Well a quick up-date on Qing's Drivers License . We received it finally on Thursday . Not without a surprise though .. actually two .
First :
They screwed up her name .. First name - Qing Dusch ; Last name - Chu . Here in Calif. the DMV goes by your Social Security Card ( they must match or they will not send you the Lic. ) . So .. where did they screw up ? The SS Card reads * Qing Dusch - Chu * , which makes the "Chu" the middle name , now the Drivers permit has it down as * Qing Dusch Chu * .. so does her Green Card . The only difference is .. it's does not have the * - * seperating the middle name . So it must of looked like the " Chu " was her last name .. still with me ? So her new Lic. reads FN: Qing Dusch LN: Chu . Idiot's , after we spends about 30 minutes filling out her application for the Lic. Written and Driving Test's with this Employee from the DMV .. telling her over and over " CHU " is her Middle Name and Dusch her last ( like mine duhhhh ) . If there is something to screw up .. they find a way .. don't they ?
After waiting almost eight months to receive it , it is only GOOD til Nov. this Year . This goes to show , the Immigration Department "IS" involved with the DMV Depart. .. which my Lawyer said was "NOT" when I ask him . This now means , after Qing has to adjust her Status on Nov. ( been two years ) they wait to see if she can stay here in the US first .. before giving her a License with a longer Valid date . Those suckers do find new ways to get Money from you whenever they need more of it . I know the next Lic. will cost a new Fee again , unlike mine that get's send automtically .
So anyone's Wife here in the States ( that learns how to drive within those first two years before having her Permentant Green Card ) can expect to go through this also .
To add : When I called yesterday about the mistake they made .... ohh that'll be $25 Dollars to change the Name . To bad I can't slap that Person on the other Line through the Phone !