Author Topic: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?  (Read 4039 times)

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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2010, 01:58:49 pm »
how about-honesty,sincerity,devotion,kindness

Offline Bee964

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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2010, 02:21:43 pm »

You're right there on those points. There are so much more though, but those are some of the important ones. Nice to see you here though.  ;D

Dave C
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 02:32:21 pm by Bee964 »
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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2010, 02:42:49 pm »
thanks here thru ninja cloak until our tech guy can figure out what the hell he is doing  hahaha


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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2010, 06:26:06 pm »
how about-honesty,sincerity,devotion,kindness

Ted, you are absolutely right.  But for me when I first started looking those qualities I was looking for in a woman but were none I had experienced or had seen.  One woman who I talked to for a while asked me what I thought a traditional Chinese woman was.  I had to admit I had no clue.  In understanding I have grown a lot but I think it is a mere scratch in the surface.  To be honest I had no idea what I was getting into.  It was little more than a dream.

Offline David S

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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2010, 03:52:54 am »
Much of what I would say has already been touched on.  The qualities of loyalty, devotion to family, unconditional love, kindness, intelligence, and honesty just to top a few are high on my list in what I both have to offer someone and what I would want them to have in return.  These qualities are not ones that can be learned.  I think in the end most of them can be summed up into one word, Character.  A persons character is something that is instilled in them as they grow up, not something they learn after they get out on their own.

Another reason I think that I find myself drawn to Chinese ladies is because as I was growing up in the early sixties through the seventies the home I grew up in was quite traditional.   My father worked, my mother worked too, but not outside the home at a “job”.  Her “job” was to raise a good strong family that understood what love and character is.  This is NOT to say that my father was just an ATM machine.  Because if there is not a good strong loving and loyal relationship between a man and a woman the family unit will not be strong and healthy.  I learned as much about what love means and how to treat and respect a lady from my father, both in observing his relationship with my mother and in things he told me directly.

These are my personal feelings and opinions.  It is what I want.  I find it interesting that so many encounter objections from friends and family in a Western culture that claims to embrace individualism and free choice.  It seems that a lot of times that what I’ve seen is that many preach individualism and free thinking, as long as you think and act like everyone else.

As far as the comment about; “All you want is a sex slave.”  Well I’ve not encountered that comment yet, but if I were to do so I think I would respond in a calm and straightforward manner.  I would probably tell them something like; “Well your comment is eye opening and I am shocked to hear you say such a thing.  I also find it offensive not only to me that you think my character is so limited that my primary interest in a mate is set to such a low standard of depravity.  It also sheds light on what a low level of understanding you have of the Eastern cultures of our world.  I trust this is not your fault though, being that the public educations system in the US is mostly centered on teaching culture and values from a European based perspective.”

Yes I will admit that I’ve always found I have a preference for ladies with brunette hair, and I have also generally preferred a woman who is more slight in stature and build.  These are just personal preferences.  So with these physical attributes that I find I prefer, and the qualities of character, intellect, and strong desire to find someone who also embraces traditional values why should I have to be put in the position to defend my preference to meet a Chinese lady to be my wife?  I’ve always believed that choosing a mate is something to be done with eyes wide open and not to jump into quickly or with out considering the outcome.  I find it appalling that so many Westerners seem to have the feeling that they can get married and if it doesn’t work out then just march on down to the divorce court and get the entire thing dissolved.

Ok, so I’ve kind of meandered all over the spectrum with my comments, the heart of the matter is that I find I prefer the company of Asian ladies, and Chinese ladies specifically.  This is my personal choice and direction.   I do appreciate that someone close to me might be interested in the choice I make, but I would hope they are loving and supportive and nurturing in my decision, this is what I’ve always believed a true friend would do.  On the other hand, someone who is waiting in the wings to say; “I knew it wouldn’t work.” if things go south is not a friend at all.

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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2010, 11:09:41 am »
David S well said.

Offline Axiom

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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2010, 03:20:12 pm »

These are my personal feelings and opinions.  It is what I want.  I find it interesting that so many encounter objections from friends and family in a Western culture that claims to embrace individualism and free choice.  It seems that a lot of times that what I’ve seen is that many preach individualism and free thinking, as long as you think and act like everyone else.

As far as the comment about; “All you want is a sex slave.”  Well I’ve not encountered that comment yet, but if I were to do so I think I would respond in a calm and straightforward manner.  I would probably tell them something like; “Well your comment is eye opening and I am shocked to hear you say such a thing.  I also find it offensive not only to me that you think my character is so limited that my primary interest in a mate is set to such a low standard of depravity.  It also sheds light on what a low level of understanding you have of the Eastern cultures of our world.  I trust this is not your fault though, being that the public educations system in the US is mostly centered on teaching culture and values from a European based perspective.”

There is so much wisdom in these two paragraphs its almost painful. 

I am thinking of using them the next time someone asks me why I don't want to date western women anymore :) ;)

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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2010, 06:51:37 pm »
Maybe we should not forget that a Man's ability to find a suitable partner has now expanded well beyond his local or Country environment.
The internet has exploded the choices for Men like nothing ever before.

One of the simplest reasons to find a Chinese wife is ..."because I can "

One of the simplest objections to this is found in the angst shown by many Western Women when they learn that discriminating men can now move freely across International borders to find someone who more closely fits most Men's view of an ideal partner. This annoyance is almost always verbalised as "looking for a sex-slave...cant you handle a Western Woman.....and all that usual crap we have to deal with.

Most of us here dont seek a sex slave, would get uncomfortable around "hotties" and prefer to find someone with a big heart, a great attitude to us and the family and someone to whom loyalty, dedication and emotional honesty is second nature.

We all know that our choices and opportunities to find such a partner in our modern, emancipated, possession hungry, elephant arsed local "ladies" is an excercise in futility and a recipe for disaster.

Up to quite recently we only had 2 choices...get burned or stay single...Now with the internet we can again resume our quest for someone who more closely fits the ideal of what a good wife should be...and to whom we will give the World...such is the nature of REAL affection. The local women know this....and they HATE it  >:( >:(


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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2010, 05:25:38 am »
One of the idiots at work asked me why I don't just go to Vancouver - there's plenty of Chinese ladies there.  It's not exactly much of a vacation traveling to Vancouver as compared to traveling to China.  I like David's answer - because I can.  I don't need to justify my decision to people that mean nothing to me.  I'll probably never see this guy outside of work, but I want to spend the rest of my life with her. irresistible as chocolate


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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2010, 06:02:23 am »
Bravo David E.   Well said.   I am really seeing a lot of good comments here.

I like it...  Because I can...  not having to put up with the same old crap... 

One of the basic things for me was that I didn't want to take a chance with another western woman this late in life.  I want someone who will see me through to the end no matter how long or which one goes first.  I hope we get 30 years out of this impending marriage.

Many years ago I went to the 50th wedding anniversary of my ex-wifes grandparents.  This was the 3rd marriage for him.  At one point I looked at the couple and they were looking at each other.  The communication between them was phenomenal and they were not talking.  It was eye contact and body language.  There was a knowing, an understanding, a communication of deep love.  I though, man that is what I want.  I think I am getting that now with Peggy.  We can look at each other on the camera and see that something is not right.  We ask and talk about it.  It is great.

Offline Bee964

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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2010, 07:40:12 pm »
Excellent statement David E!..... because I can....

I think that is all they need to know.


I get the comment, "Just go to Toronto. It is 1/3 asian. You can find someone there."

I also got the comment from a western woman with whom I worked that I was a "dinosaur". I only just found out what this means. A dinosaur is a man that seeks out much younger women. A male version of a cougar. I still don't know what a puma is though.

Dave C
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Offline Axiom

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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2010, 07:45:49 pm »
Another reason to avoid western women....

A woman who seeks a younger man is a "cougar" I powerful hunting cat....

A man who seeks a younger woman is a "dinosaur" Something thats extinct...

My generation LOVES language that downplays men!

Offline Jason B

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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2010, 08:30:47 pm »
I can only agree with all that has been written in this thread before me.....and because I can......
As a train driver I get to see a lot of people and I really mean a lot.  There is nothing that can compare to the natural beauty both inside and out of my love and all Chinese women.  I look at the western woman trying to doll themselves up and think well you can paint a rubbish tin but it is still a rubbish tin.  Look inside it is full of crap.  Do this, do that, you don't know me, you don't love me blah blah blah....just shut up go back to your cheating ways you who has no morals and leave me the hell alone. And that is just my ex wife.

Simple really when I think about it.  Have a good day everyone.  Jason.
p.s when I was in the Navy we had another name for a bin a S**T TIN but did not want to offend anyone.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2010, 02:12:16 am »
You know guys, most of us are so old (and the rest are getting there) that to even think of a sex slave, most of us would need a
case of viagra.  I think the sex thing is kinda out in left field.  What the men want is love and companionship.


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Re: So, exactly why did I start looking for a Chinese wife?
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2010, 04:51:03 am »

You hit the nail on the head.  But add to it trust and faithfulness.  Then the bonus round adds their beauty.  Don't count most of us out with the Viagra just yet either.