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Offline curtis

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Any decent dating sites
« on: January 20, 2011, 06:57:29 pm »
My credits with chnlove just ran out or better to say I just let them run down. I have a low opinion about this site. I think for the most part they are leaches sucking a person's bank account dry. I know they are good women there but some of the translators cause a person to have trust issues.  I was in Nanning this time last year and learned alot about Chinese culture. I was on Chineselovelinks for three weeks before my adventure there. I have been looking at Chineseloveagency and wondered if anyone is active on the site and what are you feeling about the site? I did see a couple of the girls from chnlove there of the six pages I could view. I learned that for the most part Chinese use QQ  and they have a translation program on the site as well.  I will be returning this summer hopefully to be with my future wife. I am relying on the experience of this forum. Thanks Guys, Curtis

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2011, 08:07:32 pm »
Curtis I don't know anything about the site you asked about.What I can suggest is post your information here.Tell us who you are.And what your looking for in a woman.And what age range you are looking for.And post a couple of pictures.Thiere are a few single ladies on this site.And over half are members know of unattached single ladies.That live in China.So they probably could send you pictures.And tell you about the lady.

If you find someone here.You know that the woman your talking to is real.Thiere is no translator scams or agency scams.We are not interested in collecting a fee from you.Most of are lady members speak and write good English.The lady friends of are male members.Probably have a good grasp of English.So you don't have nothing to loose by posting some information here.

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2011, 09:38:53 pm »
Isn't that Ted and Willy's old site?

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2011, 11:35:57 pm »
I thought they closed the site?

Offline curtis

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2011, 12:08:54 am »
Hey Maxx, The other forum I have read was the one linked to chnlove. Just for the men. The lasting impession left with me was some of the members bashing each other. I spent a few hours on this site before I joined. I noticed some  women making comments and just assumed they were wifes. I apologize to the ladies. From Martin and Vince I take it the site in question is no longer up and running???
 I am going to do more research on this site. I do not want to abuse this forum so I hope this is ok. I am 6'- 1"   220lbs like to eat healthy when I go to the gym I like to body build. No smoke or drink, easy going and active. I looking for a younger lady that possibly would ride on back of by bike. Younger because I would love to have a little baby girl or what ever God would send. I updated my profile here with my email address. As far as pics I up graded to a new droid x cell phone and let my air card go. I had to try several time here just to put my avatar up. And on qq never could load a pic there.  Anyway thanks again everyone....

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2011, 02:30:34 am »
You aren't abusing the forum.  That's what this forum is all about.  If it has anything to do with dating and marrying a Chinese lady, then it is open for discussion on this forum.  All dating sites are open for discussion.  As far as I know, the site you talked about is no longer in operation.

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2011, 08:49:10 am »
Welcome to the site.

I would contact your friends in Nanning. They would be the best network.

Since you're going back to China in the summer, 'date' while you're there. Meet as many ladies in person as possible. The way you describe yourself, you'll be a chick magnet anywhere you go.

Don't be in a hurry to marry. This process takes time as well as the immigration after wards.

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2011, 10:52:09 pm »
Some of the post have me thinking in a different way. Maybe better to just meet atleast some ladies there. I noticed when I was in Nanning at the zoo I had some ladies wanting there picture taken with me. Seemed odd at first because they were with guys and they took the pics. I thought they just wanted to have a pic with an American. Later I had a couple kids come up to me and asked the same and I said yes. It was a group of students I believe I had about 15 to 20 kids running and surounding me taken group pics. I really enjoyed that. I have one of the pics on my refrigerator door. I think I enjoyed being at the zoo the best. I guess what I am tring to say there were a lot of friendly people there.
 I do not think I will go back to nanning. I want to see Beijing for 4 or 5 days and take one of the guided tours there and visit another city.
 I know from my last trip I need to learn some Chinese and need to start now. I plan on taking a hand held translator with me.

   I do what to thank every body here for their suggestions, Curtis

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2011, 12:09:27 am »
I did close the site down when Ted told me he was heading back to the USA.   No one should be able to get into it at all???

I will see if I can remove all the pages back down.  I think that maybe I only closed the home page. 

Looks like I left the 6 page photo gallery up on a back up server - now removed.   

Just for record seems like the men did no want to see natural women as there were only three members at the close - and all were refunded by me. 


PS. I still have the contact details (and the contracts) of several dozen ladies that was on our site and if anyone comes onto this Forum who I think s suitable for any of them I will put them in touch
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 12:40:18 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline curtis

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2011, 11:55:50 am »
Hey Willy, I did another search and and found on the first line.

This Site is not available until further notice · Cached page · Translate this page

I believe what happen with me is I seen the Chinese writing I just clicked on another link below that one. Your site is still up and I am able to see the beautiful ladies there. About the same number of pages. But I know the deal now. I just wish there was another site like the one you had. Natural pics is what should be on every site. And not trying to drain a person bank account is another good thing. Sure every one wants to look good but not to the point you are no longer that person.


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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2011, 06:45:38 am »
Welcome to the site ....

Chong is right .... go to China, and you will be a chick magnet, you should have no problem catching the attention of a lot of ladies .... and take your time, rushing into marriage is not the best idea.

My wife has many single friends, all looking for a man like you .... there are a lot of ladies there!


Mike is right - to many instances of men rushing into marriage.  We have seen it on here.

You should follow my example - 61 before being married for the first time - now thats what I call taking ones time!

But then at 61 my time as an 'international playboy' was gracefully coming to a conclusion.

Visited over 40 countries in my exploits and not one can hold a lick to China.  (Hope the very nice man from the PSB is reading this as I am applying for my visa renewal tomorrow!)


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline curtis

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2011, 09:08:12 pm »
Hi Willy, Vince

 I am not for say in a hurry. I was in Nanning this time last year for 3 weeks for vaction and mainly to experience Chinese culture first hand. I learn a lot. hahhaha except for the language. I find it very hard. I down loaded Byki. It fun program to learn from.
 The year before I went to Bogota, Colombia. Spanish is much easier for me. But back to China.
  I have yet to meet anyone that had anyting bad to say about Asian women. From my friends that are married to Asian ladies and the few caucasian men I meet in China. I read somethings about women just after green cards. ( I also know there are two sides to any story) I am looking for someone to grow old with. Not someone in their 20's. I do want a younger wife that has a lot of spirit and will add spice to the marriage.
 I have been traveling over 4 years now across the U.S. working at differant nuclear plants. But I could stay home and work if I wanted to.
 The American women close to my age that I have meet do not have the spirit I am looking for. I want a woman that would love to ride on the back of my Ducati. Not to say "I am not getting on that"
 I meet a friend here Peter who knows a translator personally in Beijing on Chn. I may go that route again. I will be spend a few days there anyway taking the sites.




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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2011, 07:47:07 am »
I noticed when I was in Nanning at the zoo I had some ladies wanting there picture taken with me. Seemed odd at first because they were with guys and they took the pics. I thought they just wanted to have a pic with an American. Later I had a couple kids come up to me and asked the same and I said yes. It was a group of students I believe I had about 15 to 20 kids running and surounding me taken group pics. I really enjoyed that. I have one of the pics on my refrigerator door. I think I enjoyed being at the zoo the best.

A lot of the animals wanted to have a picture with you also.  :)  ;D

Offline Irishman

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2011, 08:03:50 pm »
A lot of this journey comes to luck and persistence Curtis, its my experience that a lot of the ladies on chnlove are on many of the other dating sites also, as are most of us too at one point or another.

The lady I married wasn't on any of them but I wouldn't have ever met her unless I had met a friend of a friend of hers on chnlove and one thing led to another and I'm flying out there later today to celebrate Chinese New year with her family and shes coming back home with me :)
Some guys get lucky first time, others get their fingers burned a couple or more times!, but when you find the one, you'll know it and I wouldnt change anything, i have found a wonderful special lady to share my life with :)
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Any decent dating sites
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2011, 10:18:50 pm »
Many on this forum know my story. Came to China in June 2009, had two disappointments and then a lot of fun in the following two months.

Then in September 2009 I met a really nice, kind lady who had more interest in me than money and she stole the old heart beating inside of me.

At that time she was with THE AGENCY. But during the course of the first week or so it was apparent that certain things said to me by the translator were just lies.

As soon as I found the truth I contacted the translator and told her my feelings and that I was considering taking her, the translator, or the agency, or both, to court.

Within ten minutes, my now wife, had received a telephone call from the agency boss who basically told her that she was not to speak to anyone and that they were cancelling her agreement forthwith.  Which they did as she later collected the torn up original copy.

I told her to push for a refund of the initial deposit as well but she said that she would not as meeting me was worth much more than that!

Four months after our first meeting and having seen each other every day to ensure that we knew we were in fact mean’t to be, we were married. Her for the second time and me for the first.

Did I rush it, I think not.   We have been together for 16 months and during that time, apart from a few visa issues with officials, we have been very happy indeed. 

Only thing is I do not want life to go past so fast as tomorrow we celebrate our first wedding anniversary.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,