we were at (which is quite apt) and we get a seat by/near the window.  We orders some drinks and food, my favourite so far Sichuan Hotpot, and she gets some Squid (YUK)  As she was eating that I thought, no way am I kissing her tonight. haha  But then it came to me, 'You still gotta tell her!!!':huh:

I wait until the meal is over and I start with. "Anne, sweetheart:-/, You know where I was today and the job interview I went for?" She say's "Yes, tut, I talked to you all day:huh:"., that cracked me up.  Her answers again will be in brackets.  "Well I never got it." (Smiles right across her face..."Oh why?").  So I explained about the language difference etc, and all she could say was '"BUT I understand you!!!"  This was harder than I planned.

So again, I explained a bit more in better detail, so she nods her head, as if to say Ahhh right.  I told her that I needed this job so I could stay here in Qingdao.  Now this lady is NOT as DUMB as it seems here...("Your Staying here"... Smiles again)  So I rub my the top of my brow because by now I was getting perplexed.  So I took her face in my hands, made her look strauight at me, and I nodded NO...Again this is wher the shit hits the fan so to speak, the tears appear.  "But why, you good teacher!!!" is all I can hear her say, and at that I'm totally lost for words because the emotion is now setting in within me.  I asked the waiter to "watch our table that we would be right back", he saw that she was crying now, BLOODY HELL, so did everyone in China I think.  Anyway, we are at the door and I get her calmed down and tell her, I will be only away for 12 weeks (tears again)  Now I'm thinking to myself, how the feck am I going to get this better and make her understand.  So I say lets wipe away the tears and go back upstairs.

This she does but they are like a continues stream...  We get back to the table and I can see everyone looking at me and possibly thing Bloody laowei:s, so as she sits down I move closer to er and bring out the ring, that I had bought the other day (before I run out of money) I opened the box and presented it to her, sayin, "Wo ai ni, Anne... I love you, will you marry me?" (well it was no good me going down all my knees lol).  The tears came and  she took the ring put it on the wrong finger, which I then had to show her which one, and she said YES:icon_cheesygrin:.  Once that word come out she flung her arms around me AGAIN, and kissed me right there in the middle of the place...Some people saw this and shouted and clapped, well mostly the ladies...

The waiter came over and asked if we would like a drink, because his manager had seen this and was really happy for us..  We said thanks and just got a fruit juice.  After I paid the bill, she said "you come home with me?".  Anne went to the bathroom and when she came back out, I saw the tears again, but when she came up and I was starting to ask what was wrong she said "it's Ok".  We left with many people  patting her and my shoulder, so I was pleased at this...  We decided to walk to mine so I could get changed again, tonight I felt all sweaty under my arms.  We got her and I logged in for a few minutes. and then left to go to hers.  We get a taxi again and we set off, just as we pull into her street, she sees her sister (mother had the boy), so she stops the car, I pay and she jumps out and RUNS to her sister and shows her the ring.  The two of them hug and when I get over, she gives me a hug too:icon_biggrin:  

Whats going through my mind!!!  That's right MOTHER and UNCLES:s

We get upstarirs and all I can hear aprt from the clunk clunk of her shoes, is her singing away to herself, even though she has my arm  I'm feeling NERVOUS...We get in and mother comes rushing out and shouting something in Chinese and starts hugging Anne and myself???  Little did I know that, when she was in the bathroom she had phoned her mother and told her.  I thought they always done this face to face???
Anyway, not long til I'm finshed!!!

Mother hurriedly runs into the kitchen and mkes some tea while me and Anne sit on the couch, like 2 love sick teenagers, smiling and talking quietly to each other.  She asks afetr Fanyung and is told "Ok"...  Then it DAWNED on me:exclamation:...  All this I think, the mother and sister being happy was because of last night???  Well that's what I want to believe...

Anyway, once everyone go to bed we are on our own for the first time since this morning...And what the guys say about them knowing things you wouldn't believe is true.  I won't go any further!!!.  We speak about the flight tomorrow and her mood darkens, I try to make light of it, but it's cutting me to the quick thinking about it.  So we make plans for her to come to mine at 9.30 to pick me up and go up town for an hour or so.

Three hours (roughly) passes by so quickly and I tell her I have to go for a taxi, to get some sleep.  Haha the little minx all she can say is "You sleep on the plane!!!", Finally I persuade her and we walk dowstaires..  We get a taxi and the routine starts, 'You promise you be back?", so again I take the lead and tell 'Don't worry, I love you".  At that she is satisfied so we hug (TIGHTER than she had done before) asnd share a tender kiss..  And here I am fully awake at 04.18 China time telling you guys my sorry tale...

I [/size]really Must get some sleep...
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 07:55:21 pm by Scottish_Rob »

Offline wilsbrough

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RE: A new life
« Reply #129 on: November 24, 2009, 03:36:20 pm »
Was gonna say the wee laddie is up a little late? ha, and i'm not referring to your height....:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin: i'm really happy for you bro, you have found your lady at last, she sounds lovely. Did you say she has a sister...? :icon_cheesygrin: i'm looking forward to your next instalment. All the best to you both...

Every now and then i get a little bit nervous at the death of all the years have gone by....!

Offline zook144

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RE: A new life
« Reply #130 on: November 24, 2009, 05:05:51 pm »
Rob, I just got home from work and found out what is going on with you. It sucks about the job situation. But you came up aces finding
your lady. I am happy for the both of you about that. Maybe the job searching will turn around for you when you return to China. If that is what you decide to do. Good luck to you and Anne.
The Journey Is The Destination

Offline maxx

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RE: A new life
« Reply #131 on: November 24, 2009, 07:42:12 pm »
Rob buddy I'm really happy to hear that it is working out with the lady.But what the hell are you thinking.You could of changed the ticket.You could of told the airline almost anything.And they wouldn't of charged you to much.I used to do it all the time.

If you were going to loose the hotel room.We probably could of found you a cheaper room.Or your lady could of helped and done a much better job then us.

Improvise adapt and over come.They would of played hell with me to get me on that plane.Come to think of it they did.I can't count the number of times.My wife had to come find me and make sure I made the plane.

Rob the point is you almost made it out of the box you ben living in.But you let it suck you back in.But all hope is not lost you met the beautiful lady.The beautiful lady agreed to marry you.Your ladies mom likes you.So your at least on your way.

Good story good writing.Keep it up.


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RE: A new life
« Reply #132 on: November 24, 2009, 08:30:02 pm »
Ok...This is going to be my last post until I reach England...

It's 09.02 China time, and I'm up and showered...Now drinking a coffee Mike (at

I am waiting for Anne to show up...And everything is racing through my mind...I went to bed this morning about 4.45 and woke up at 6.15.  I am Bloody Knackered....

A s I sit here, I think back to all the guy's that have made this incredible journey and had to do the same thing I will be doing in a few hours...:huh:  The thoughts that they had, although we are not all alike, are probably the same....WHY, why do I have to go back....:@  You guy's were probably thinking what about what I am now...Your arrival and subsequent meeting with your ladies.  What your first words to her were...The first time she touched you (not sexually)...  The first time you go in for a kiss...  Haha the KISS hahahaYour first real meal together...  Her temper tantruns...... The first time you made love to her...  I bet each and every one of these thoughts, as your reading this post are coming back to you...

Is there anything I have missed...

I am sure that my story is a little unuel in that I think I succeedded where many have failed...Although THIS was a failed trip to begin with...If you can understand what i'm trying to say...

The airport goodbye, is SOMETHING I never contemplated until it dawned on me, that it would be (from last nights thoughts) tomorrow.  Her crying in the restaurant really brought it home to me.  It's not as if this was a little crying, thi seemed like a bloody flood.  I remember seeing my ex cry quite badly one time, but that was nothing in comarison:s.  I am just like Ronan and (probably) the rest of the guy's, trying to be strong for her.  I know I will break down at some stage, and I know it's better to let it out...But I still want her to see a strong person, But I still want her to know that it's hurting like crazy...

I am sure that there are many love affairs that has started with 'Chance meetings'.  But was this a chance meeting or was it FATE.  I say this because, I was fated to come to China, the words from the brothers about needing a translator, finally 'sunk in' and I needed one.  And of course was it FATE that one of the particular people I stop to help me HAS ONE and does the rest for me.

She said something in Chinese to me last night...It was about 18 words long...I have NO IDEA what it was , all I can rememeber is a couple of "Wo's" and a couple of "I's" and a "Shou" or "Zhou" thrown in for good measure.  I will ask her to write it down for me later.

Chance meeting or fate, what ever it is I will be forever in it's debt.  It has brought me to a beautiful, country (which I love, and it's funny to say that especially on a first visit).  It has brought me a beautiful lady.  And hopefully 'God Willing' it will bring me back safe to her...

I need to go...  That was Anne at my door, hehe she is asking what I'm writing:blush:...
Anyway guy's thanks for your support and your ears.  I will give you my overall thoughts about my trip and about the goodbye at te airport when I reach Barrow...

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: A new life
« Reply #133 on: November 25, 2009, 12:08:02 am »
Greetings Brothers,

Jeez Rob I dont log in for a couple days and the whole world changes with you!!!

First congrats to you and Anne regarding the engagement, well done there.

Second how soon could you return to China if you had a job?

Third, are you still in contact with Joyce from Linkesl?  She will keep looking for a job for you so keep in touch with her.  Also I will keep checking here with regard to a job with the school I am with.  I am the only native english teacher here, we also have one from Italy, Morocco and the Philipinnes, so they must be kinda desperate, also there is apparently one fron one of the... 'istan' countries but I havent seen him so who knows.  Also this organization has schools in quite a few cities so maybe we can find something there.

So if an italian and a moroccan can teach english why not a Scotsman?  It is the Queen's english after all and the Queen is Scottish so whats the problem?  Just speak slower and very clearly and things should work out.  I have had some of my advanced students say how easy it is to understand me so why do I speak slowly so I speed up to normal and they get the point heheh.

Anyway let me know how soon you could return if you found a job so I can check things out, just keep in mind you will need to support yourself for at least a month before you get paid and they wont reimburse the airfair until at least half way through the contract so be prepared for that.


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RE: A new life
« Reply #134 on: November 25, 2009, 03:53:42 am »
Yes a great trip report, although I thought you were going out there to live :huh:.

When you come home you will know why I became a bit unhinged. Only brothers who have done what we have and gone to China will know what it's like. For the first month back the 24 hour rule becomes more important than ever. Just make sure you keep her thinking that you love her, that seems to be the key to this :heart:.

I guess finding a teaching qualification is your best bet. Or do what Willy and I are doing and establish lots of little Internet businesses. At the Uni where I work they do an MSc in teaching English as a foreign language. I guess this would be overkill but there must be some easier certificates to obtain. It's not easy to find work in Asia though, if it was then most of the men in England would move to Thailand!

Also you should enrol on a Mandarin course, then you get to learn Chinese and you get to see language teaching in action :icon_cool:!

Good luck!!!