Author Topic: Operation Chongqing  (Read 62638 times)

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #345 on: July 12, 2009, 07:42:11 am »
Quote from: 'Sylvain D' pid='8178' dateline='1247393270'

BTW, translating french to chinese is not really easy.. because french language is more complex than english...
like "a car" : in english, you know it is A car... you say "a woman", "a man".... in france, we say "une voiture" for "a car", "une femme" for "a woman", and "un homme" for "a man"... so, we have some differences because of your grammar which is like "unisex" :D and ours, which is male & female.... (anyone has seen a teddybear around? :D)
well... and as in China, it is more like in U.S/English grammar, I think you can better understand why I prefer using google translator (when I can not use anything better), with english to chinese, and see if, translation from chinese to english will sound the same...
I did an example a few weeks ago....
with that sentence :
"I love you" : I translated to chinese, and when translated back, I got "I hate you".... Nice, don't you think so?? :D

Well, thinking again about my trip, I'm just thinking to myself that Chongqing is not really for tourism, but better for business ^^
maybe that later I'd be working over there... :D (or not...)
W.H, I'm more and more thinking about, maybe will i find any golden medal for the last Olympic Games, in a street, who knows..... :D:D:D

Sly, thanks for the reply.  I didn't understand why you went to English first but do now.  Even English to Chinese is difficult.  Believe me I understand the "I love you" translating to "I hate you."   Made that mistake with another woman.  This is why I convert back to English before I send email to her.  I send the Chinese text then the English text in the same email so that she can used her software if there is any misunderstanding.  The lack of understand all of this killed the relationship but we remain friends and talk about once a week.  And so far i think google is the best but I am keeping an eye out for something else.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #346 on: July 12, 2009, 08:36:53 am »
I guess there are some better ones... I will have a look at it....

BTW.... do agencies from CHNLOVE work on sunday?????? oO' one of my letters (recent ones) for Ting was in Pending and was in status "delivered" about 30 mins ago....... ???
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Offline Tiztom

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #347 on: July 12, 2009, 09:42:20 am »
Yes they work on Sundays, I spoke on Skype to a girl via the agency last week, the translator only had Saturday off that week.

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #348 on: July 12, 2009, 10:23:46 am »
Quote from: 'Tiztom' pid='8176' dateline='1247390954'


What was very interesting though, i have had discussions with Tom off line on email, and "....we...." did wonder if PMs were being monitored by you Mods. So we decided to try it out, and be as outrageous as we could, just to see if any comments from the set-up PMs were made public.... And now you have confirmed to me, that you are indeed monitoring them. So much for your members privacy. Perhaps you should change the title from Private Messages to Personal Messages, either way, ....Guess who won't be using the PMs anymore Chong!!!

I have no idea where this ^^^^^^came from & I am quite happy to PM all the PM's to any Mod to see this was never discussed, the thought never entered my head.


David and paranoid (Tiztom) friends, maybe you should take this paranoid tenancy further and not post at all here, we all seem to be able to read your cynical thoughts on-line for some strange reason.

It's not paranoid pin head................It's cautious & I'm really sorry you don't like me Irish Man, I was hoping to go to China and meet a real leprechaun one day....... rub your tiny little head and make a wish....oh well.

Lol, fair comment, I will admit David struck a nerve with me last night, I guess he was figuring out how hard he could push the line, you do have a slightly off the wall sense of humour, but there will be no leprechaun head rubbings I'm afraid!.
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #349 on: July 12, 2009, 11:09:05 am »
Quote from: 'Tiztom' pid='8176' dateline='1247390954'

What was very interesting though, i have had discussions with Tom off line on email, and "....we...." did wonder if PMs were being monitored by you Mods. So we decided to try it out, and be as outrageous as we could, just to see if any comments from the set-up PMs were made public.... And now you have confirmed to me, that you are indeed monitoring them. So much for your members privacy. Perhaps you should change the title from Private Messages to Personal Messages, either way, ....Guess who won't be using the PMs anymore Chong!!!

I have no idea where this ^^^^^^came from & I am quite happy to PM all the PM's to any Mod to see this was never discussed, the thought never entered my head.

David and paranoid (Tiztom) friends, maybe you should take this paranoid tenancy further and not post at all here, we all seem to be able to read your cynical thoughts on-line for some strange reason.
It's not paranoid pin head................It's cautious & I'm really sorry you don't like me Irish Man, I was hoping to go to China and meet a real leprechaun one day....... rub your tiny little head and make a wish....oh well.

Tizcom....You mention that the PM's are monitored,...only one thing to do, if your real and truly thinking about the members of this site, SHOW the evidence to the brotherhood

Offline raymond-

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #350 on: July 12, 2009, 11:12:29 am »
sly -
I'm a newcomer here and don't spend a lot of time on the computer, but
I thought I'd post a reply of support for a brother and hope that this
turmoil abates so that you can continue in your quest for a true love.
We all deserve one and I will cheer you on to success.  Hoping to read
of this soon.
47º34'N 122º18'W

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #351 on: July 12, 2009, 12:17:51 pm »
Hi Raymond, and welcome here, so ;)
(french name, uh?)
Well, hoping someting now in my relation with Ting... I'd just say "I'm bored enough".. so, whatever would happen, I'd do with it.. I think I investigated too much into that, to not regret anything I could have done to make things evolving...Maybe in a few hours I will have any reply from her... but as said in my letter to her, there are some questions she has to reply if she wants me to reply or to go on in the relation... even if "relation" is maybe not the correct word, now...
Well.. let's see.
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #352 on: July 13, 2009, 02:02:04 am »
Quote from: "Ting"
Hi dear Xixi,

It is a hard time I know and I also feel very sorry.Yes you are very correct.My mother has forced me to marry that man.But yes I do not think it is really a problem.If we really love each other and we can solve this problem.So I think the marriage without love can not last a long time.That's ok.

And I wish I can reply you first.It is much better.

If you wish me to say from the beginning of June,my families begin to introduce this man to me.Because I have no any ¡°feeling¡± wish this man.I just think him as a normal friend.SO I do not think it is very nessassary to refer him to you.SO I never told you about him.About this,I feel very sorry.Because in the past years my relatives also introduce some men to me but they never force me to stay with them.So I think this time also is ok.But I can not forsee this time they wish I marry this man.SO this is the reason I never refer him to you.It is like that you pass a girl in the street,but you can not foresee that she will become your future wife.

And about webcam I think I have expained it to you dear.I said I have no one.But I sister she has one.Last time you said you wish to meet with me on the webcam.So I said yes I have because I can go to my sister's place and use her webcam.SO I think it is ok to say like that.

My expecting is like this dear: if you still love me and think we can stay with each other together in the future.So you do some actions to show them to my parents and I can divorce from that man and stay with you in the future.I really do not wish to lose you.That's my fear.But in fact what's your idea???Are you still willing to stay with me in the future???

My father is ok but he always follows my mother.SO if my mother can not agree us he also will not permit us.So I think if my mother can agree that will be better.Thanks for your are always very good and kind.

About my QQ,in fatc I also do not how to say it. I feel very very sorry but some times when I was on QQbut I can not see you.So later I only get off the line.Because of the difference of the time, I hate it.I really on the line but I can not meet with you. I think maybe I can write to you in my QQmailbox And you write to me.It is much better.You can choose not write to me in CHnlove.It is ok.You can write to me in my QQmailbox. I can write to you and although there are some understanding problems between us ,but that's much better for us to solve the problem.Do you think it is ok???

Look forward yoru reply and take care my dear.

Strange that her father isn't the one to decide...
I replied to her, she has 5 days to divorce is she wishes something for her and me.
If there's no action, on Saturday I'll book for Shangaï and Beijing :)
And then, bybye Chongqing, bybye Miss Ting.
That's just... easy to understand.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2009, 02:02:34 am by Sylvain D »
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Offline Darius

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #353 on: July 13, 2009, 04:00:41 am »
Sylvain brother,

the more i read your posts the more i know i like you.  I am proud there is such a man like you in the loveless world we are living.

No one is to blame. You´ve got it. You did what you had to do she the same. And you are right, her pacing back and forth, tentative steps towards you seemed to be to the eyes of superficial and shallow persons extremely immoral. But she could have had perhaps no choice except to play her game of life according to the rules and conventions of the society in which she´s living.

I am with you. You´ve heard all about this issue and you`ve made as a grown man your own decision. Finally there will be no good or bad decision in life if you know all the consequences and ready to bear it.
And i am happy because you know it now, if it´s not going to go your way , to beginn something new and trust the magic of the beginning.

AND i am sure all the brotherhood wish you, no matter whats the feeling, a peaceful change of life in which you find a lovely woman always at your side.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #354 on: July 13, 2009, 04:16:21 am »
For sure, I did all I could to show her many things.
As replied to her, she has all cards in her hands. She got the letter to show her mother, I won't certainly not do anything else. I think I just did so many things, that man can't say I don't love her and that I didn't do any actions...

BTW, i could for sure wait for next week to begin to book my flight, but enough is enough... there's a time to love, time to think, and time to act... :)

I forgot to thank you for your comment, brother Darius, I really appreciate your comment.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2009, 04:17:02 am by Sylvain D »
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Vince G

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #355 on: July 13, 2009, 07:55:06 am »
Sylvain I think you gave her enough time. Each time you post you say, I will give her till I get home to reply and that's it?, I will give her two days to reply and that's it?, I will give her this weekend to reply and that's it? Well, THAT'S IT! I will say two points that "I" myself would walk away now. I know you have your own reason. First is she is married. I can not respect or want to be with a woman that thinks of marriage as something temporary, like renting a room at a hotel? I don't believe she was "forced" into it. The second part is because she is married, No matter how great the "Offer" I don't date or have anything more then just being friends with a married woman.

So I think it is time to tell her goodbye.

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #356 on: July 13, 2009, 08:15:33 am »
Vince, I may agree with you.
Anyway, now Ting sees there's no way else for her about me.
As you say, enough is enough... if her marriage is just temporary, I'd just say that it doesn't bother me, nor that it doesn't matter me... just because it is not mine.
I did what I had to do (I think), now she's face to the wall...
I did my choice.
I let her doing hers.
5 days. No one more.

NB / about the fact she is married...she says she was forced by her mother...
I don't forget, I'm westerner... Nobody will tell me "do that" or "do that", just because I would go against it... even if I'm wrong.
I know that, in her letter, she is honest anyway. I can not blame her for many things...
But I have no more effort to bring her.
Maybe is she scared about future and leaving china.. I just can't know that answer. But a thing is sure, she loves her parents and i don't know what would happen if she would go "against" them, just for a lovestory....
here, in western countries... that happens often... but what about there...I don't know.. that's just why I let her some "benefit of doubts", once again. but this is the last road before the end.
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Offline Tiztom

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #357 on: July 13, 2009, 11:14:53 am »
""If you wish me to say from the beginning of June,my families begin to introduce this man to me.Because I have no any ¡°feeling¡± wish this man.I just think him as a normal friend.SO I do not think it is very nessassary to refer him to you.SO I never told you about him.About this,I feel very sorry""

I may be wrong but.......I thought she met him 4 months ago and started going to dinner with him 2 months ago.......That is not early June!!!!!!!

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #358 on: July 13, 2009, 11:45:47 am »
Maybe did I not really understand when I was there. The translator also said me that Ting knew that man since 4 months but there was nothing between them...
It is something that doesn't bother me anymore in fact, I would say, as now I see the results...

Even if i have left all my cards, I just ask to see how will proceed Ting right now :)
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Operation Chongqing
« Reply #359 on: July 14, 2009, 01:49:34 pm »
any news but I really don't know what to think..
Can anyone tell me if that sentence mean really the translation, next to it?
"??????? " ==> What do you want?

I'm not sure at all.
What I know is that I have talked with Ting on QQ, she talked to me in chinese and I used Google Translator.
So yes, she's married, she'd like to divorce (but she can't?), i don't really know why, or better should I say, i don't understand.
she says that together, no way.. later she says she loves me, that her parents got the letter and saw the pictures, they seem to like me..
But I don't understand the end of the discuss, as she asked me the sentence above, and that I replied "you, just you, and your happiness"...
So.. just next she turned into "mute mode" and a few mins later, she was disconnected. no "goodbye", nothing...

"????Husband ?????"
"????????????????? "
"???????????? "

I can't understand all that.. if someone is good enough to help me, please?

So, I'm saying myself that I just don't understand.. why saying "I love you" and that her parents love me if there can't be any issue?
And via letters, she says me (via EMF's) that until saturday, she would have enough time to try to do something to divorce..
(yes I bought any credits because I also talk to other ladies)

« Last Edit: July 14, 2009, 02:02:50 pm by Sylvain D »
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