That report you first quoted got panned from many different parties and agency's to the point where it was dropped in favour of a new investigation into the real cost of immigration which i believe is due to be released later this year.
Paul, God, when did anyone ever take notice of ''polls,'' be it by Mori or anyone else's!!??? Oxfam and other agency's have their own agenda's so any report they release or support will always be slanted towards their agenda...good or bad reports!!
Sorry Paul, i don't believe for a New York second the first 4 points you raised about the interviews of Asylum seekers and refugees. As i've stated previously, if these displaced person needed a place of safety, the neighbouring country's would be that safe haven, not a country thousands of miles away from their country of origin..... What external parties are organising these refugees to the UK?? Whoever they are the need to be bloody well stopped!!!!!
Again Paul, Those many hidden costs are Extremely important, because when you add them all up, your talking about an Extreme amount of money, that could be better spent elsewhere!! If that's what you mean by me being Negative, your dammed right,'s one of THE Major issues i have on this subject!!!
Now, about the rosy garden, you didn't actually say it, ...but you are certainly implying it. You said that you enjoy frequenting/visiting the Asian areas.... but you don't live in them do you!! your not having to live there 24/7 like the local indigenous population. You are, or seem to be under the impression, that the these local people welcome and enjoy the presence of these Asians taking over there communities, (and it is a take-over in many cases) ...Well, ...They DON'T!!
I suggest you go and do your own survey, and get the real answers from the horses mouths, so-to-speak!! instead of listening to whats being bandied about by politicians (who are now frightened to upset Asian voters) and the media.... and of course those dammed reports and surveys you take so much heed of.
The fact of the matter is Paul, regardless of how rich/wealthy you consider the UK to be, it is still only a very small country in terms of area. Even in terms of our present population growth, there is already a shortage of housing. We just don't have the capacity to continue welcoming more and more immigrants refugees/asylum seekers, we have far more than enough NOW!! ...So 2% of the worlds 16 million displaced people is 2% too many....
And on a final point, the least tolerated of all immigrants, refugees/asylum seekers in the UK are the Asians. Why is that do you think? My theory is that it's because they don't and wont integrate into the existing communities, but rather congregate into there own communities. The outcome of this is, that as the numbers increase, they take over the whole community. Such as has happened in parts of the East End of London, Wolverhampton, and other city areas around the UK. I'm pretty sure that the waves of immigration in the 17th century you spoke of, bore little or no resemblance to the type of numbers we are seeing today!! And i bet they didn't cost the country a single Penny either!!!
I have always found as a general trait, that if you give Asians an inch, then there after you for the whole mile. They are never satisfied and always scheming to get more... Now,..Before you start, i have had 100's if not 1000's of Asians workers of every nationality and creed working under me, on virtually every project i've ever worked on over the years, and in virtually every overseas country i've worked in... and i'm only telling here, .... how it is!! ...It's an observation, not a prejudice...
Sure it'll end in deadlock, i think we all know that... But it's good to hear how the other side see's things, and where there coming from.
Immigration in the UK is no,no subject unless you agree with the ''politically correct'' stand. Most don't, but because of a political party called the NF (basically a Nazi party) as soon as anyone stands up and says anything about foreign immigration your automatically classed as an NF supporter or a racist. When all there really doing is having a concern for there country and where it's going....