I guess Qing did not waste any time after passing the driving test . Yesterday , now where do you think .. she gone off to on her own ?
First to one Supermarket about two miles away . Did not find one item , so off to the next .. about eight miles away to find this special Sauce which she must have for dinner . She did find it there . I would have been afraid if she didn't , she would have most likely driven to the S.Fernando Valley to the 99 Ranch Market for it . Only 60 miles away . She is at least free to get out of the house now ones in awhile . Happy for her , but I do worry to come home and the Car is a foot shorter . So , my little Truck has 510,000 miles now .. it will be a million soon .

First two : Yes that crazy Helicopter .. round and around and upside down .
Next two : This War-Hog had the ground shaking pretty bad dropping those Bombs .
Next three : Thunderbirds , perfection at it's best .