Shaun , you make the simplest things hard for yourself ,we have to agree with Maxx's comments , but if her sister and brother inlaw are still there , surly by talking to one of them you can transfer money to their U. S account for them to give to Peggy , short and sweet , with little cost and no drama , in China things get done in minutes , not hours or days , and Chinese women or men have no concept of waiting , I had a query on a piece of equipment the other night [ Sunday ] it was about 9pm China time , Ying picked up her phone and within 10 minutes had all the answers , would have taken bloody days in the Western world , also to most Chinese people their Id number is more valuable than a green card as it is linked to their whole life , and while they like to understand , there is so much told about guarding their card , until you meet face to face it can be all to hard .
Even email original copies of your flight details etc. , because as I have said before until she see's concrete information you are just miles away on the internet , and think of everything from her perspective , and keep things cool , regards Ying and Robert .