thank you for the detail on the wonderful slow movement of funds into China. She told me last night that she was told if she had married a Chinese person instead of an American it wouldn't be a problem. Which put her in a sour mood, at least I'm guessing that was part of the initial trigger...
We are officially having a fight, my fault, I know it's my fault because I'm the one who has asked her everyday for the last six weeks about the wording for our hunli invitations. She and I both realize it is more of an announcement to most of the people here in the states that are receiving them, however there are a couple people eagerly awaiting them because they want to see it and they are protocol and format nazis... Most of those in this boat are the cousins of mom and dad who have their own substantial finances and are interested in going, so long as they receive the invite before Christmas. Which to me didn't seem like an impossible question. I know we have not signed on a restaurant, but I just needed her to put down the date, time and the fact that it is in China, in the correct format, so I can transcribe it correctly.
Well last night I got frustrated about it, I have also been taking calls the last two days regarding some issues at my local non-profit that I affiliate myself with because we have issues developing there which adds to the stress, because I'm the one who is going to have to bail out the situation. It's a paperwork, bookkeeping issue... I am not the holder of those books, thank goodness.
Long story short, my wife is in meltdown because she doesn't understand that I am trying to keep the peace on multiple fronts here and it's not even tax-season yet. She did ask me why I am so concerned about having the ability to do other people's tax paperwork for them.... ... ... ....
Last week I had to explain to her, the reason why I am not a 'Firm' accountant and when most accountants in the US make over 50% of our income. Then I gave her a number, a 3 year average. However, she apparently still does not fully comprehend. I am sure she will learn.
The headache is trying to get her to comprehend, while we set the date several months out... it's not as lax for me as it is for her. I still have to deal with "When is the American reception?"
wish me moments of clarity, I don't want sanity...