Ted, very helpful. My niece taught at a school in Taiwan for a year. She gave me the Idea. I worked it out that I will get about 8100 or 8200 RMB with my pension and then what ever extra from tutoring. I figured that would give enough to see the country there once in a while. I have a card she gave me a while ago about getting classes from this, I think vocational college of some sort, to get a certificate to teach in a school. She had no teacher training. Hell, I have looked so seriously at this that I even have price quotes to ship my car there. $1670. Don't know why I did that though. For the Canadians that are watching this thread, there is also something about paying income tax too. Thats if you want to keep your Canadian citizenship. Unless of course there is no paper trail of income. (Hint hint) My sister works for the WTO. A UN post. She lives in France. She pays US income tax, French income tax, and Canadian income tax. When I asked her why the US income tax she said the UN and the WTO position is a US position so US tax. She makes a good dollar but pays a lot of income tax. It is all just federal taxes for the US and Canada, France I don't remember what she called the state or provincial tax but it is the federal, provincial or local taxes for France. She could give up her Canadian citizenship and in turn not have to pay the Canadian income tax, but she is not a US citizen or a French citizen, yet. She would be a person without a country. My step father is sort of in the same boat. Us citizen and Canadian citizen. He has to pay Income tax to both nations to keep both citizenships. He is 79, Still works part time, Psychiatry, and wants to keep both citizenships. So for you younger guys check this out. You don't want to end up loosing your citizenship. I am not trying to scare anybody here either. Just check things out before hand.