Message from wife.. We have been together for 3 years. In that time I think we have been apart only briefly. Most of that time we have been together side by side 24/7. You would think that you get tired of someone in you face all the time but it only strengthens our friendship. I miss her a lot and apparently she misses me too. A few of her words from this morning.
今天我将在北京市区游览,下午4点钟在酒店集合,将有车乘载我们到火车站. 你的妻子认为嫁给你,是她最正确,最荣幸,最幸福的选择. 这些年我们都是在一起,现在我们各在一方,我很不习惯 ...以后我们再也不要分离..我现在知道:我是非常爱你,你是我的爱人,朋友,和生活的伴侣..我死而无憾...