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Offline kevster4355

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Visa for Americans, confusion
« on: June 26, 2011, 08:46:21 am »
I have received conflicting advice about info required for tourist visa. Hope you guys can help clear this up for me.

1. Do I need to provide the address, telephone of the lady I am visiting? The agency in Shenyang told me just apply as a tourist and I do not need to give her info.
I thought if I was not with a tour, then I would need to provide the info for the person Iwas visiting.

2. When giving the adress and phone of the place I will be staying, do I need to have a hotel already booked in my name,or can I give the info for the hotels that I am planning on staying at without having them already booked?

I appreciate any help or advice. This is all a litle overwhelming for a first timer.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Visa for Americans, confusion
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2011, 09:38:10 am »
Kevin unless I have missread something you are leaving in a couple of weeks so you do not want to be stressing about your visa arriving , who is doing the hotel bookings ? the agency , the lady you are meeting  or you , as most reasonable hotels can be booked out , you can find good deals on along with many other sites , and certainly cheaper usually than via the agency with their cut , along with the fact that not all hotels are licensed for non Chinese people , those that are will take a copy of your passport and register you with the local police have a hunt and grab the details of where you think you will be staying and put these on the form  . I hope you have bought an electronic translator Besta or ? as the 2 of you will find this invalueble and after a day or so you will not need a human translator , also while you are there as you will have noticed should you have a problem there are many here that can sort it out and help you , but don't be like 1 guy a few years ago when nothing clicked he sat in his room till he could get a flight home , whereas another guy went out and met the love of his life , do not forget China runs on 220/240 volts so any electronics that you take may need an adaptor although some of the better hotels have 110 v sockets on the walls , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Re: Visa for Americans, confusion
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2011, 10:37:40 am »
This has been answered many times here in the forum but I guess it has been buried amongst the many postings? So maybe a refreshed detail is needed. Now lets hope I remember it all? I'll give the basics.

Info where you will be staying for visa: Staying at a hotel? or with the woman? Most stay at a hotel (at least at first) so you can use the hotel info for the visa.You should have hotels picked out by now since your leaving in a few weeks? I think it best to have a hotel that caters to westerners (speak english, toilet, water supplied, oh yeah don't drink the water, A/C, heat or even hot water). The woman can make the reservation for you. Some offer this? Price wise, it's better (cheaper).

A good idea (after you know the hotel) is to have the hotel info in chinese on a paper. In case you need to go there and the taxi or anyone else can understand where you want to go. As suggested a electronic translator is very helpful.

Upon getting to the hotel or home you may have to register with the local police. Not all hotels take foreigners. They have to be licensed for it and they will register you with the local for you.

Make a copy of your passport and visa so you don't have to carry those with you.

Cash? Money? etc. I guess your American? Bills have to be like new. No marks, rips, creases, they won't take it. Checks? furgetabot it. Travels checks? you need to sign exactly, no difference or they won't take it. Credit cards? Make sure they will work in China. Let your bank know you are going there so they don't put a stop on it.

As mentioned bring power adapters with you. The rest is common sense.

Offline Neil

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Re: Visa for Americans, confusion
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2011, 11:29:40 am »
It's not a bad idea to include the name of the person you are coming to see on your visa.  I think it's mostly a way for officials to contact you if there's an emergency. irresistible as chocolate

Offline JohnB

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Re: Visa for Americans, confusion
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2011, 12:01:22 pm »
not much time left to get your visa. I hope you expedite the matter.
as a practical solution, I get the "1 year" tourist visa. unlimited amount of entries. the agency is correct..there are no further requirements. Just put down "Shenyang, Fushun" as places where you will be staying. The hotel will take your passport for the process.

Fushun is forgettable. stay in Shenyang (from what I was told Fushun will become part of the Shenyang mega- city sometime).  Check out "Trip Adviser- Shenyang" for things to see and do there; also, your agency will be your good guide on arrival (what agency did you go with?). Use your agency until you are ready to go one- on- one with your lady (then afterwards, coordinate your time and concerns with the agency translator. An invaluable help).
My strong advice...the first day, buy a good Besta electronic translator. Learn it well, with your lady of course. Besides the interplay is fun. You will need this. Trust me on what I say. I also brought along a netbook. In retrospect, that was invaluable.

I'll put a plug in for the Beijing Hotel in Shenyang. It is a China "4- Star" hotel. Very reasonable rates for the longer stay and much better than what the agency had. Good breakfast included. Main thing...very new & clean. It is a bit away from the near Shenyang attractions but the taxis are so cheap and numerous,  it is a no brainer.  I stumbled on them quite by accident. I missed my Air China connection..two hours later was put on another Air China (really good hassle at all). Got into Shenyang very late. One of the Shenyang Airport counters has a hotel service counter. That is where I discovered Beijing Hotel (I have phones #024-31515888 & 024-31515688 on a Chinese business card).

I think your big concern is the Beijing Airport. It is huge. There a 3 terminals. It is not for the 1st time "faint of heart" if your domestic connection is at another terminal. You should coordinate this concern with your airline.  Pay apt attention. This airport in not what you are used to in the states. For ref: 

Offline maxx

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Re: Visa for Americans, confusion
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2011, 12:22:47 pm »
Kevster4355 ok the first thing you need to do is pick a hotel.The easiest way to do that is just type in Shenyang hotels into your search engine.Your search engine should bring up a couple of hundred hotels.If you have direct contact with your lady.Ask her what district in Shenyang that she lives in.If you don't have direct contact with your lady.OR the translator.Then your going to have to wing it.

Ok so lets assume you do not have direct contact with the lady.What you will need to do is pick a hotel.That you think you will be comfortable in.For a western man a four star hotel or better.They usually have what you are accustomed to.Make the reservation for as long as you will be in Shenyang.Then write the hotel name address.And phone number on the visa application.And yes mark the visa application tourist.If for some reason your lady decides that the hotel is in the wrong area.Or your lady decides that you suck at picking hotels.She will move you.And you will only have to pay for the first night of the reservation.If you are worried about putting your credit card number out there.You can use a booking site.Like,,Or have used all 3 of these booking sites and I have never had a problem with my credit card number being stolen.

When you get to Shenyang.Just tell the translator what hotel your staying at.and they will tell the Taxi driver.If your lady or the translator isn't meeting you at the airport.This is where the hand held translator comes in handy.Like the others have posted.Besta is about the best.You can buy one on line.Or you can usually buy one at a local electronics store.The besta translater is a must.For your first trip.Buy one play with it figure out all of it's functions.

If you are leaving in a couple of weeks you need to move this along.Get the app for the visa filled out.Make sure you have all the correct paperwork.Remember to put your passport with the app.And don't forget the passport photo.If you are mailing the visa application to a visa service center.I would suggest that you mail it with FedEx.They will do there thing and return it to you using FedEx as long as you have payed for return shipping.If you are going to drop the app off at the Chinese consulate.It is no big deal they will have it ready for you in a couple of days.The important thing to remember about the visa is the longer you Waite.The more money it is going to cost you.

good luck
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 04:24:16 pm by maxx »

Offline Neil

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Re: Visa for Americans, confusion
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2011, 03:15:25 pm »
Just so you know, most Chinese consulates (all?) will not give a first-time visitor to China a multi-entry or multiple month visa.  I was lucky the first time to get a three month single entry the first time. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Visa for Americans, confusion
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2011, 12:44:59 am »
My first visa was 2 entries within 6 months. I had originally applied for 1 year multiple entries but he changed my application to 2 entries in 6 months.
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Offline shaun

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Re: Visa for Americans, confusion
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2011, 08:30:24 am »
Mine was a 1 year multiple entry.  YOu need to get that taken care of asap.  There are companies that do it online that will expedite it for you.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Visa for Americans, confusion
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2011, 11:30:06 pm »
so my first visa, I just used the hotel address. If you didn't go for the one year Visa first time out, which they do for us folk from 密歇根州, maybe because they know we hate driving to Chi-town, unless it's someone from K-zoo and it's their backyard anyway.

So my advice, if things go well, and you don't have the one year already, get the one year visa next time and just list the hotel.

I have been informed that I will no longer be using the hotel....   ;D

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Visa for Americans, confusion
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2011, 08:51:12 am »
My last visa was a one year multi entry visa.  I have not left the country since getting it.

But certainly getting my multi entries worth!

Willy The Lpndoner

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