So you tell us how do you want this web site to be run?
My 2 cents worth............
I have a view that the Site is like a Business.
It has a Board of Directors....(the Administrator and the Mods)
It has a lot of shareholders...(the Bros)
It has a lot of workers ..(the Bros also)
It has a lot of customers...... (the Chinese Ladies we pursue)
It has be efficient and make a "profit"...(the profit is the knowlege base that makes the job of finding a Chinese wife easier and less fraught with pain and cost)
Like any Business, the workers are more or less free to get on with their jobs and get profits in any way possible that does not conflict with the Policy laid down by the Board of Directors.
To get these profits we must satisfy our many ways, (including Viagra Willy )!!!!!
The workers provide the information to: stay inside Policy, derive shareholder value, make profits and satisfy customers.
Like any Business, there will be good and bad strategy and tactics.
Provided that any strategy and tactics are focussed on providing shareholder value, customer satisfaction and is OK...provided it also stays within the Policy.
In the final crunch, it must be that the Board of Directors have the ultimate say on what is or is not appropriate in what the workers do.
Other than is anarchy..which goes nowhere, never.