Well the new Computer I am giving her is suppose to arrive today. I am not sure which OS is coming with it. I beleive it is XP Pro Sp2. So if not I can put it on after it gets here. I will just use my Systems builder version.
My only problem is I need all of it to be as bullet proof as possible. She knows nothing about using a computer. And I am only staying 2 weeks.
Mmmm just gave me an idea? I wonder if a second (or external) hard drive with virtualpc and windows on it would be able to use something like skype on it? It doesn't work on a Mac. And if a webcam would work out better too?
I have already built a system for when she gets here. It is a dual boot system. I have built several of these. They work just fine. I am going to pickup a Chinese version of windows while I am in CHina to put on it as the 2nd OS after I get back. I will be happy to let you know how that works out.
The laptop I am going to take with me and leave with her. I need it ready before I leave so I am going to try the Language packs. As far as using an external harddrive to dual boot with. The older Cmos's won't pick up the external until after windows had started. But if the system is pretty new you shouldnt have a problem.
You wont need virtual PC or anything like that just restart when you want to change OS's