Author Topic: Qing's arrival and beyond .  (Read 151129 times)

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #420 on: March 19, 2011, 08:28:21 pm »
Well a quick up-date on Qing's Drivers License . We received it finally on Thursday . Not without a surprise though .. actually two .
First :
They screwed up her name .. First name - Qing Dusch ; Last name - Chu . Here in Calif. the DMV goes by your Social Security Card ( they must match or they will not send you the Lic. ) . So .. where did they screw up ? The SS Card reads * Qing Dusch - Chu * , which makes the "Chu" the middle name , now the Drivers permit has it down as * Qing Dusch Chu * .. so does her Green Card . The only difference is .. it's does not have the * - * seperating the middle name . So it must of looked like the " Chu " was her last name .. still with me ? So her new Lic. reads FN: Qing Dusch LN: Chu . Idiot's , after we spends about 30 minutes filling out her application for the Lic. Written and Driving Test's with this Employee from the DMV .. telling her over and over  " CHU " is her Middle Name and Dusch her last ( like mine duhhhh ) . If there is something to screw up .. they find a way .. don't they ?

After waiting almost eight months to receive it , it is only GOOD til Nov. this Year . This goes to show , the Immigration Department "IS" involved with the DMV Depart. .. which my Lawyer said was "NOT" when I ask him . This now means , after Qing has to adjust her Status on Nov. ( been two years ) they wait to see if she can stay here in the US first .. before giving her a License with a longer Valid date . Those suckers do find new ways to get Money from you whenever they need more of it . I know the next Lic. will cost a new Fee again , unlike mine that get's send automtically .
So anyone's Wife here in the States ( that learns how to drive within those first two years before having her Permentant Green Card ) can expect to go through this also .

To add : When I called yesterday about the mistake they made .... ohh that'll be $25 Dollars to change the Name . To bad I can't slap that Person on the other Line through the Phone ! >:(
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 08:30:27 pm by Arnold »

Offline shaun

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #421 on: March 20, 2011, 07:43:03 am »
Arnold, this is why the US is loved by so many other nations.  Our government has made an art of being stupid, so much so that we just recently....    Oh I won't say it.  It will become political.  ;)


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #422 on: March 29, 2011, 12:43:21 am »
Well back to the brighter side of Life .

A few Photo's from this Weekend in our beloved Los Angeles .

If anybody wonders about that " BELL " , well this is " MY " Bell and my LaoPo can Ring it anytime she wants .  :P ;)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 12:46:11 am by Arnold »

Offline Jason B

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #423 on: March 29, 2011, 03:01:56 am »
Ahhhh.......the city of Angels, well there was one angel that I saw in the picutres; the bloke in the last picture is not the Belle you are refering to is it?

Glad you had a wonderful time.

ps. Arnold there are a couple of photos that did not load, do not know if it is this computer or not.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #424 on: March 29, 2011, 03:09:32 am »
Put another penny in your computer Jason , all pictures are okay down here , nice photo's Arnold , looks like you are putting on weight ha ha .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline halfpint

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #425 on: March 30, 2011, 02:34:11 am »
Arnold my 1st wife, even though she was born in Canada, ended up with different names on different government documents.  This did cause me some problems when I had to deal with her estate.  My lawyer told me it was very common with Chinese people.  So you are not alone!

I work for a large tire dealer who have mechanics that fix cars.  That suits me very well, once I open the hood and take a look, well then I'm lost.  Perhaps that's why I own Toyota's.  Have you ever seen one attached to a tow truck?

The pictures I can see are great.  I really wish I could post some.
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #426 on: March 30, 2011, 04:49:49 am »
Well, I am heavily invested in a towing company.  Almost weekly a tow truck picks up my Ford Pickup to bring it home.  ;D    I'd buy a Toyota but I'd lose my investment.  ::)

Arnold, great pictures.


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #427 on: March 30, 2011, 11:41:27 pm »
Jason , I also posted all the Pict's on Facebook and my Blog .. if you can't see them all .

Robert , thanks and thats Funny !

Shaun , thank you also . You know Alan has a point there .. hardly ever see them being Towed .

On the side , I forgot to mention .. after Downtown .. we headed back to Palmdale via Sunset Blvd . Qing had her first look at all of Hollywood/hollywood Hills with all the Million $ Homes and right through Beverly Hills and by Beverly Hilton Hotel . Ask if she ever wanted to stay there .. at $ 10,000 to $ 30,000 a night .. why not a Weekend ? :o   I think , now Pasadena comes in a Second on the favourite list for my LaoPo .

Offline David E

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #428 on: March 31, 2011, 01:31:01 am »
The reason you dont see many Toyotas being towed....they are so damm expensive to maintain and repair, the first problem,  and off to the wreckers they go !!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #429 on: March 31, 2011, 09:48:57 am »
The reason you dont see many Toyotas being towed....they are so damm expensive to maintain and repair, the first problem,  and off to the wreckers they go !!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Very true , but aren't just about "ALL" Cars today throwaway Cars . The best example here , look at the RABBIT (VW) they sold more of those than Beetle's and where are they now ? Like you say , engine goes .. to the Wreckers . This is the same with new Cars , drive them 10 years and they are Junk and the Dealer have no more parts for them . The days you want to keep a Car for 40-50 some years are over .

Vince G

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #430 on: March 31, 2011, 11:26:40 am »
I had a VW Rabbit (bought in Germany and shipped over). I sold it and heard later (a month or two) that he rapped it around a pole.

My last van was 17 years old and ran great till the end. Just about everything else went on it but the motor and trans were fine, not even any smoke from the exhaust pipe. Getting tires became a search because they were 15 inch rims?

I had two Toyota's, one was a company car that at times would not start and they couldn't find the problem? (I think the fuel pump was intermittent?). The other one when I got it I rebuilt the motor (didn't run right) and it went for a long time after until sold and they wrecked it. These days parts so expensive it's not worth fixing. Starters I use to get for $25.00 are now $300-400.

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #431 on: March 31, 2011, 02:08:19 pm »
I love my Toyota. irresistible as chocolate


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #432 on: April 16, 2011, 07:12:06 pm »
We both are glad that Spring seems to have finally arrived , in our Yard . Here are some new Photo's of things to enjoy just staying Home relaxing and taking in your hard work " Profit's " .

1: Apricot Tree ( full again this year )
2: Ivy , that I started when I first started to write to Qing
3: Puppies , that I let just grow wild across backyard
4: Next to Qing's Swing Bench
5: Same as #4
6: Yellow Jasmine around Driftwood from Beach
7: Canadian Maple and Juniper
8: Miniature White Roses

continued ...


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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #433 on: April 16, 2011, 07:20:09 pm »
some more ..

1: Our new Red Apple tree
2: Grapes ( red and green ) with new Scrub's and lighting near Bench
3: Side Patio is looking great
4: White tall Lilies by front Door ( in Honor of my Chinese Sister by the same name )
5: Flowery entrance

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Re: Qing's arrival and beyond .
« Reply #434 on: April 16, 2011, 07:39:31 pm »
Great pictures Arnold.  I am jealous of the colours that you have outside.  The only colour we see today, is white falling from the sky.