Much of what I would say has already been touched on. The qualities of loyalty, devotion to family, unconditional love, kindness, intelligence, and honesty just to top a few are high on my list in what I both have to offer someone and what I would want them to have in return. These qualities are not ones that can be learned. I think in the end most of them can be summed up into one word, Character. A persons character is something that is instilled in them as they grow up, not something they learn after they get out on their own.
Another reason I think that I find myself drawn to Chinese ladies is because as I was growing up in the early sixties through the seventies the home I grew up in was quite traditional. My father worked, my mother worked too, but not outside the home at a “job”. Her “job” was to raise a good strong family that understood what love and character is. This is NOT to say that my father was just an ATM machine. Because if there is not a good strong loving and loyal relationship between a man and a woman the family unit will not be strong and healthy. I learned as much about what love means and how to treat and respect a lady from my father, both in observing his relationship with my mother and in things he told me directly.
These are my personal feelings and opinions. It is what I want. I find it interesting that so many encounter objections from friends and family in a Western culture that claims to embrace individualism and free choice. It seems that a lot of times that what I’ve seen is that many preach individualism and free thinking, as long as you think and act like everyone else.
As far as the comment about; “All you want is a sex slave.” Well I’ve not encountered that comment yet, but if I were to do so I think I would respond in a calm and straightforward manner. I would probably tell them something like; “Well your comment is eye opening and I am shocked to hear you say such a thing. I also find it offensive not only to me that you think my character is so limited that my primary interest in a mate is set to such a low standard of depravity. It also sheds light on what a low level of understanding you have of the Eastern cultures of our world. I trust this is not your fault though, being that the public educations system in the US is mostly centered on teaching culture and values from a European based perspective.”
Yes I will admit that I’ve always found I have a preference for ladies with brunette hair, and I have also generally preferred a woman who is more slight in stature and build. These are just personal preferences. So with these physical attributes that I find I prefer, and the qualities of character, intellect, and strong desire to find someone who also embraces traditional values why should I have to be put in the position to defend my preference to meet a Chinese lady to be my wife? I’ve always believed that choosing a mate is something to be done with eyes wide open and not to jump into quickly or with out considering the outcome. I find it appalling that so many Westerners seem to have the feeling that they can get married and if it doesn’t work out then just march on down to the divorce court and get the entire thing dissolved.
Ok, so I’ve kind of meandered all over the spectrum with my comments, the heart of the matter is that I find I prefer the company of Asian ladies, and Chinese ladies specifically. This is my personal choice and direction. I do appreciate that someone close to me might be interested in the choice I make, but I would hope they are loving and supportive and nurturing in my decision, this is what I’ve always believed a true friend would do. On the other hand, someone who is waiting in the wings to say; “I knew it wouldn’t work.” if things go south is not a friend at all.