I read the following article -
China proposes law to ban eating cats and dogs on China Hush and it provoked some thoughts, I'm curious as to what you all think about this?
First off, here is my opinion - when I drive home in my car i probably squash and kill countless bugs flying and walking. I hit a deer a couple of winters ago and that was pretty messy. Regularly I come across fox remains splattered across the road, once a sheep and that was real messy (I live in the mountains).
Heck every time I wash my hands, every time I have a shower, every time i wash my clothes , every time I fight off a cold or sickness i am murdering innocent little life forms by the millions!
But those are mostly accidental, but does killing bugs , deer, pheasants, rabbits and a cat stop me from driving?, would it stop anyone else?, very few i would wager.
I enjoy a burger, a steak (done rare preferably), a chicken breast, turkey for christmas, sausages and rashers for breakfast. Am i a monster?
Then most westerners are.
Pigs are allegedly one of the more intelligent farmyard animals and yet we eat them up just fine, with ketchup on top .
We don't keep pigs or cats as pets though and they are not as cute. Though my girlfriend calls me her pink "ju ju" (thats how she says it - means piggie she tells me) which is a term of endearment in China apparently, I think she is really saying I'm a tubby but I digress.
Are dogs or cats any different to cows or pigs, small birds are brainless ok but pigs and cows?
In France eating horse meat is normal but here in Ireland its banned..again just because its a pet people, seem to sentimentalise it and make it human. I had horse and pony several times in China and it was nice.
I did have dog before in Guangzhou and it was very nice, a distinct flavour and a good one, I haven't had cat yet but as far as I'm concerned I don't see why I shouldn't try it. A cat is no more special than a cow or a pig so why should I feel guilty about eating one?, sure they are cute but they are no smarter, feel no special emotions than a cow or pig would.
In my opinion if you ban cats and dogs you might as well ban birds, cows, pigs, fish etc etc as well.