A STORY OF TWO AGENCIESI started out, as you know, with The ChangSha Love Bridge Agency. They charged me 300 yuan for their car from the airport to the hotel. It will cost me half that for the hotel car back. I don't think they got me a discount for the hotel room; it was 400 yuan a night. I'm sure it could have been less. And it was in the same building as the agency. I am wiser now. Information is power. There is a large proportion of twenty-something eye-candy EMF-eating potential honey traps in that agency. (Check on Chnlove). I have fallen victim to this trap.
The Mei Yin agency is completely different. It is like a family. The women on their books are mostly forty- or fifty-somethings, with some twenty- and thirty-somethings. There are usually five or six ladies hanging around the offices chatting with the translators. I don't think they get much male interest, but they are lovely ladies. One of them is my first sister, Yurong. Yurong is in love with me now. I don't feel the same way. Plus I want to start a family with someone a bit younger. I think there could be someone there for me; not this time though. I have the QQ numbers of a couple of the translators there (They are 2 of my sisters.) and I think I could get direct contact details quite easily if the lady agreed.
Combining Western and Eastern Astrology, Yurong is an Aries Rabbit, which is quite a strange combination of full-on ram and shy rabbit. Example: this afternoon she picked me up from the hotel to take me for a meal with her best friend (who is another sister and has much better English than Yurong). It was pouring with rain as we walked to the bus stop and it became clear that her small umbrella would not cover us both unless she put her arm through mine. The way she did it was to ram her hand through my arm, then a few moments later she shot a quick glance my way as if to say, 'You don't mind, do you?' I am a Cancer Rabbit, so I have some shyness mixed with crab claws to grab on tight if I'm interested or sidle off sideways if not.
At her friend's I was greeted by the friend's 19 year old son, who was cruelly extricated from QQ-ing his friends to be subjected to some squirm-inducing translation duties regarding Yurong's lovey-dovey stuff about me. He was quite sweet really.
A funny thing happened as we watched a ChangSha TV channel programme about the meeting and engagement of an American guy, Clyde to a lady from the Mei Yin agency, Song Li Qin. Even stranger was when they showed the engagement party. Guess who could be seen in the background? You guessed it, Yurong! She was a friend of the fiancee.
Tomorrow I am going to visit the Hunan Provincial Museum with a few of my sisters. I will see a perfectly-preserved 2000 year old woman. A bit old for me, I know. But those oriental ladies age much better, don't they?