Can we restrict the use of the forum to certified members? So if your not a real person you cant just log in and start browsing. Eliminate the guest user and the hidden user.
Tighten the membership requirements a little. Like require a completed profile and proof of identity and location.
Right now the forum is an open door and anyone with an internet connection can go browsing. adolescence boys, old girl friends, ex-wives, attorneys, stalkers, potential employers, your grand mother and governments can access a lot of personal data and inflammatory remarks.
Some of the things I have said about u. s. c. i. s. Could have got my application moved to the bottom of the queue or made it disappear altogether. (and probably did. ) But I needed to say them. not just to vent but to inform the next guy of the potential problems that may occur in the immigration process. If I cant do that then whats the point of me posting at all? But sometime I just don't always feel safe here or comfortable with some of the things I have said.
The old members may remember my original post "recover from an affair" You may be wondering where it went. Well I removed it a while back because it contained too much personal, intimate, and financial data that was open to the public.
To my point, it is 11:00 am in China and 9:00Pm back home. I just checked the forum online status. That's 15 people right now browsing through some 70,000 forum posts on 1,500 topics. We know only 3 of them to be registered users and can be trusted. ( well maybe only two, but I am a special case) .
Guests: 12
Hidden: 0
Users: 3
Users Online:
Here is a suggestion. Partition the forum so that certain sections like newbies corner are open to the public but the remainder of the posts are restricted to registered and CERTIFIED users.
Just my 3 cents worth.