Being that you know China prety good, have you ever been to the KTV's? You know the kind that have many smokin women in their early twentys working in them...You know the kind of work they do! Add some make up and a miniskirt and they are smokin!
I would think most of the women are legit(regardless of age), the problem you will have is there are probably a couple hundred dudes writing them and these women will have the one(s) they are interested in and you will have the agency wanting to generate money with phony EMF's! So the sucker flys to China and ends up meeting another woman because the woman he was interested in, wasn't interested with him. You will have the ones looking for money(not love) and you will have your legits...of all ages! In the past 5 weeks I have met many women looking for a man to have in their their 20's, 30's, 40's and three in their 50's! All of them are legit but not sign up with an agency! There are about 5 in my wifes English class and I see them three times a week. I did meet a translator from that other Changsha agency p218(I think) that looked pretty hot! She had a man with her from France(dude didn't speak any English!) and the woman he wanted to check out was probably the only bad apple out of them all! The man was dumped by the woman he came to meet, so the translator was trying to set him up with another(HAHAHA...about 15 years younger than him and she wasn''t interested a bit!!!). She is more interested in money anyways....
You know like anybody here, getting past the emf garbage is the most important part to start having a clue if they are interested. I would say over 90% of those women truly interested in a man will be willing to do this, in no time and even then after a chat or two the woman may lose interest.
Many get infatuated with them emf's and will think it's the real thing and that percentage will be very small(a few have found their love with this route only)...most don't!!!
I was reading you are here now in China have you been to any of the agencys?