I can nothing but repeat, dont take chances. Its not worth it if things go sour. An Italian girl who worked at our office skipped the registration and shared a dorm with 2 other foreigners here. The Police made a check and she was fined 2500rmb, an official warning and had to spend a few hours at the station. Dont be an ass, ur a guest here, accept the rules that apply. I know a lot of foreigners skip it and the most hilarious case i heard of was a french guy who also worked for us who overstayed his Visa for 2 years!!! And then he wanted to go back to france and just bought a ticket and went to the airport and you can guess what the faces looked like when he presented hes 2 years expired visa. Miraculously they let him pass, now dont take this as an encouragement to overstay your visa because that is one unique incident and i am taking a wild guess that the officer in charge just visualized the paper work he had to file for that case and felt he was dying inside somewhere .... Trust me, 9 out of 10 will get into some real trouble following that example. The police has visited me once here and called me twice, and called my girlfriend 3 times. Just to check up on me, do i still live at the same adress, is everything ok (they actually exress more concern for their foreign guests then their natives sometimes), do i intend to keep staying at the same place?, do i know that my visa expires at NN.NN date? etc .... Since i got my work permit etc i have not heard from them again.