Author Topic: Meeting mY girl Mei  (Read 16391 times)

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Paul Todd

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #45 on: May 12, 2009, 06:44:32 pm »
Hmmm,:idea: Anybody know the name of the agency in Chengdu? I'm sure I could track down an e-mail address;)  I can feel this need for direct action coming over me :D

Offline thender5

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #46 on: May 12, 2009, 10:21:32 pm »
Wow!  This is an astounding development.  It would seem that we have to  reeducate ourselves about this whole process.  We must counter these irregular and dishonest activities and the agencies that promote them.  We must stand on the right to make this right.  We have got to get those who are new and naive to these shams to examine and reexamine the processes of the EMF exchange.  I AM IN!
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 11:10:24 pm by thender5 »

Paul Todd

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2009, 05:26:57 am »
I have just written a very polite letter to "customer care". Pointing out my concerns about my friend David Quincy's experiences with fake EMF's and asking how the "investigation" is progressing. May I suggest any interested brothers do the same,today if possible.
Thanks, Paul

Offline davidaquincy

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #48 on: May 13, 2009, 12:28:52 pm »
Dear David,

How are you? This is Sherry writing to you again, hope this letter finds you in good spirits and health. ;-)

David, I truly appreciate your time and kind patience on this. Concerning your communication with the lady GuangMei Luo (P211208), our Intendance Dept. attached great attention to it and followed it up closely. Up till now, I learned that our Intendance Dept. has made a call to Ms Luo directly to know more information. Below is what they got from her, please have a kind check:

"The lady GuangMei Luo told us that she knew the gentleman David Quincy and has corresponded with him in Chnlove. Usually, the translator from the agency P211 would deliver his letters to her via email. Then she would ask her friend who knew English to help translate the letters to her and help her communication with him, while she failed to explain clearly to Mr Quincy about this during their private communication. She hoped that Mr Quincy could contact her directly so she could explain the situation to him personally."

Hope the above info could help you know more about the situation. David, we can understand you in this matter. The same as you do, we always attach most concern whether the local agencies are strictly following our policies and guidelines when handing the EMF mails. From the feedback above, we're not sure if Ms Liu has explained her thoughts to you clearly. In this case, you may try to contact her directly for more information.

David, as you know, communication is very important for the development of a relationship. Our site offers a platform for gentlemen to meet real ladies they selected, but it's communication that can help to look into the real heart of a lady. That's why we advise our gentlemen clients to go for a relationship based on mutual trust and understanding. With the joint efforts by the two sides, a promising relationship can possibly bloom and fruit.

While we notice that sometimes there are some unexpected circumstances happened during the course of communication, such as the feelings and personal situation of both the gentlemen and the ladies. Therefore, Chnlove is unremittingly making great efforts in providing more guidelines and useful tips for gentlemen to communicate with Chinese ladies, such as the online safety tips. You are warmly advised to take a look at the information, hopefully it will be helpful for you.

David, I know you are a very upright and sincere gentleman. I truly hope that you will find your dream come true earlier. If we could be of further assistance for your future communication in our site or using the related agency's services, please do not hesitate to let us know. We are always there for you.

Once and again, thanks for your time and support to our service.

Kind regards,
Sherry Chu
Chnlove Customer Care

I think its a lost cause. Mei is clamming up. I think she is scared. I don't know if they threaten her with Visa or what. I have only talked to her a couple of times. I have been sitting here in Chengdu with no hope at this moment. She texts me constantly but no shows. I don't know what to make of anything right now.

I am just going to hang on with the hope that she is ok. I fly out of Hong Kong. I am thinking of paying the CHN office a visit. Isn't it in Hong Kong?

I truly appreciate all the support and effort everyone gives. I knew this brotherhood would help me in any way. I know there is something here with Mei. I am not going to give up hope. I know that there are feelings between us and will further pursue our relationship. I don't blame her in anyway. I just can't get the truth out of her. I still think there have been threats but no way to prove this.

Thanks guys!!

David    I will keep you further developed !

Paul Todd

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #49 on: May 13, 2009, 01:07:41 pm »
Heres the address and fax:-
Unit 710, Delta House,
No.3 On Yiu Street, Shatin,
Hong Kong

Best of luck my friend.

Offline JimB

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #50 on: May 13, 2009, 03:32:16 pm »
It is over now.  Even if she recants and says she didnt write the letters.  The agency will call her a liar and we would look foolish writing anything.  Because if we did they would tell us the same thing as David's letter and look at us as a bunch of reactionaries who do not look at the "facts" of the case. And any other letters we write in the future would be looked at and the Agency would point to this case. If we still want them to recognize us.  We could write a letter saying we appreciate their investigation of this matter as we were all "very concerned" about this.  This would be more effective done as one letter like Chong suggested.  That is my Opinion anyway.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #51 on: May 13, 2009, 04:13:35 pm »
With this turn of events, I also agree with you Sarge.  I hate it when Chong makes sense.

Offline maxx

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #52 on: May 13, 2009, 08:38:09 pm »
You guys know that an't right and it is a bunch of crap.I think the agency did write the letters.And then when they were caught they left David and Mei to hang out in the wind.

Lets pass the word on all the forums.About that agency.

Offline Chong

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #53 on: May 13, 2009, 10:38:03 pm »
First of all, that ChnLove reply doesn't make any sense ...

... Usually, the translator from the agency P211 would deliver his letters to her via email. Then she would ask her friend who knew English to help translate the letters to her and help her communication with him ...

If David is paying for an EMF translation, why is the agency sending the letter "IN ENGLISH" to Mei ... and then her friend has to translate it to Chinese ?????????????????????
« Last Edit: May 13, 2009, 10:40:39 pm by Chong »

Offline cHi

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #54 on: May 13, 2009, 11:27:19 pm »
I agree Chong - what were the EMF charges for if the friend did the translation?  If nothing else I would request that he get a refund since they openly admitted that the agency did not translate the sent letters.  Aside from that, unfortunately it looks like a losing battle for the two vs. the agency, one word against another - and who KNOWS what they threatened Mei with to change her story / clam up like that.. it's very much a big load of BS and it's sh*tty that it happened like this.

I myself had a run-in with P508 agency.  I had a friendly running conversation with a girl and we ended things amicably.  Two weeks later I receive a letter from her that was clearly not written by her, talking about how she misses me and physically longs for me each night yada yada yada.  NONE of our conversations were remotely close to this, it was always friendly banter.  So I complained - chnlove credited me back some credits BUT the issue was resolved that "the lady ms. xxxx stated that she did in fact send the letter" and they gave me her direct yahoo information so I can chat with her.  Her english wasn't that great so communication was limited, but she made the comment "you said you would write to me in two days and you never did!!"  Now, I *did* say that.. but it had been over a month ago, *and*, I did write back in two days.  This then made me wonder if the letter that she claimed to write was the letter I complained about.  For all I know, they asked her if she wrote "a" letter to me, which I am sure she did prior to this one in question.  If she says yes to that, then she has confirmed that she wrote a letter to me.  It's pretty clear the translator was intervening, but to what extent I have no idea and never will.  Any further communication with the lady has been strained because of this - not a huge loss because I wasn't emotionally attached but I feel badly for her being duped like this, and I feel AWFUL that this played out in this manner for David and Mei.  It makes me sick.

Paul Todd

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #55 on: May 14, 2009, 06:44:30 am »
This was the reply I got from "customer care"

From:      Flora Tsui (Customer Care)
To:     paul todd
Date:     14 May, 2009 GMT
Dear Paul,

Thanks for your message and nice greeting. You are a very sincere gentleman, it would be our pleasure to help you.

About your question of your friend, we have checked our database and noticed that we did receive an enquiry days before from a gentleman called David Quincy. Following is his member info, David Quincy, from United States. We are not sure if he is the friend you mentioned.

Please note that our Intendance Dept has carried out immediate investigation after we received his enquiry. It turned out there was a misunderstanding during the lady's communication with her friend who helped her forwarded the letters. We have verified the situation with the lady directly and reported the result to David. However, up till now we did not receive his response. In fact, the agency told us that the lady David met has tried to contact him to explain the situation. However, she could not get through. If you can contact David, you may let him call the lady again. Hopefully things will be cleared.

Paul, you are a very nice gentleman, and your attention on this matter and care to friend is highly appreciated. We sincerely hope that you will find your ideal mate soon in our site. As you may notice that, sometimes there might be unexpected situations happened during the course of communication, such as the feelings or changed situation of both the gentlemen and the ladies. That's why we advise our gentlemen clients to go for a relationship based on mutual trust and understanding. With the joint efforts by the two sides, a promising relationship can possibly bloom and fruit. Chnlove is unremittingly making great efforts in providing more guidelines and useful tips for gentlemen to communicate with Chinese ladies, such as online Safety Tips. You are warmly advised to take a look at this information, hopefully it can be helpful for you in possible future. :-)

Again, thanks for your time and support to our service. If you have further question or concern, please feel free to contact us, we will be glad to help you.

Have a nice day!

Kind regards,

Flora Tsui
Chnlove Customer Care
Did any one else write?

Offline davidaquincy

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #56 on: May 14, 2009, 09:20:19 am »
OK this is the letter I received from Mei last night.

As to your special visit in Chengdu,I must appology for that unhappiness.I feel regret after you have gone away,for I shoud not have treated you so badly.However,there are some reasons for what I do,such as my inconfidence,my unhappy life .I hope I can be better off somedays.In addition,I suppose I'm too Implicit .But I am enthusiastic in my heart.
 I hope your parents will be happy enough to learn about your journey ,and don't tell them about our disagreements.I think you will have some great memorry for the seven days.
After you have gone,I always ring my friend to translate for us.She has a great command of English.There were some misunderstanding between us.I intent to make appologise to you ,but I thought it would be better we forget about it.
Now you can drop me emails and I can read it with the help of dictionary.By the way ,I have your QQ .
Please send me all your precious letters to me again,because I wish to tender myself ,know you more.
Can you feel my changes? Are you still in Shenzhen?Please mail me when you get home.
God bless you good luck.

From this letter she seems extremely frustrated. But she still states for me to resend the letters that I wrote her. We have been in constant contact with each other on QQ and email. I still feel there is good hope for us. I don't know what they are saying Paul. We have been communicating. I think she might be keeping the agency out of the loop to not have to pay any more money.

I have written customer care again that if the letters were sent to her email and she got them translated I am in need of some credits back, even though I won't be using them. I told them that something is still fishy and I payed a high price for mail delivery and not translation.

We will see what the response is. I am heading to Hong Kong tomorrow. Mei has not been to see me but letws see if she will see me off again in the morning.

Thanks again everyone for your support. Good luck to everyone who's journey has yet begun. China is a beautiful place. I am lucky to have visited this country and hopefully in the near future I will be back. I will be trying to get some pictures up soon.

Take care

David Quincy

Vince G

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #57 on: May 14, 2009, 09:45:21 am »
Yes, these are the usual responses you will get from Chnlove. In my mind I thought of conducting a letter from one and all that expressing what we feel about all this nonsense. Yeah, yeah, we're nice sincere gentlemen. Now stop stroking us and do something letter, OR we will ? (haven't come up with this part yet). We can come up with an angle to make them realize the amount of people we reach and have backing up of. In other words make them know it's going to hit them where it hurts, they're pocket$.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 09:45:48 am by Vince G »


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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #58 on: May 14, 2009, 10:11:42 am »
I emailed them telling them i just found out about all this and i am new to there site and i am extreamly worried i may not even be talking to my friend ms XX.. these posts have me a bit worried.. this was the response from my cupid

How are you? I am a new member on chnlove. I read your profile here today and I am totally attracted! So I am writing you this letter and let you know I am interested in you as well. :) You sound to be a kind, loving and honest gentleman, and I could not resist, hehehe. I hope we can write and get to know each other!!

I will tell you more about me. My name is Tracy and I live in Chengdu. I enjoy quiet and simple life. People say that I am sincere, honest and fun to be with. I am romantic, caring, considerate and loyal. I enjoy life and I am generally a happy and optimistic person. I am nice and polite and do not have a bad temper. I like to smile a lot. I like to do things to please my partner, to make his life easier and nurture the relationship. I believe in discovering and affirming my partner's special qualities.
I am very serious here. I want a partner who is able to love as deeply as I can love. I dream of building a warm and solid home with my special one. I will make him happy, and love and care for him and his family for the rest of my life. My husband will first of all be my best friend to share all the good and the bad times in life. I think love life is the most important for a woman.

This is my first letter to you and I do not want to bore you too much, hehe. I hope you are interested in me and would like to communicate more with me! I will wait for your reply anxiously...I hope that we can begin to come to know each other and to see if we are right for each other! I feel very good about you!

Take care and have a great day!!

since you genst have more knowledge and this is a first reply i am as new to this site as they come.. does it seem real ? i think so but as i said i dont want to get screwed over

Vince G

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RE: Meeting mY girl Mei
« Reply #59 on: May 14, 2009, 10:26:36 am »
Shane, It seems real. I would say the middle section is pre-written? maybe taken from her profile? It's not overly padded with I want to Love you and something of that nature which is a red flag to begin with. The self question is all the same when you get that. "Loves me? we just met?". This letter seems to just express she has an interest. So go with it, see where it goes.